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Deterioration in Afghan ties could lead to ‘never-ending’ war against terrorism: Imran


May 21, 2006
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Deterioration in Afghan ties could lead to ‘never-ending’ war against terrorism: Imran

Dawn.com Published January 10, 2023 Updated about 5 hours ago

<p>PTI Chairman Imran Khan speaks in a video address on Tuesday. — DawnNewsTV</p>

PTI Chairman Imran Khan speaks in a video address on Tuesday. — DawnNewsTV
PTI Chairman Imran Khan on Tuesday slammed the coalition government’s “irresponsible statements” against the Afghan government, warning that a deterioration in ties could lead to a “never-ending” war against terrorism.

Over the past few months, terrorism has been rearing its head again in the country, especially in KP and Balochistan. Pakistan has seen a rise in terrorist attacks across the country, believed to have been planned and directed by the outlawed Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) leaders based in Afghanistan.
The TTP, which has ideological linkages with the Afghan Taliban, executed more than 100 attacks last year, most of which happened after August when the group’s peace talks with the Pakistan government began to falter. The ceasefire was formally ended last year on Nov 28 by the TTP.
Addressing a seminar on terrorism on Tuesday, Imran addressed the criticism levelled at the PTI government for leading peace talks with the TTP and said his opponents should not “lie to the people”.
He said that all stakeholders had sat down and were informed about the need for talks with the TTP and the plan to resettle their members. “A military operation can be a part of the overall peace settlement but it is never successful on its own.”
Imran also criticised Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah’s “irresponsible” statements about Pakistan taking action against TTP hideouts in Afghanistan.
He warned that if the new Afghan government decided to stop cooperating with Pakistan, it could lead to a “never-ending” war against terrorism.
Imran also questioned why recent incidents at the Pak-Afghan border were not taken up with the Afghan government, reiterating that another war against terrorism would become a curse for the country if relations with Afghanistan deteriorated.
He said that the federal government would need to tread carefully and seek KP’s input on the overall terror situation. He said that Pakistan should not seek help from the United States as it would lead to internal discord among locals if drone attacks were carried out.

‘Wrong to expect KP police to confront terrorism threat’​

During his address, Imran — whose party is in power in KP — said it was wrong to expect the provincial police to confront the rising wave of terrorism, adding that the terrorists were much more heavily equipped.
“To expect the police to face them (terrorists) with the kind of weapons they have is not possible. Rangers are present in Karachi and terrorism there is not at the level of KP. There is no comparison between them.”
He said terrorists operating in KP were “battle-hardened” with access to the latest weaponry abandoned by the US when it pulled out of Afghanistan in 2021.
Imran said it would be wrong to assume that the KP police could confront such terrorists, at least until the federal government did not pay full attention to the matter.
The PTI chief said terrorism was a very important issue for the country and could have greater consequences if not properly addressed, “especially at a time when our economic conditions can’t bear it at all”.

The PTI chief alleged that the federal government had withheld funds for the tribal districts and did not pay attention to the resettlement of 30,000-40,000 TTP members from Afghanistan.
Imran said the time immediately after the US withdrawal from Afghanistan was a “golden opportunity” to solve the TTP issue since the new Afghan government was “pro-Pakistan” and could exert influence on the TTP.
He’s right to an extent on this account. We have to keep our movements in A-Stan very covert, to knock out the terrorism before it reaches us, and to make sure we don’t properly Pi5s off the IEA, otherwise the militancy caused within Pakistan could be utterly devastating- dwarfing the current situation and turning us into the next Afghanistan.
Imran Khan is right and Pak can't afford to fight this never ending war.

US/Nato spent trillions of dollars in the 20 years iin Afghanistan in the
end they had to find a politicial solution.

The Americans want Pakistan to fight the Taliban and they are using PDM to
push Pak Army into a never ending war. Then Pak can forget about fighting
Dollar khor moto is ‘’ dollar phaink tamasha daikh “
He is right but wrong nevertheless. You only negotiate from positions of strength, releasing their leaders just to get them
to talk is not showing strength but that was policy under IK.
IK was handling Afghanistan well bit dollar khor army didn't like it. Rana sana type monkeys arw giving irresponsible statements, calling Afghanistan as enemy. It will only make them strong in hatred. Only a fool will think Pakistan can face Afghanistan. War and destabilization in Afghanistan habe always affected Pakistan but traitors wont agree.
It is a bitter reality, Afghanistan is totally lawless country. And any country can use it as a terror launching pad against Pakistan.
KPK is the first line of defense against terrorism. These TTP already damage the wall and cross into Pakistan without any problem. It's 100s of miles of the porous border. Army failed to guard the border. Not sufficient funding or arms to secure the border. We lose men and materials every day to protect Punjab and Sindh. But few voices in Punjab are not very sympathetic toward security. Except for bashing or finger pointing.
To secure the KPK, one has to talk to the Taliban. Whatever leadership in Afghanistan, at least there is point/leadership to talk. If it's totally lawless, then what is the solution ?
Jirga has been sent in every era, even when daily suicide attacks in Pakistan.
Think for a few minutes if you live near the Afghan border with your kids and Otherside is a lawless land, where attacks at will and no one is answerable.

IK was handling Afghanistan well bit dollar khor army didn't like it. Rana sana type monkeys arw giving irresponsible statements, calling Afghanistan as enemy. It will only make them strong in hatred. Only a fool will think Pakistan can face Afghanistan. War and destabilization in Afghanistan habe always affected Pakistan but traitors wont agree.
There was the reason, why IK was doing constant fundraising for the Afghan govt. It was obvious whenever instability in Afghanistan, Pakistan has to suffer economically and create a security situation. Even though Afghan has no sympathy for Pakistan, but they are our unwelcome neighbors. .
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