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Diaoyu Islands, The Truth [Documentary]


Apr 30, 2012
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United States

Here is the recent news related to the film:

LOS ANGELES, March 12 -- Hollywood writer and director Chris D. Nebe screened a newdocumentary about the Diaoyu Islands at the REAL D Theater on Tuesday, saying hehopes to show Americans the truth about the territory.

"Diaoyu Islands, The Truth" is produced by Monarex Hollywood Corporation and is one oftwelve documentaries in Nebe's "Mysterious China" series introducing Chinese history,culture and rapid development to the world.

The debut attracted nearly 100 viewers, who learned from the 40-minute film that theDiaoyu Islands have been Chinese territory since ancient times, and that Imperial Japanannexed the Diaoyu Islands from China in 1895 after the First Sino-Japanese War.

The short feature holds the view that "the real Diaoyu Islands conflict goes from the so-called administrative rights of the United States. After the Second World War, instead ofreturning the islands to China, the United States claimed 'administrative rights.' In 1971,America gave the islands back to Japan, ignoring China's long-standing claim."

In the last part of the film, Nebe asserts that "America can quell the tension byencouraging his Japanese ally to return the Diaoyu Islands to China and apologize toChinese people for the war crimes of Imperial Japan."

"My view point is that... the truth about Diaoyu Islands issues are completely wrong toldby Western media. I hope the movie will change it. We are pushing to help Americansknow the truth of Diaoyu Islands," Nebe said.

Japan should do the right thing and give the islands back to China, while Japanese PrimeMinister Shinzo Abe should go to Nanjing to apologize to China for the war crimes ofImperial Japan. These islands should not be a case for disrupting peace and harmonybetween China and Japan, he added.

Klaus Schmitt came to see the film with his wife. "Very little of my friends know DiaoyuIslands, only if you who are politically active or interested in history, but most people don'tknow it," he said.

He believed that the film gave him a neutral overall view on the issue.

Audience member Lynn Crandall, who works at the University of Southern California, saidthe documentary encouraged peace. "The film is a strong statement for us to try to findpeace, we must find a way to share the world in brotherhood. I believe we should beneutral. I think we are too much on the side of Japan, I think we should work for peace, notfor divide."

Anthony D. Ross, a lawyer who said he did not previously know about the conflict betweenChina and Japan over the Diaoyu Islands, told Xinhua, "It tells a lot that I did not know."

"Diaoyu Islands, The Truth" will be broadcast on American public television and is alsoavailable on the Internet, according to Monarex.

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If ancient historical records are the basis of a country's territory, the same analogy should be applied to Tibet too.

After the Xinhai Revolution (1911–12) toppled the Qing Dynasty and the last Qing troops were escorted out of Tibet, the new Republic of China apologized for the actions of the Qing and offered to restore the Dalai Lama's title. The Dalai Lama refused any Chinese title, and declared himself ruler of an independent Tibet. In 1913 Tibet and Mongolia concluded treaty on mutual recognition.

For the next 36 years, the 13th Dalai Lama and the regents who succeeded him, governed Tibet - until the Chinese Republic forcibly incorporated Tibet in 1950 and started changing its demography by resettling the Chinese in Tibet.
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