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Disaffected Muslim Parents Urged Faith 'Takeover' Of Birmingham Schools, Leaked Documents Show


Jul 5, 2012
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Documents purportedly from disaffected Muslim parents, being described as a small group of fundamentalist Salafists, are being investigated by a Midlands council after they apparently urged a Muslim "takeover" of failing schools.

The Sunday Times reported that Birmingham city council is deeply concerned about 'Operation Trojan Horse' strategy documents which allegedly outline plans oust to headteachers in Muslim areas of the city, and turn the schools into faith-based academies run on Islamic principles.

The documents, leaked to the Sunday Times, call for an end to “corrupting children with sex education, teaching about homosexuals, making their children say Christian prayers and mixed swimming and sports."

They say parents should:

  • Parachute in Muslim governors to "drip-feed" ideals for a Muslim school
  • Have an "English face" to campaigns to turn secular schools into faith-based academies
  • "Wear down" the resolve of a headteacher at a targeted school “so they eventually give up”
One school mentioned in the Sunday Times report was Regents Park Primary, where headmistress Tina Ireland was given an “outstanding” Ofsted report but resigned last year after questions were raised on exam performance.

If proven bone fide, the documents will be a further blow to the government's free school's programme, dogged by the closure of the Al-Madinah school in Derby after Ofsted found it failing in every respect, and reports children were being segregated by sex and non-Muslim members of staff being told to wear Islamic dress.

Park View Academy in Birmingham is also subject of allegations that school leadership "side-lined" non-Muslim staff and implemented Islamic studies lessons in the secular school. It will now be investigated by Department of Education, despite an "outstanding' Ofsted rating.

Birmingham city council said in a statement: “We are investigating allegations in relation to some schools in the Birmingham area and have passed any relevant information to West Midlands police to investigate.”

Police said they were monitoring information given to them by the council.

Disaffected Muslim Parents Urged Faith 'Takeover' Of Birmingham Schools, Leaked Documents Show
Salafists are a scum UK needs to eradicate. Almost all Muslim states are in a state of conflict against this terrorist scum.
Salafists are a scum UK needs to eradicate. Almost all Muslim states are in a state of conflict against this terrorist scum.

I think its not salafist . It's the British-Mirpuris at it again . This single Pakistani expatriate community brings more shame to Pakistani expats than all of the pakistanis combined .
I think its not salafist . It's the British-Mirpuris at it again . This single Pakistani expatriate community brings more shame to Pakistani expats than all of the pakistanis combined .

Nothing to do with ethnicity here. Salafists exist everywhere and belong to all communities.
I think its not salafist . It's the British-Mirpuris at it again . This single Pakistani expatriate community brings more shame to Pakistani expats than all of the pakistanis combined .

Just because they may have been sufis when in Pakistan does not mean they follow the same doctrines now lol, salafism has infiltrated that society.
Nothing to do with ethnicity here. Salafists exist everywhere and belong to all communities.

U.K. seems to have more share of these scums than rest of the western world . Any ideas why ??

Just because they may have been sufis when in Pakistan does not mean they follow the same doctrines now lol, salafism has infiltrated that society.

Which society ?
U.K. seems to have more share of these scums than rest of the western world . Any ideas why ??

Which society ?

British Muslim. Not just immigrants either I have noticed British has a local convert population as well that is relatively larger than other Western Nations and adhere to more strict interpretations like Salafism.
Documents purportedly from disaffected Muslim parents, being described as a small group of fundamentalist Salafists, are being investigated by a Midlands council after they apparently urged a Muslim "takeover" of failing schools.

The Sunday Times reported that Birmingham city council is deeply concerned about 'Operation Trojan Horse' strategy documents which allegedly outline plans oust to headteachers in Muslim areas of the city, and turn the schools into faith-based academies run on Islamic principles.

The documents, leaked to the Sunday Times, call for an end to “corrupting children with sex education, teaching about homosexuals, making their children say Christian prayers and mixed swimming and sports."

They say parents should:

  • Parachute in Muslim governors to "drip-feed" ideals for a Muslim school
  • Have an "English face" to campaigns to turn secular schools into faith-based academies
  • "Wear down" the resolve of a headteacher at a targeted school “so they eventually give up”
One school mentioned in the Sunday Times report was Regents Park Primary, where headmistress Tina Ireland was given an “outstanding” Ofsted report but resigned last year after questions were raised on exam performance.

If proven bone fide, the documents will be a further blow to the government's free school's programme, dogged by the closure of the Al-Madinah school in Derby after Ofsted found it failing in every respect, and reports children were being segregated by sex and non-Muslim members of staff being told to wear Islamic dress.

Park View Academy in Birmingham is also subject of allegations that school leadership "side-lined" non-Muslim staff and implemented Islamic studies lessons in the secular school. It will now be investigated by Department of Education, despite an "outstanding' Ofsted rating.

Birmingham city council said in a statement: “We are investigating allegations in relation to some schools in the Birmingham area and have passed any relevant information to West Midlands police to investigate.”

Police said they were monitoring information given to them by the council.

Disaffected Muslim Parents Urged Faith 'Takeover' Of Birmingham Schools, Leaked Documents Show

When you let people like Anjem run around without any checks or balances this is what you get. The British have some deep issues, fundamentalists and retaliatory racist parties. Joy all around. But then even Tea-Party gooks dream of turning educational institutions into centers of faith based learning, and they're actually likely to succeed.
When you let people like Anjem run around without any checks or balances this is what you get. The British have some deep issues, fundamentalists and retaliatory racist parties. Joy all around. But then even Tea-Party gooks dream of turning educational institutions into centers of faith based learning, and they're actually likely to succeed.

Heard Anjem don't work and lives off British dime, what a chutiya.
Heard Anjem don't work and lives off British dime, what a chutiya.

him and his whole family while running campaigns like sharia4UK and supporting the guy who beheaded british soldier in U.K . Infact he was one of the guys closely in touch with perpetrator .
Heard Anjem don't work and lives off British dime, what a chutiya.

He's a real nutcase, add to that the fact that he explicitly justified the London bombings and more. Freedom of speech has kept him safe, a more considerate legal framework has too, but he'll get his someday. Although the American method of dealing with radical preachers who happen to be American nationals has seen a case or two of extreme use of force, like killing one in a drone strike and then killing his 15 year old son who was a US national too.

But then seriously, how long before teaching evolution gets banned in a state or two stateside?
He's a real nutcase, add to that the fact that he explicitly justified the London bombings and more. Freedom of speech has kept him safe, a more considerate legal framework has too, but he'll get his someday. Although the American method of dealing with radical preachers who happen to be American nationals has seen a case or two of extreme use of force, like killing one in a drone strike and then killing his 15 year old son who was a US national too.

But then seriously, how long before teaching evolution gets banned in a state or two stateside?

LOL the only Muslims who are against evolution are Jahils, evolution is not against Islam. Here in the states most Muslims are either educated enough that it doesn't bother them while the rest are two busy trying to make ends meet to care.
LOL the only Muslims who are against evolution are Jahils, evolution is not against Islam. Here in the states most Muslims are either educated enough that it doesn't bother them while the rest are two busy trying to make ends meet to care.

Velle...I meant at the hands of the tea-party and bible thumping crowd. So far I am yet to see any respectable Islamic organisation call for scrapping evolution from the syllabus.
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