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Devyani Khobragade case: Preet Bharara given time till Jan 31 to respond to Indian diplomat's plea

Which just shows your bias and that you can't look at this case without your preference for the US. That's sad, but doesn't make here guilty, nor justifies the wrong doing of the US authorities. If she has done something wrong and there are proves for it, she should be charged for it, but until that is proven, you can't claim things about her, only because of her origin or because you feel that you are something better than her. So lets wait if the authorities can come up with something real, but the fact that they had no chance to get a grip on her and just shows the weakness of this case and the strenght of GoI.

:rolleyes: says more than enough to prove my point!

It does not prove anything. I have clearly mentioned it is my personal view and it does not mean my preference for US. It is about the hard earned reputation of Indian Americans vs the reputation of a crook which can represent a country i.e India. There was an opportunity for her to face the trial. Instead she took the immunity route, a hard bargained one as well almost disrupting the relationships of two countries which was due to efforts of many and not just these IFS officials.

On the contrary, isn't your bias on the show(or some false sense of patriotism) here when you talk about the weakness of the case and strength of GOI? One look at the case details and one would understand there is a clear prima facie evidence. Else there would have been no need for the entire diplomatic machinery to save her a**. A battery of lawyers would be sufficient.

As for me feeling I am something better than her, I am ofcourse. I abide by the law here compared to her and that I am proud of. Don't you think so? or you feel she is better off than me(and you) as she is some neta or babu or something :cheesy:
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Food for thought for some people.
- rule of law is a concept that everybody is equal in front of the law and would not receive special treatment for any reason
- the maid, Mrs. Sangita ran away with GOI issued diplomatic passport
- Law says its crime. Stealing property.
- Harbouring a fugitive. Second crime.
- so USA judiciary choose to ignore one offender to screw third offender with the help of first offender and second offender ???

Please don't quote me. I wont reply. Thats all I wanted to say.
It is about the hard earned reputation of Indian Americans vs the reputation of a crook which can represent a country i.e India.

And what happend to your "hard worked" reputation because of this case of VISA FRAUD??? Don't make act as if she has done something highly shamefull, or by making the case personal on her behalf.
You are trying to blame her for something that isn't even proven yet and that only because you see it only from the US side and not from the point of view of what is right and what is wrong, because you don't ask yourself why the US authorities handled this case (if it is a case at all), more propperly?

Else there would have been no need for the entire diplomatic machinery to save her a**. A battery of lawyers would be sufficient.

Sure, the fact that she is a working officially for Indian government, that the US broke international laws with her arrest had nothing to do with it. Lets just ignore all these things and paint the world like the US wants it to be. :disagree:

IAs for me feeling I am something better than her, I am ofcourse. I abide by the law here compared to her and that I am proud of. Don't you think so? or you feel she is better off than me(and you) as she is some neta or babu or something :cheesy:

I don't judge people because of their origin, their work, their status and for sure not based on allegations, I wouldn't even think you are a bad person, just that you are biased, but that's based on your own statements and not just a personal bias of me.
As I said, if she has done something wrong, she has to be taken accountable, till then nobody has the right to judge her!
And what happend to your "hard worked" reputation because of this case of VISA FRAUD??? Don't make act as if she has done something highly shamefull, or by making the case personal on her behalf.
You are trying to blame her for something that isn't even proven yet and that only because you see it only from the US side and not from the point of view of what is right and what is wrong, because you don't ask yourself why the US authorities handled this case (if it is a case at all), more propperly?

Sure, the fact that she is a working officially for Indian government, that the US broke international laws with her arrest had nothing to do with it. Lets just ignore all these things and paint the world like the US wants it to be. :disagree:

I don't judge people because of their origin, their work, their status and for sure not based on allegations, I wouldn't even think you are a bad person, just that you are biased, but that's based on your own statements and not just a personal bias of me.
As I said, if she has done something wrong, she has to be taken accountable, till then nobody has the right to judge her!

Dude - you claim to be unbiased yourself but you come to your own convenient conclusions - that US has not handled the case properly, the case is weak etc etc. And you can't even pin point what international laws are broken by US - not this time not the last time we had a conversation.

And you are the one who is calling it just as a visa fraud. I am calling it as a case of human trafficking as well. Visa fraud is something which involves just one person and a matter of paperwork screw up in my books(though a felony here which warrants 10 years) but human trafficking is a worse kind of crime - filing a case for non-cooperation against the husband in a Delhi policestation (who in India does that again even against a terrorist's family?). If I ask you for a precedence but you won't find any or is there one? And again I know what would be your convenient argument - innocent until guilty :cheesy: - what else you can argue here as you are blinded by that false sense of patriotism that you fail to see the manipulations of this crook and her father.

Again going back my statement above, you come up with more clarity on your part, then we can discuss further. Else your bias is on display and there is nothing more for me to add here.
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