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Destruction of Shia Mosques in Bahrain by Bahraini and Saudi soldiers.

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Nov 15, 2010
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
CNN Report
More than 30 mosques have been burned and destroyed so far.

Can't they realize that by doing this they will open the room for Hezbollah? How stupid can Bahraini and Saudi officials be?
shocking how short sighted and stupid they are
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Short sighted is putting it too mildly, its insane i hadnt heard 30 but the numbers seem to be confused between true Mosques and halls some times used for religious purposes can you provide the link please?

It just seems incredible that anyone could think the way to stop people protesting is to buldoze their place of worship no mater what religion.
These royal arab dictators worse then anything .
Lets call them Iranian centers of indoctrination.

Mosque is a word too sacred and Shia places of worship are not called mosque as far as i remember but "Imam Bargah" or something like that.

This is the best thing Bahrainis can do to Iranian agents. Bahrain showed good will by legalizing many status less Iranians and Pakistanis living in Bahrain and this is how they reward their host country. There is nothing better than smashing the treat from its roots. Bahrain has also announced steps to cancel nationalities of many Iranian origin Bahrainis.

We dont have to see this in a Sunni vs Shia context as Iran wants the world to and the way they have been inciting sectarian voilence in Iraq. This is pure Iranian interference in other country affairs through false indoctrination and playing ethnical and religious leverage cards.

I hope Kuwait and Qatar will follow suit too. Iran is a suspicious and hostile country to middle east and Muslims.

For the record of religious fanatics, as far as I read in a feature in local newspaper Iran is a predominantly 12ver Shia Usuli country where as Arabs are 12ver Shia Akhbaris who rejects the Iranian marjas. SO the conflict is pure ethnical in a Arab vs Persian sense. Iran is desperate for recognition and will do anything.
This is nothing but Shiite Iran propaganda. You will not have the privilege of conquering Bahrain as you have conquered Iraq.
Iran has certainly gained from the Iraq invasion.

as for mosque destructioin, it is CNN so i wouldn't take its word for it.

probably some sunni mosques have been destroyed also.
Why isnt there a furore across the Islamic world ?
the Shah had far more courage than the stooge ayatollah regime

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Why isnt there a furore across the Islamic world ?

Because the Muslim world does not belive in Indian style tolerance, hypocrisy and ignorance. A coountry which itself is supression millions of Muslims in Kashmir,
Lets call them Iranian centers of indoctrination.

Mosque is a word too sacred and Shia places of worship are not called mosque as far as i remember but "Imam Bargah" or something like that.

This is the best thing Bahrainis can do to Iranian agents. Bahrain showed good will by legalizing many status less Iranians and Pakistanis living in Bahrain and this is how they reward their host country. There is nothing better than smashing the treat from its roots. Bahrain has also announced steps to cancel nationalities of many Iranian origin Bahrainis.

We dont have to see this in a Sunni vs Shia context as Iran wants the world to and the way they have been inciting sectarian voilence in Iraq. This is pure Iranian interference in other country affairs through false indoctrination and playing ethnical and religious leverage cards.

I hope Kuwait and Qatar will follow suit too. Iran is a suspicious and hostile country to middle east and Muslims.

For the record of religious fanatics, as far as I read in a feature in local newspaper Iran is a predominantly 12ver Shia Usuli country where as Arabs are 12ver Shia Akhbaris who rejects the Iranian marjas. SO the conflict is pure ethnical in a Arab vs Persian sense. Iran is desperate for recognition and will do anything.

Bhai, there are mosques as well for Shias. And I go to Sunni mosques all the time to pray there. Believe it or not, as a Shia, I pray in a Jamaat with my Sunni brothers all the time, I pray 5 times a day. Please don't us sound like we are non-Muslims, we believe in Allah (swt) as our One & Only God, & His best creation, the final messenger Holy Prophet(S). We believe the Quran is the perfect, complete Book, without any chances of fabrication, because Allah (swt) has promised that there can be no errors in it. Yes, we believe in 12 Imams from the Prophet(S)'s lineage after his death, but that does not make us non-Muslims. We don't have any other special text besides the Quran. We believe our Imams are Imams only, they are not nauzibillah Prophets. Imams have a lower "darjah" than Prophets of course. Prophethood ended with Prophet(S) as the last messenger of Allah (swt). Prophet(S) was Allah (swt)'s best creation. I hope you clear the misconceptions you have about Shias.
This is nothing but Shiite Iran propaganda. You will not have the privilege of conquering Bahrain as you have conquered Iraq.

well this was the whole point of the thread abdul
the people of Bahrain would never want to be a puppet of Iran. I think me and you can agree on this. But thanks to such actions, Hezbollah can easily move in and recruit members. That's why I'm calling the Bahraini and Saudi leaders retards. Looks like you're not much brighter then them.

The more they hurt the shias, the more desperate they will become. We don't want anything to do with Arabs, but we will gladly help them with weapons and cash if it serves our objectives. For that we need fighters on the ground. In Iraq and Lebanon there are plenty of fighters ready to do Iran's dirty work. In Bahrain there wasn't any before. Now there is.
Bhai, there are mosques as well for Shias. And I go to Sunni mosques all the time to pray there. Believe it or not, as a Shia, I pray in a Jamaat with my Sunni brothers all the time, I pray 5 times a day. Please don't us sound like we are non-Muslims, we believe in Allah (swt) as our One & Only God, & His best creation, the final messenger Holy Prophet(S). We believe the Quran is the perfect, complete Book, without any chances of fabrication, because Allah (swt) has promised that there can be no errors in it. I hope you clear the misconceptions you have about Shias.

Thats because you are a good muslims not an Iranian Rafidhi agent..go to you tube and google to see it for yourself. The whole world is begging refuge from Iranian heretic and sadistic cults now. They make witchcraft look better than Islam.

I did not blame you or shia thats why i used the word "iranian agent".
I myself have many shia friend who go to pray together and break fast together and curse iran together.

Iran thinks by cursing respectable figures it can earn some legitimacy among the masses and incite violence. It will be defeated as usual. Majoos have been cursed and defeated until the day of judgement. Two empire which would never rise ever against the Muslims are Byzanites and Majoos.
Thats because you are a good muslims not an Iranian Rafidhi agent..go to you tube and google to see it for yourself. The whole world is begging refuge from Iranian heretic and sadistic cults now. They make witchcraft look better than Islam.

I did not blame you or shia thats why i used the word "iranian agent".
I myself have many shia friend who go to pray together and break fast together and curse iran together.

somebozo, coming soon to a pakistani shia mosque near you (along with a suicide belt) lol
good times haha
Thats because you are a good muslims not an Iranian Rafidhi agent..go to you tube and google to see it for yourself. The whole world is begging refuge from Iranian heretic and sadistic cults now. They make witchcraft look better than Islam.

I did not blame you or shia thats why i used the word "iranian agent".
I myself have many shia friend who go to pray together and break fast together and curse iran together.

I have a deep knowledge of Shias in Iran & Shiism, as I've been to Iran myself a few times. There is nothing in Shiism that is against Islam. Bhai, we are the followers of Islam. We don't pray at Shrines nauzibillah, but we visit them out of respect, as they were Allah's loved people. We only pray to Allah, towards the Holy Kabah. The only perfect text we have is the Quran. I think you need to clear the misconceptions you have about Shiism in Islam. Most Shias in Iran are like me, they are not heretics.
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