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Developing Countries: We Want Internet Freedom!


Apr 27, 2012
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Developing Countries: We Want Internet Freedom!

A censorship-free Internet is a priority for most people in emerging countries, especially the younger population, according to a new report.

Pew Research Center interviewed nearly 22,000 people in 24 emerging and developing countries between March and May for the report released Wednesday.

In 22 of those 24 countries, the majority of respondents think "it is important that people have access to the internet without government censorship." (Uganda just missed the cutoff, at 49 percent, and Pakistan was significantly lower at just 22 percent.)

The strength of censorship opposition varied by country, as well as other factors. Support of Internet freedom is prevalent in Latin American countries as well as Lebanon and Egypt, Pew said.

Unsurprisingly, anti-censorship sentiment tends to be strong in nations where Internet use is more common, such as Chile and Argentina. The trend is reversed in less connected nations like Uganda.

But two countries bucked that trend: Internet-freedom support in Russia (63 percent) and Pakistan (22 percent) came in low compared with the level of Internet penetration in those countries.

Age is also a major factor: In 14 of the 24 countries surveyed, people ages 18-29 are more likely than those 50 or older to think a free Internet is important. In nations including Russia and Lebanon, that age gap came in at 20 percentage points or more.

"These age differences suggest that support for internet freedom will only become more widespread with the passage of time," Pew said in its report.

Developing Countries: We Want Internet Freedom! - NBC News
NBC News? :rofl:

Please stop posting Yankee propaganda mouthpieces.

Why propaganda? Isn't it natural for people to want complete internet freedom? Doesn't Chinese people also want the same?
Why propaganda? Isn't it natural for people to want complete internet freedom? Doesn't Chinese people also want the same?

Internet should be treated as any real life social medium----i.e. with rules and guidance. The current problem with internet is that way too many shady and disreputable people free to yap around. The adults can tell their BS, but children are naive enough to believe them.

Freedom without rules is anarchy. You don't want anarchy, do you?
Internet should be treated as any real life social medium----i.e. with rules and guidance. The current problem with internet is that way too many shady and disreputable people free to yap around. The adults can tell their BS, but children are naive enough to believe them.

Freedom without rules is anarchy. You don't want anarchy, do you?

anarchy for ccp... :rofl: :rofl:
We need more internet police.
Internet should be more controlled.

Just as countries have the right to control access to their physical borders, countries have the right to control access to their virtual borders as well. If China want to take that path, that is China's business, but the Internet should be unfettered beyond countries' borders.
Why propaganda? Isn't it natural for people to want complete internet freedom? Doesn't Chinese people also want the same?
Of course not....they need to be spoon-fed propaganda or their tiny heads will pop.
Nope. Internet regulation is needed. CPC is correct to maintain social stability.
I agree. It's why you don't take five year olds to rated R movies. Maybe in a few hundred years when their civilization is mature they can have free press. And don't give me that 1000's of years of civilization cr@p, The CCP destroyed old Chinese civilization and copied western civ. At first they tried to copy the USSR (in which case their "civilization" dates from the late 1940's)...when that turned out to be a major fail...they copied western European civ (in which case it dates to the late 70's). And you know it's true....the CCP didn't even try to hide the fact that they were wiping old Chinese civilization out....heck, they were proud of it (and even Sun Yat Sin tried to do it, but failed) The three olds and all....
If asked,any one would choose freedom over anything else,including the freedom to badmouth、copulate and even kill(the internet just has so much to offer:enjoy:)。

This sort of survey is totally meaningless。
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