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Deutzsche bank bankrupt?


Jun 23, 2012
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People in Netherlands are trying to pressure prime minister not to pay money like we did in greece.:-)

People in Netherlands are trying to pressure prime minister not to pay money like we did in greece.:-)

Been waiting for this bank to go down -- Govt most likely pumping money to keep this thing alive. Play PUT options lol
Good, more western banks will go bankrupt this year.
u.s war with iran will make situation of european economy more worst
Did iran pull out all cash from Deutzche? :woot:
Commerzbank the second largest bank isn't doing much better either...
This article is fake news.... the Deutsche Bank already claimed that the article is utter crap.

The stock trade of the Deutsche Bank is stable the last weeks
Are we really talking about the youtube video of a granny about the liquidity of Deutzsche Bank?
Give me a break...
Are we really talking about the youtube video of a granny about the liquidity of Deutzsche Bank?
Give me a break...

No, not only the granny but every economists on the internet will tell you the same. We are in Netherlands talking about Mark Rutte not to give money:-) like we did for Greece.
It's above $7.30 but not that great
Screen Shot 2020-01-05 at 9.23.56 PM.jpg


Deutsche Bank's 5 biggest scandals
Espionage, money laundering and interest rate scams. Germany's biggest lender has a global reputation for scandal – and has paid hefty fines and expensive settlements to make up for its wrongdoings.

1. Laundering Russian money
2. Libor interest rate scam
3. Violation of US economic sanctions
4. Sale of toxic securities leading up to the financial crisis
5. Spying on its critics
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We are in Netherlands talking about Mark Rutte not to give money:-) like we did for Greece.
I just googled "Rutte and Deutsche Bank", I still don't know what you're talking about... Why would the Dutch gov bail out a German bank?

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