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Dhanush Ballistic Missile, Capable Of Carrying Nuclear Warheads, Tested Successfully

f offf.plenty of Usreli and Ruski help for them... Not really Indigenous..
Hi Shaheen! Why waste time trolling? Instead spend that time wisely on actual, real and credible stuff. Btw, have any idea about the indigenous research capability of India? It is certainly not where you seem to imagine. We can surely have very elaborate discussion with seminar videos and research papers, but I am afraid that will only embarrass you. And no, media reports written by random journalists do not count as credible report. Thanks in advance!
Its one of its kind. A Ballistic Missile from a Ship for Karachi 2.0


Dhanush has a tested range of around 350 kilometre where it can carry a payload of 1,000 kilograms. It can also carry a 500-kilogram warhead for 600 kilometres and a 250-kilogram warhead for 750 kilometres

This is a strange arrangement of missile on boat.... if discovered this liquid fueled missile needs only few bullets to take down ship with it... that's if it does not take down the ship in heavy seas while being transported like a injured thumb of a chronic alcoholic...

But I guess ship is small enough to avoid detection and remain a threat...

What's the need of this when you have submarine with k 4 and k15??
BM on a ship is a waste. Look at it. Its exposed to salty water.
A lot of people seem to have this doubt on why Dhanush when IN has K15/K4? Well the answer to that question is very simple and that is, Dhanush was designed way back in 90s when India did not have either K15 or K4. Dhanush was intended to be fired off a small corvette type boat and disappear. To that effect it was very effective as it has lower radar visibility vis-a-vis a bigger boat. One must realize that Dhanush will eventually be retired as India's submarine based deterrent becomes mature. It was the first step towards making the sea leg of the triad and it has served it's purpose. As and when Arihant class boats are inducted into the service, Dhanush will fade away.
A lot of people seem to have this doubt on why Dhanush when IN has K15/K4? Well the answer to that question is very simple and that is, Dhanush was designed way back in 90s when India did not have either K15 or K4. Dhanush was intended to be fired off a small corvette type boat and disappear. To that effect it was very effective as it has lower radar visibility vis-a-vis a bigger boat. One must realize that Dhanush will eventually be retired as India's submarine based deterrent becomes mature. It was the first step towards making the sea leg of the triad and it has served it's purpose. As and when Arihant class boats are inducted into the service, Dhanush will fade away.
And who said India already HAS K-4 and K-15?
K-4 has failed tests and still ubusable.. K-15 is also dubious and nobody knows if deployed or not.
K-4 has failed tests and still ubusable.. K-15 is also dubious and nobody knows if deployed or not.

Hi @Shaheen!
K15 is already deployed on Arihant, there is no ambiguity over that, besides those who are familiar with the test launches know that K15 was test fired at least 14 times before the 2013-2014 launch when media was allowed to film it.
As for the K4, it did see a couple of hiccups but it too have been fired off the Arihant. Also there is only "ONE" test that was a failure. A few failures are expected when you're designing a system yourself. Believe me Shaheen, you've no clue on the challenges associated with designing SLBM of higher ranges. Everything changes right from the type of solid propellant to even your RCS tanks! For SLBM that is kept hermatically sealed in submarine silos for years, it is very important to select the kind of material for RCS tanks that wont corrode because of the liquid fuel for RCS package.
Claiming that it is "unusable" is very far fetched and doesnt mirror the reality. K4 is a technological achievement in every sense, right from:
(i) Miniaturization of GNC package.
(ii) Full composites
(iii) High density and high thrust propellants (better than Agni series).
You must realize that the entire missile has a weight of just 17t and height of 12m with dia of 1.3m however it can throw close to 2t payload- compare it with Pakistani strategic missiles like the Shaheen-3 and you'd get a picture of where both are vis-a-vis each other.

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