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Baap of Digital world and richest man in world. :woot:




That was more of a polio meet than anything else. Bill Gates is deeply involved in the global fight against polio and Pakistan is one of the few countries where it still exists. He also met with Dr. Abdullah from Afghanistan on the same day and discussed polio.

That was more of a polio meet than anything else. Bill Gates is deeply involved in the global fight against polio and Pakistan is one of the few countries where it still exists. He also met with Dr. Abdullah from Afghanistan on the same day and discussed polio.


That and besides, Bill Gates isnt a part of Microsoft anymore. The CEO of Microsoft is actually in the group of people meeting Modi.



That and besides, Bill Gates isnt a part of Microsoft anymore. The CEO of Microsoft is actually in the group of people meeting Modi.

True but Bill Gates still holds MS stocks worth billions of dollars and he is still a part of the board of directors. So he is not irrelevant as far as Microsoft's operations are concerned.
SAN FRANCISCO: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi began a two-day trip to Silicon Valley on Saturday with a visit to "green" car maker Tesla Motors Inc and a meeting with Apple Inc's CEO, Tim Cook.

Modi, 65, is the first Indian leader to visit the United States (US) West Coast in more than 30 years. His trip follows a US visit by China's president, Xi Jinping, who met with several tech leaders in Seattle earlier this week.

Modi hopes to attract funds and skills from US innovators to help India's burgeoning startup scene grow, and he will seek to encourage some Indians who have thrived around San Jose, California, to bring their knowledge back home.

At Tesla, Modi met with Chief Executive Elon Musk and discussed renewable energy, which Modi is eager to bring back to India.

"Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Prime Minister Modi discussed Tesla's developments in battery technology, energy storage, and renewable energy and the positive implications of this innovation for India," Tesla spokesman Ricardo Reyes said.

Much of Modi's agenda will also focus on connecting with Silicon Valley's Indian diaspora.

Shortly after his afternoon arrival, he also met with the Indian community at his hotel and later met with members of the Sikh community.

Modi was also set to meet with Indian-born CEOs Satya Nadella and Sundar Pichai of Microsoft Corp and Google Inc, respectively, before a dinner with 350 business leaders on Saturday evening.

Nadella and Pichai are expected to lead a panel at the dinner, along with Adobe Systems Inc CEO Shantanu Narayen, to discuss the economy and Modi's "Digital India" initiative, which aims to connect thousands more Indian villages to the Internet and create more tech jobs. Modi is also scheduled to deliver a speech.

While Modi is likely to be received like a rock star in an area that is home to many of the world's biggest high-tech firms, some groups have protested his arrival and urged tech companies to boycott the visit.

The groups include Sikhs for Justice, which has called on its members to picket Facebook Inc headquarters during a Facebook town hall, and the Alliance for Justice and Accountability.

Modi has been criticized for failing to do enough to stop religious riots that killed about 1,000 people in the Indian state of Gujarat in 2002, when he was chief minister of the state. Most of those killed were Muslims. Modi has vehemently denied any wrongdoing. :D

India's Modi meets with US tech titans in Silicon Valley - Business - DAWN.COM

@Ind4Ever where is the other thread of Modi in US ? AnywayI predicted this there : Rahul working on anti-PM protests in US
That and besides, Bill Gates isnt a part of Microsoft anymore. The CEO of Microsoft is actually in the group of people meeting Modi.



One of the reason Microsoft every new product is becoming flop instantly.

Google also recently appointed Indian CEO. I think its downfall is also near.That's why Google created Alphabet and gave the soon to be failed product to Indian.
One of the reason Microsoft every new product is becoming flop instantly.

Google also recently appointed Indian CEO. I think its downfall is also near.That's why Google created Alphabet and gave the soon to be failed product to Indian.
They should hire Hafiz Saeed..right....your post is coated with jealousy
One of the reason Microsoft every new product is becoming flop instantly.

Google also recently appointed Indian CEO. I think its downfall is also near.That's why Google created Alphabet and gave the soon to be failed product to Indian.

That's just your lame bias speaking. The now CEO of Google was a key player in the rise of both Chrome and Android.
One of the reason Microsoft every new product is becoming flop instantly.

Google also recently appointed Indian CEO. I think its downfall is also near.That's why Google created Alphabet and gave the soon to be failed product to Indian.

Lol yeah so whose the next google ,, Baidu ? :lol: Get a life dud
Baap of Digital world and richest man in world. :woot:



PLZ don't compare this meeting with purely a business meet of Modi.Nawaz (with his wife in makeup) is thanking Gate foundation for their Aid and help against polio, he has no intention of invest in a war torn country with literacy level is 58%.

So don't expect these fortune 500 companies to invest in pak apart from eradicating polio.
Whatever happened to India shining, Incredible India, Make in India.......and now Digital India. !!!
Creating terminologies can be a great vote winner.
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