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Directorate of Inter Services Intelligence: Updates & Discussions

Mullah's are not the issue who ever is saying this sounds to me very weak in Iman and needs to make it strong today every one in Pakistan needs to fear Allah not only in Pakistan but in the whole world we all Muslims need to be strong in Iman as today because of the weakness in Iman we are all defeated by kuffar and they are not after Pakistan Afghanistan but Islam and Musalman my friends don't blame any body but start blaming your self as help of Allah will only come by rectifying our selves and same help that came for Sahabah R.A.
Authorities investigating Wednesday’s suicide attack in the provincial metropolis believe the actual target was the provincial headquarters of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), which gave strong resistance from inside the building but the blast was so powerful that it brought down part of it, killing a serving colonel, who was present in his office at the time of the attack.

Those investigating the assault say the attack was a hybrid operation, consisting of an armed attack by four gunmen and subsequent detonation of a car bomb. The terrorists accompanying the suicide bomber apparently wanted to penetrate the well-protected ISI

building. At least, four men with rifles first stepped out of the car and opened fire on security guards deployed outside the agency building. As the security personnel offered tough resistance by returning the fire, the attackers threw a hand grenade to pave the way for the car bomber to enter the ISI building.

As the firing intensified, the car bomber suddenly changed his direction and rammed his vehicle into the Rescue 15 office hardly a few yards away. Investigators say at least 100 kilograms of C4 explosives might have been used to carry out the deadly attack.

While the ISPR spokesman declined to speak on the martyrdom of a serving colonel in Wednesday’s attack, a senior interior ministry official confirmed on condition of anonymity that Lt-Col Mohammad Amir, a senior ISI official, was the victim of Wednesday’s attack.

An Army source in Lahore confirmed the death of Lt-Col Amir, adding his funeral prayers were offered at the Ayub stadium in Lahore on Wednesday night. He added another senior ISI official, Col Zulfiqar, also received injuries in the suicide attack and was in critical condition.

Those investigating Wednesday’s assault have firm view that it was a well-coordinated operation carried out jointly by the Punjabi Taliban belonging to the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) and the Pashtun Taliban associated with the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). The two proscribed sectarian and Jihadi organisations have already been found involved in several other terrorist attacks in various parts of Punjab, ranging from the September 20, 2008 Marriott suicide bombing in Islamabad to the March 30, 2009 Fidayeen-style attack on the Manawan police training academy in Lahore.

Investigators say there are clear indications that like many earlier incidents of suicide bombings in the Punjab, Wednesday’s assault might have also been planned jointly by Qari Hussain Mehsud, a close associate of the FBI’s most wanted TTP Amir Baitullah Mehsud, and Qari Mohammad Zafar, currently the chief operational commander of the LeJ.

Al-Qaeda-linked Qari Hussain, who is also known as “Ustad-e-Fidayeen” or the teacher of suicide bombers, is considered to be a specialist in indoctrinating teenagers to carry out suicide attacks in the name of Islam. He is believed to have become the main ideologue of the Taliban working under Baitullah Mehsud’s command. Qari Hussain is well-known in the TTP ranks for his strong anti-Shia views and his close ties with the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ). The agencies are trying to hunt him down since long given his status as the one who may have recruited and indoctrinated the largest number of people to carry out suicide attacks in the country.

Originally coming from Karachi, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi’s Qari Mohammad Zafar has become a trusted member of al-Qaeda’s hardline inner circle who enjoys the protection of Baitullah Mehsud and is believed to be hiding in the lawless South Waziristan. Authorities say Qari Zafar is not only the suspected mastermind of the September 20, 2008 Marriot Hotel suicide attack in Islamabad, but the most sought after al-Qaeda-linked terrorist who had been trying to target important strategic installations belonging to the ISI in the Punjab and Sindh.

Authorities pointed out on Jan 17, 2009, Qari Hussain had released an unusual video of statements from purported suicide bombers and footage of deadly attacks they claimed to have perpetrated in Pakistan.

The 40-minute tape had shown youths, some apparently in their teens, addressing the camera about their intention to carry out suicide attacks to background music of Urdu militant anthems. The said video was reportedly handed over to journalists in Peshawar by none other than Qari Hussain. All those featured in the video spoke Pashto. The two major suicide attacks claimed on the TTP video were the March 11, 2008 suicide attack on the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) building in Lahore and the Nov 24, 2007 twin suicide attacks in Faizabad area of Rawalpindi in front of the ISI headquarters when a suicide bomber rammed his explosive-laden car into a bus carrying 35 ISI officers, killing 15 of them on the spot.

Although, no militant group has yet claimed responsibility for the Wednesday’s suicide attack, Interior Minister Rehman Malik seems sure about the involvement of Baitullah Mehsud. “The Lahore attack seems to be the reprisal for fresh Army operation in South Waziristan. Agencies had received threats from Baitullah Mehsud and his cronies to stop the military operation or face suicide attacks. And this seems to be the result of that warning,î Malik told reporters in Islamabad.
ISI is PAKISTAN's first line of defence. Any enemy of PAKISTAN will first like to remove this. ISI is a very disciplined force. There are so many checks on there staff that its hard to misuse there powers. If this would notnhave been the case then we would have seen ISI guys extorting money just like POLICE here.
I wud jus lyk 2 ask 1 Question can the naval officers join the ISI?
ISI is invincible and i trust these guys who have protected our Nation through all the Bad-Times. Everybody knows that this org is sincere to Nation. The Politicians,Journalist and every common Pakistani . Who Ever tries to mallighn this Intel Agency is our enemy.
Intelligance is a place where many love-hate things happen. The Most notorious of all the intell agency is C-I-A which has done some wonders in countries like Chili,Houndarous,Saudi-Arabia,Russia,Pakistan and many more. They Rule the US with with ELITE Power. They are the Pioneers of the Concept of A STATE WITHIN A STATE.
ISI :- in India most of Indian think that ISI is an organization who has no face. An ISI agent can be go anywhere and can be do anything. In fact they feel fear from ISI. It is not enough that they feel fear we all are man and we have a common thing that is Fear=Hate if we feel fear we hate that thing so Indian hate ISI.
ISI don’t know about reassembling the agent in India. They are not pay heeding on this issue. They don’t know who is important for Country and who can give more information to us.
I wanna make attention to the selective issue for ISI agent in other countries.
Ans me why FBI and CIA and RAW is performing better than ISI I have an answer if wanna know please ask me
i dont know who are you and dont wanna know but i am giving you a chance to be proove your self as a hero i have some thing for you. but i m feeling unsafe when i m typeing this msg ok bye...
Ok enough is enough what a great way to start you session on Def.pk.
Look Mr don't waist space on this forum just because your brain stops for a min or two and then starts doesn't mean that use five threads with 1 liner. You could have said all that in one thread. We over here like to see members use common sense.
Thank you.
Another thing your intro is totally fake. You can see and read every thread on this forum so why say I need to know about PAK Army and Indian Army you live in India and you don't know about your army which is one of the largest Armies in the world, I wish you could have chosen a better intro.:wave:
I want to Join ISI. Some one know about the tests taken by ISI(About their Kind). And when and where vacancies are available. I have heard that peoples are taken from military, is it right.

They recruitment is based on dual methodology. First, as you said, they induct people from the military. Mostly and commonly the people in ISI are military personals. But they also take in Civilians for the most of ADs (Assistant Directors). These posts of ADs are being advertised through FPSC (Federal Public Service Commission) and they take Tests, Interviews and above all psychology test which is a hell to clear. It is BS-17 post and it is believed that a person who joins ISI as AD can move up to Director's post. But the DG is always a military personal.

And unfortunately they have just been filled six (6) months back.

Well that I knew some of it. A personal experience of someone I know you can say.

KIT Over n Out.
i want to join our ISI. How we can join our security agencies which have been worked from the long time for our country. I want to utilize my abilities for Pakistan.

nadeem Jadoon
I do not think such kind of information should be made public and posted all over the internet!
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