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[Departure from Reality] Why Taliban stormed the Lebanese restaurant in capital Kabul


Jan 20, 2013
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I was going to write a more detailed commentary but since I'm pressed for time here is a terse one.

1. This piece has been carried by one of Afghanistan's leading News Services -- Khamaa Press.
2. This piece is written by a leading Afghan Intellectual, Nemat Sadat, who:
a. Is a frequent contributor on Afghan Talk Shows (a quick search on youtube will give you a sense)
b. Has studied or is a student at: Columbia University, Oxford, Yale
c. Until recently was a professor at the much touted: American University of Afghanistan where he taught political science (and perhaps Economics)

The article would not merit publication in any respected new source as it is filled with conspiracy theories but I think it serves a useful read to show:
1. The level of paranoia that has gripped Afghans, especially the educated strata
2. The level of fear Afghans have of Pakistanis

1. Apparently there is now something called the Afghan ISI -- lunacy I know but hey Professor Sadat says so.
2. The charges that Pakistanis somehow control, confuse Afghan minds parallels anti-semetic rhetoric -- OMG the Pakistanis control everything

Original article on Khaama here, excerpts below:

So what’s happening now? Pro-ISI (the Inter-Services Intelligence or the intelligence service of Pakistan) Afghan informants embedded in the Afghan government have infiltrated the NDS (National Director of Security) and since last summer’s transfer of responsibility for securing Afghanistan from NATO to Afghan forces, the double agent crooks have hijacked the domestic intelligence agency of Afghanistan.


The Afghan ISI have a policy of divide and conquer; they have engineered a system to demoralize the Afghan masses and impose barriers to prevent everyday Afghans from starting businesses since they are insecure about their future and perceive a growing Afghan civil society as a threat to their hegemony. They are the recipients of multi-million dollar contracts, they manipulate the minds through the mass media, and they subvert all the intelligence agencies. They have managed to control the three interlocking spheres of Afghanistan’s war economy with their tight-knit clique. They block anyone who wants to serve the public good and they broadcast mixed messages to confuse the masses. They want to keep the Afghans deprived and illiterate so know one can challenge their rule. The tens of billions they have been awarded have been spent on phantom projects that don’t exist and the money running into the billions have been siphoned into offshore private banking accounts.


I have also heard from high-ranking officials that post 2014 Afghanistan could become a genocide of a magnitude where “dogs won’t be able to find their owners” and “that the scale of death and destruction can dwarf the calamity and carnage of the past 35 years.”


My solution: Remove all pro-ISI double agents from the Afghan government and destroy and dismantle Karzai’s kleptocracy. We must extinguish the fire and neutralize the overt and covert enemies of Afghanistan. ...
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