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Developing Ties Between Pak, Russia, China, Iran & the CARS

stop being your usual obstructive and dishonest self in trying to derail this topic. Go and read earlier posts and maybe you can add the dots together...................

Firstly, dot are joined together, not added together. :D

Secondly, all of the bloc that you are pinning your dreams on have their own internal issues, specially Russia. The recent unrest over Putin's political shenanigans does not bode well for its own political stability that will keep it increasingly internally occupied rather than trying to play kingmaker. China is rightly concentrating on economic growth over political influence. The rest do not add up to a hill of beans, relatively speaking.

Pakistan's hopes, that seems to exist in only some deluded minds, for a savior to emerge from this non-existent grouping will be dashed. It needs to realize how to stand on its own.
We know China is best but at their own,
Up till when we will search for supporting shoulders.We should stand at our own feet i-e concentrate towards economy,diffuse political tensions,end militancy and get out of WOT completely.
Firstly, dot are joined together, not added together. :D


Clearly you do not understand whats going on here. If I may suggest you should read all the articles have a glass of wine/ coffee or whatever drink you think appropriete. keep doing this and mybe one day you will understand. I used to do this with study some authers or books didnt make sense but then when i read the same matter by a diffferent auther or book it improved my understanding hope that assists you

---------- Post added at 03:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:23 PM ----------

This is your opinion and is dissmissed and refuted here and now.
their own internal issues, specially Russia. The recent unrest over Putin's political shenanigans does not bode well for its own political stability that will keep it increasingly internally occupied rather than trying to play kingmaker. .

as ussual you are going off topic. you are just stating western propaganda. I would say that those in the west that are propagating their views on russian democracy would be better served to look at what they call democracy in particular in america. It is well known that jews are a small minority in america through aipac have a disproportionate affect on american politics is well documented. In fact I have a pm from amn american member on the forum stating as much. Lots of money is required to satnd in elections and all political leaders rely on money from aipac. Simply it can be argued that american foreign policy is being dicatated to from tel aviv. this was also evidenced when recently sarkosy was overhered saying to obama that he didnt like netanyahoo cos he was a liar and obama turned around and said what about me I have to speak to him every day. I am also reminded by the press conferance in russia some years ago where bush bereated russians about democracy and Putin turned around and said we have seen the democracy that you introduced in iraq we dont need it. I believe that what you state is just western propagand rehashed about putin cos thy are aware that putin is a strong leader who looks after russian interests and can see through their hypocracy. they would prefer the days of weak and drunk yeltzin days.

Back to topic Russia as can be seen by earlier articles wwill follow what is in its owwn supreme interests and continue with their china and central pipelines, putin through gazprom has outmanouverd the american corporations vis a vie tapi.
Back to topic Russia as can be seen by earlier articles wwill follow what is in its owwn supreme interests and continue with their china and central pipelines, putin through gazprom has outmanouverd the american corporations vis a vie tapi.

Russia has degenerated into a kleptocracy after the breakup of the USSR. To expect meaningful leadership from it before it sorts its own house is useless.
. China is rightly concentrating on economic growth over political influence.

if you read the earlier articles you would know that china has paid up front for oil etc for 10 to 20 years to russia so it could finance pipelines between them, you would also see that china has invested over 100 billion to date in iran, they have also recently agreed to finance the pakistani leg of the iran pakistan pipeline, they also asked and recieved sovrn guarantees from pakistan and invested in both gwador, theey are also financing infras structure on the pak chinese border to facilitate transport links the chinese are not known for throwing money away. For their growth and prosperity these suppliy lines are essential

---------- Post added at 03:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:42 PM ----------

. The rest do not add up to a hill of beans, relatively speaking.


it shows your stupidity and arrogance to dismiss iran pakistan and the cars in this manner
Pakistan's hopes, that seems to exist in only some deluded minds, for a savior to emerge from this non-existent grouping will be dashed. It needs to realize how to stand on its own.

This is your interpretation and in my opinion is flawed. I refer you to the earlier analogy that i gave to you about the drug dealer and junkie. it seems that there is no limit to your dishonesty insincerity and duplicity towards pakistan. Your preffered option from other posts that you have put up you dont want paksitan to stand on its own feet, you want it to be the protectrate of an american proxy in our neighbourhood. Please can i ask you now to try sticking to the specifics of this thread I am really not interested in your gut feeling or warped visions of pakistan
Russia has degenerated into a kleptocracy after the breakup of the USSR. To expect meaningful leadership from it before it sorts its own house is useless.

what you say is not accepted just cos you say it without reason does not make it valid in any event russia in this scenario is not expected to provide paksitan leadership but just do what is in its interests.

---------- Post added at 03:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:52 PM ----------

Its good, i want them to hate us! Keep it up bharatis!!:tup:

there are some merits in what you state because they will never fullfil their potential or be a threat to paksitan in this frame of mind. Its amazing that thy are so willing in this situation to be prepared to be american proxy.
This is your interpretation and in my opinion is flawed. I refer you to the earlier analogy that i gave to you about the drug dealer and junkie. it seems that there is no limit to your dishonesty insincerity and duplicity towards pakistan. Your preffered option from other posts that you have put up you dont want paksitan to stand on its own feet, you want it to be the protectrate of an american proxy in our neighbourhood. Please can i ask you now to try sticking to the specifics of this thread I am really not interested in your gut feeling or warped visions of pakistan

Pakistan would be wrong to dream of a CAR/Iran/Russia/China bloc to help it in any meaningful way. Like I said before, it needs to stand on its own, without crutches, as soon as it can. Dreaming present realities away will not work; what is needed is hard work and the correct vision.
................... is fully justified in light of economic, political, socioeconomic and military evidence. Truth hurts!

you treat facts as an optional extra and are a liar as I have proved on a number of occasions on othr threads. I think methinks the lady doth complaineth too much. The reason that you have that truth hurts as an avatar is cos in reality you are a liar. i dont really need nor want to say more here cos forum members can decide for themselves that your statement is absolute codswallop in you have dissmissed a population of over 250 million with some of the largest known resources of oil and gas in the world as The rest do not add up to a hill of beans, relatively speaking.
................ a population of over 250 million with some of the largest known resources of oil and gas in the world .................

................. need to develop socioeconomically, sell their energy resources in the international markets, and to participate in the global economy such that their influence increases. Until then, they will amount to no more than the proverbial hill of beans even if they multiply their numbers four fold.

Having lots of people sitting on top of oil and gas by itself does not mean much.
Pakistan would be wrong to dream of a CAR/Iran/Russia/China bloc to help it in any meaningful way. Like I said before, it needs to stand on its own, without crutches, as soon as it can. Dreaming present realities away will not work; what is needed is hard work and the correct vision.

cant understand why you are so insincere when on other posts on the forum you have promoted the idea of pakistan recieving handouts and aid from america-you have suggested that it would be better for pakistan to bow and fall in line with american diktat cos we get aid and I amongst other have allways advocated that pakistan stands on its own feet. yet here you are arguing the contrary. For your information go read the earlier articles you imbecile and stop wasting my time its not a dream its well under way.
Firstly, dot are joined together, not added together. :D

Secondly, all of the bloc that you are pinning your dreams on have their own internal issues, specially Russia. The recent unrest over Putin's political shenanigans does not bode well for its own political stability that will keep it increasingly internally occupied rather than trying to play kingmaker. China is rightly concentrating on economic growth over political influence. The rest do not add up to a hill of beans, relatively speaking.

Pakistan's hopes, that seems to exist in only some deluded minds, for a savior to emerge from this non-existent grouping will be dashed. It needs to realize how to stand on its own.

The sooner people realize that such a group is a non starter, better is for them. China is too engrossed in its development and realized that security issues are very much in twinned with economic growth. It will be the first not to join such a group. G-2 is a example. Sometimes grouping can be harmful than beneficial especially if it is perceived by the others as ganging up.
First of all Pakistan and China are two different countries.

Second I have no hatred for any of them.

Third, I am not the topic here. I think all your posts are built on imagination and not facts.

At best it is a what-if kind of hypothetical analysis. Not something that is fact or will be next year or next decade.

Either you have not read the earlier articles or your understanding is flawed. some of the pipelins mentioned have allready been constructed, some ar ebeing cointructed as we speak please see earlier posts

---------- Post added at 04:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:15 PM ----------

The sooner people realize that such a group is a non starter, better is for them. China is too engrossed in its development and realized that security issues are very much in twinned with economic growth. It will be the first not to join such a group. G-2 is a example. Sometimes grouping can be harmful than beneficial especially if it is perceived by the others as ganging up.

what is the matter with you guys the oil pipelines some have been constructed, some are in the process of etc. read the articles please

---------- Post added at 04:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:17 PM ----------

First of all Pakistan and China are two different countries.

Second I have no hatred for any of them.


here is one off your posts off another thread i will ask forum members to decide your views on pakistanis


and a classic about chinese?

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