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Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

You can see from these European posters that they want to support dictators over democratically elected governments in Muslim countries, when it suits them. And they don't have a conscience and don't care about reason and logic and humanity.

In these circumstances, it is wonderful to see Turkey cares about humanity, about justice, about freedom of Muslims in Libya, in Syria and in Egypt. And Turkey is strong enough to brush aside the hatred spewed from Europe.
You can see from these European posters that they want to support dictators over democratically elected governments in Muslim countries, when it suits them. And they don't have a conscience and don't care about reason and logic and humanity.

In these circumstances, it is wonderful to see Turkey cares about humanity, about justice, about freedom of Muslims in Libya, in Syria and in Egypt. And Turkey is strong enough to brush aside the hatred spewed from Europe.
It is necessary to read the story from the beginning. France had tried to create a clear NATO position against Turkey on the issue of northern Syria for a long time. As a result of their efforts, a great vacuum was formed and Russian domination was reinforced in Syria.

Now they continues to do the same stupidity in Libya. The structure in which they have developed cooperation in Syria is a re-packaging of internationally recognized terrorist organization cadres. And their partners in Libya is a general who attempted a coup in charge of civilian massacres.
Egypt has no right to intervene in Libya legally. The LNA and Haftar are not recognized as the legitimate government of Libya, and therefore are not a true representation of the Libyan people. The GNA is. If Egypt invades it will be illegal. There are larger pieces at play here, there are many hybrid wars in Africa, and controlling Libya gives you leverage with CHAD and other areas of the Sahel. It is a critical access point and France needs to invest itself to safeguard it's interests in the region, Russia too wants to re-immerse itself in Africa and Libya is the ticket.
People are attaching too much importance to Sisi’s words. In my opinion Egypt is not interested in heavy military involvement in Libya. He made the remarks for two reasons:

  1. Ethiopia declared that they will be filling the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam this month without any regard to Egypt’s opinion. This is a jaw breaking slap in the face to Egypt, and since Sisi can’t do anything about it, he had to distract the Egyptian public from it.
  2. The UAE and SA have a lot of influence on Egypt. While their influence is not enough to Take Egypt to war, they did manage to pressure Sisi enough to make a threat, even if he is not willing to stand behind the threat.

4 days before Sisi’s remarks about military intervention into Libya, Egypt was asking for a loan of $1bn from The UAE. This serves as some context that led to him making those threats.
Significant for two reasons.

1. Previously, Qatari C-17s operated strictly from Istanbul. Could indicate greater US invovlement in favour of GNA.
2. Today witnessed a continuation of the massive airlift campaign (5 military cargo aircrafts) to Libya. These operations had been on halt for the past few weeks. This could indicate a resumption of hostilities soon.


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