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Demolished by the Pakistan army: the frontier village punished for harbouring the Tal


One could argue that the traditional Tribal leadership is as much of a hindrance as the Taliban. It isn't that the Pashtun Tribesmen savor reneging on agreements, I think it is the fact that they are essentially held hostage to the whims of either the Tribal elders or the Taliban leadership.

Why would the average Tribesman not want to ratify and stick to agreements that ensure peace in his village and offer the promise of development and more opportunity for his children?

I think the PPP and ANP argument of extending the Political Parties Act into FATA and PATA is a valid one. Trying to accomplish that without appearing like we are going to renege on our promise of continued autonomy and respect for the Tribes custom is tricky.

While not contradicting your post,the perception of someone looking at the matter form outside is one of tribesman reneging on their agreement. Whether it is as a hostage to the whims of his leader or in individual capacity is sometimes not all that apparent. That is why the Army needs to still monitor their compliance, as we cant have any development in the area in the presence of unrest and chaos.
Secondly, if such is the case then why do we shake hands with ruffians like Mullah FM, who apparently held the whole area to ransom. Going by your logic, ideally the leaders ought to be captured and punished. But this does not happen in real life. we shake hands and make a deal with the very person against whom we had launched a mission.
I agree that the system in FATA should be abolished and would support any measure that gives a better solution than the current one.
While not contradicting your post,the perception of someone looking at the matter form outside is one of tribesman reneging on their agreement. Whether it is as a hostage to the whims of his leader or in individual capacity is sometimes not all that apparent. That is why the Army needs to still monitor their compliance, as we cant have any development in the area in the presence of unrest and chaos.
Secondly, if such is the case then why do we shake hands with ruffians like Mullah FM, who apparently held the whole area to ransom. Going by your logic, ideally the leaders ought to be captured and punished. But this does not happen in real life. we shake hands and make a deal with the very person against whom we had launched a mission.
I agree that the system in FATA should be abolished and would support any measure that gives a better solution than the current one.

I am in no way suggestng that we go in and kill/arrest theTribal elders/Taliban who disarm, and impose the form of governance practiced in the rest of the country. The roadmap for this should be as you outlined - stability and peace, development, introduction and participation in the political process, and integration.

While I agree with the extension of the politcal parties act into FATA/PATA, I disagree with the ANP's suggestion of merging the region into NWFP - I think a move like that would strengthen the perception that the "rights of the Tribesmen were being usurped".

Creating a separate province encompassing the Pashtun Tribal areas, while diluting the concurrent list and granting more autonomy to the provinces, would be a good way to both reassure the Tribesmen that they would be governed as they choose, and governed by fellow Tribesmen, and also initiate the process of integration into the Pakistani mainstream I feel.
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