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Detail verdict in Sharifs Brothers case


Aug 23, 2007
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Supreme Court issues detail verdict in Sharifs Brothers case

ISLAMABAD: Supreme Court issued the detail-judgment by one of its bench in Sharifs eligibility case.

On February 25, a bench comprised of three apex court judges in their brief verdict declared two-time former premier and chief of his own faction of Pakistan Muslim League Mian Nawaz Sharif and his younger brother and party president Mian Shahbaz Sharif ineligible for public office. The provincial government of Punjab led by Shahbaz as Chief Minister had been dissolved following the verdict.

According to the channel, the detailed judgment declares the petitioners’ demand of forming a new bench, excluding those judges who took oath under PCO in 2007, for case hearing was ‘malicious’. “The demand was aimed at dividing the judiciary in PCO and non-PCO judges,” it observed.

“There is no distinction among the judges of Supreme Court as they all took oath under the constitution. Some elements seeking their personal benefits tried to defame the judiciary. The petitioners also lost the chance of challenging courts’ verdict in Taka Iqbal case,” the judgment said.

Supreme Court issues detail verdict in Sharifs Brothers case
Well if a supreme court can give verdicts as it pleases allowing Zardari to become eligible for the Presidential seat and doesn't allow Shabaz Sharif it goes to show how sold out it is.
IF CJ Iftikhar changes or try to change this verdict then it will mean that the CJ is challenging his colleagues' integrity.

This may result in one of his colleagues challenging his integrity (affiliation with PML-N).

This will not serve to benefit the cause of judiciary.

I hope that the CJ will seriously work on liberating the judiciary by improving the finacial condition of people in his organization.
good point but two different issues ... Zardari has NRO approved by the President Musharraf so the plan should be to over turn the NRO.

CJ can rule against the NRO but it can only be overthrown by the President. Now President will not throw out the NRO so it means that President needs to be thrown out first.

Parliament will repeal or amend the 17 amendment and then we will have a strong democratic set up as Musharraf had wished for.
Musharraf used 58-2B more than anyone broke a lot of constitutional rules lied in oublic he is no different than Zardari man.
and all of this was backed by the paliament including 58-2B.
Parliament of 2003 elections is not a parliament that the country supported specialy with all the restrictions that were put and how biased the result was from those elections.
Could someone help me. i cant remember what the original crime was for which nawaz Sharif was declared ineligible. We need to restart this debate from the beginning in order to gain any meaningful insight into the possible outcomes from Supreme court.
Well because he was Prime Minister till 99 lets start from ater that their is just one case which is unique in its kind, oh yes he is actually ineligble for highjacking a plane oh my even though he was on the ground at the time strange miracle isn't it.
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