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Did IAF Chief just reduce Tejas Mk-II orders by Half?


Sep 20, 2014
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Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal B.S.Dhanoa, while addressing the annual press conference ahead of the October 8 Air Force Day spoke in great length of Indian air force’s future induction and the up gradation of the existing aircrafts, while Speaking on the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas, Dhanoa informed that IAF has a plan for induction of 231 LCA which will include four squadrons (83) LCA Mk-1A and six squadrons (108) of Mk-II. LCA is being manufactured by HAL. IAF is expecting delivery of the Mk-1A to begin around 2021/22. The development of the LCA Mk-II is under progress.

Former DRDO Chief S. Christopher In a submission made to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Defence for additional funds to develop the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Mk2 had requested additional 800 crore for work on the LCA Mk2, also, said that the Indian Air Force (IAF) had committed itself to 201 LCA Mk2, in addition to the 123 LCA Mk1/1A or order or being contemplated at the moment. The naval LCA was also intended to be based on the LCA Mk2.

Christopher also had said that “In addition to that (123 LCA Mk1/1A order), the air force has given in writing another 201 aircraft, which is the next version, that we call as Mark-II. We are working on it and by 2022 it will be flying.”

Both of this statements were made earlier this year in the month of February and March and it was clear that IAF is interested in procurement of 201 LCA Mk2 which now has been classified as a Multi-role Medium class combat aircraft. IAF Chief now putting up a figure of just 108 Mk-II is just over 50% of the order which, IAF committed to in writing to the DRDO.

The IAF’s current order numbers for the LCA:
? LCA Mk1 (IOC standard): 20
? LCA Mk1 (FOC standard): 20
? LCA Mk1A: 83

Mk1A includes four specific capability improvements prescribed by the IAF.

? Digital RWR and External SPJ Pod
? Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radar
? Combined Interrogator and Transponder (CIT)
? ASRAM – Close Combat Missile
? Beyond Visual Range (BVR) Missile

The Indian Air Force (IAF) which lacks the required number of fighter jets in its squadrons, had shown intent to procure and induct 324 indigenously built Tejas fighter jets but as per the latest statement by IAF Chief, it could be just 231 jets of local origin.

Well they only did it cause this futuristic beast of an Aircraft is equal to two F35's.
This is the best Aircraft in the world.

This Aircraft will only be available to fly in Simulated mode.
No actual flying can take place as the ozone layer will be damaged by the amount of thrust this beast produces.
MK2 is just a dry run before building AMCA. There is no point investing too much. It could even turn out to be tech demonstrator depending on the amount of delay expected in the timelines.

Well they only did it cause this futuristic beast of an Aircraft is equal to two F35's.
This is the best Aircraft in the world.

This Aircraft will only be available to fly in Simulated mode.
No actual flying can take place as the ozone layer will be damaged by the amount of thrust this beast produces.

I hope it only flies in simulated mode. That would be great step.

For god's sake never post anything from IDRW especially their My Take Articles. These articles are full of speculations and are sometimes factually inaccurate. Livefist, ToI, HT are much more reliable sources than this self proclaimed no1 defence site of India.

IDRW, NDTV(Vishnu Som) and Broadsword (Ajai Shukla) are the best out there.
I think indians work like this. They quote each mk (block version) as a seperate order. So i think its just a quote of mk2 on top of different order of mk-1
MK2 is just a dry run before building AMCA. There is no point investing too much. It could even turn out to be tech demonstrator depending on the amount of delay expected in the timelines.

Marut was a dry run for Tejas. Tejas was a dry run for AMCA. What guarantee is there to say that the AMCA will not be a dry run for a yet more advanced dream? In the meanwhile, the IAF will still be flying the MIG-21 in 2050.
Marut was a dry run for Tejas. Tejas was a dry run for AMCA. What guarantee is there to say that the AMCA will not be a dry run for a yet more advanced dream? In the meanwhile, the IAF will still be flying the MIG-21 in 2050.

Marut was the only dry run.
Both Tejas and AMCA will be full blown active service aircrafts.
231 Tejas is still a lot of fighters, I don't know how that's a dry run.
Besides, you can't really trust what low numbers the IAF initially decides to purchase. Both the MiG-29 and Su-30MKI weren't going to get inducted in the numbers they are inducted in today.
Marut was a dry run for Tejas. Tejas was a dry run for AMCA. What guarantee is there to say that the AMCA will not be a dry run for a yet more advanced dream? In the meanwhile, the IAF will still be flying the MIG-21 in 2050.
There was 2 generation gap between Marut and Tejas. Whatever manpower and technology we had developed during HF24 program was unfortunately lost. When LCA program was started in 1983 we had almost nothing not even a proper wind tunnels to generate data for designing the aircraft.
Today we have a network R&D facilities spread all across India and this happened all because of LCA program.

Old videos by ADA on LCA Tejas technology development

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