Not every person is happy with DG's statements today :
People going ape shit on this statement. DG ISPR is being real. In war, everything is considered fair. Go pick up the details of Western war crimes in Middle East and Afghanistan, the list that will emerge will never end, never end... And the atrocities will be unbelievable. The only details ever to see court were ones that were leaked by journalists. Why do you think US of A pressurized ICJ not to pursue American War Crimes in Afghanistan, the American establishment knows the global scandal going on in Afghanistan.
But at the same time, ISPR also drew a distinction. A part of the missing persons are the people who have had connections or contacts with terrorist or foreign intelligence agencies at some point. If proven guilty, then you know. If not proven guilty, then they are dropped off a few days after.
This is to protect people. A person I know of, knows another person who was picked up by the Rangers, he was dropped back off the next day. His parents were informed in this case since he was dependent on them. The reason was that he was contacted by an ISIS recruiter phishing as someone else on social media, the security agency had full details of the recruiter including actual name and photo.
So, nothing new. People should not be surprised. But it is proper to draw distinction that security agencies of Pakistan do not engage in "War Crimes," the people go missing on basis of evidence of terrorist links.
The closest you will get to a "War Crime" is maybe the open execution of BRAS terrorists with bullets by Army. But if you were to see what these terrorists had done and planned, you wouldn't even feel the least bit remorse for the way they were put out.
In simpler words and as ISPR said, it isn't personal. But it's for national security reasons.