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Delhi, Mumbai and other major Indian cities to soon get their own Missile Shields


Sep 20, 2014
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India is working on a mega plan to make the airspace over almost all its major cities, including Delhi and Mumbai, virtually impregnable, sources in the military establishment said.

The government is procuring a variation of systems, including missiles, launchers and command-and-control units from the US, Russia and Israel, besides deploying indigenously developed missiles as part of the project, they said.

In the last few years, China has significantly ramped up its air power and the sources said that the government was calculated to equip the forces with capabilities on par with its adversaries.

"Over the national capital and many other cities are being strengthened considering the evolving security scenario. Procurement of missile systems, and weaponry is part of the initiative," a senior military official said.

India is engaged in talks with the US for procuring components of systems, including missiles, and drones, and the US has already approved sale of 22 Sea Guardian to India at an estimated cost of USD 2 billion.

It is for the first time, the US is selling them to a country which is not a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

The sources said India is also gazing at the US' National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System-II to bolster its own defence.

India is also procuring the S-400 Triumf Air Defence System from Russia at a cost of $5.4 billion to accelerate its gizmo. Deliveries will begin as early as 2020.

"The aim of the project is to make our skyline impregnable," the official said.

As part of efforts to strengthen the country's aerial security, India is also in the process of inducting the first batch of its offensive Intercontinental Ballistic Missile System — Agni V — which is expected to significantly bolster India's 2nd strike capability against China. The missile, with a strike range of 5,000 km, is capable of delivering a nuclear payload to every city in China.

Very few countries, including the US, China, Russia, France and North Korea, possesses intercontinental ballistic missiles.

In its offensive missile armory, India presently has Agni-1 with a 700 km range, Agni-2 with a 2,000-km range, Agni-3 and Agni-4 with 2,500 km to more than 3,500-km range.

In November last, India successfully test fired air-launched variant of the Brahmos, the world's fastest supersonic cruise missile, from a Sukhoi-30 combat jet. The missile will be also be part of the project to make the country's airspace impregnable, the sources said.

The Defence Ministry is now expediting the process to integrate the deadly Brahmos with 40 Su-30 MKI Fighter Jets.

Other than this, the cities need bunkers to protect key people in the event of a missile attack. The bunkers should be resistant to chemical, biological and nuclear threats.

If possible, the bunkers should be constructed at neighborhood-level to protect as many people as possible.
Now that's a good laugh but how soon will it be? The US after decades of spending and failures have provide adequate missile shield to its major cities, but India will be able to do that first.

Congrats in advance.

The point is, they are systematically turning into a fortress. The question is, to what end? And are we well prepared to inflict damage in case of war?
The point is, they are systematically turning into a fortress. The question is, to what end? And are we well prepared to inflict damage in case of war?

They live in a denial mode. All this useless exercise is merely to fill some pocket. Remember the recent Rafale gate? That's how things work in India. Some mega contractor will get the missile shield deal and milk the economy again. You can literally make it redundant by sending in a swarm of Ababeels.

In fact, such shields dont seem to work well against swarm of incoming threats as radars get overwhelmed. That's the truth that the Americans found the hard way, though they never had to face it till now, but eventually they will, some day.

The indians live on another planet, where their AADs are declared operational after a couple of tests, and the missile shield pops out of nowhere to provide cover. Keep in mind that solid fuel ballistic missiles with adjustable trajectory function and sheer speed are extremely difficult to counter. Get the hint.
They live in a denial mode. All this useless exercise is merely to fill some pocket. Remember the recent Rafale gate? That's how things work in India. Some mega contractor will get the missile shield deal and milk the economy again. You can literally make it redundant by sending in a swarm of Ababeels.

In fact, such shields dont seem to work well against swarm of incoming threats as radars get overwhelmed. That's the truth that the Americans found the hard way, though they never had to face it till now, but eventually they will, some day.

The indians live on another planet, where their AADs are declared operational after a couple of tests, and the missile shield pops out of nowhere to provide cover. Keep in mind that solid fuel ballistic missiles with adjustable trajectory function and sheer speed are extremely difficult to counter. Get the hint.

I will play the devil's advocate.

Granted there is corruption, but they are also going to received 36 extremely advanced and potent aircraft. There may be kickbacks involved in the missile shield, but in the end they WILL get the missile shield.

As their benefactors keep creating new technologies, they will keep getting the ability to destroy enemy missiles in all phases, from launch to final descent. And with time, the accuracy, reliability, and potency will only grow.

Now, do we have the wherewithal to create multiple swarms of Ababeel to target multiple Indian cities? Such a large number of swarms would create a very visible satellite signature, thus giving away launch locations. By the time the war arrives, there will be centimetre level monitoring of all areas of Pakistan from satellite. Any compromised location will be traced back to the source.

We have to ask the question. If Indian AADs are declared operational after a couple of tests, is it possible they are getting a lot of technology transfer from their benefactors? It would be imprudent on our part to ignore this threat.
Granted there is corruption

There is absolutely no corruption. Not even a single piece of evidence has been provided to support the claim. Even the Supreme Court of India has dismissed the case stating that it is politically motivated. The entire opposition is going Gaga over the fact that Reliance was made a partner for the offset deal (Everyone convieniently forget the fact that Dessault has signed agreements with 100 other Indian companies to fulfill it's offset clause and Reliance will be part of only 10% of the deal), but they didn't have any problem when TATAs were the benefeciares during the Apache helicopter deal, or the K-9s are being produced by a private company and not a PSU.

We have to ask the question. If Indian AADs are declared operational after a couple of tests, is it possible they are getting a lot of technology transfer from their benefactors? It would be imprudent on our part to ignore this threat.

AAD is a defensive weapon. How can that be a threat to anyone?
We have to ask the question. If Indian AADs are declared operational after a couple of tests, is it possible they are getting a lot of technology transfer from their benefactors? It would be imprudent on our part to ignore this threat.
Has AAD been declared operational? A lot of tests, mostly successful, have been conducted. Neither more nor less.
They live in a denial mode

Nah, we actually develop our own BMD systems.

Some mega contractor will get the missile shield deal and milk the economy again. You can literally make it redundant by sending in a swarm of Ababeels.

The BMD system was developed by DRDO, which is an R&D organisation under Indian MoD. It'll be productionized by Bharat dynamics limited, another Indian MoD owned concern.

Where do you see chances of any corruption here ?

And can Pakistan afford a 'swarm of Ababeels' ? How many, exactly ?

where their AADs are declared operational after a couple of tests

It is yet to be operationalized AFAIK.
Nah, we actually develop our own BMD systems.

The BMD system was developed by DRDO, which is an R&D organisation under Indian MoD. It'll be productionized by Bharat dynamics limited, another Indian MoD owned concern.

Where do you see chances of any corruption here ?

And can Pakistan afford a 'swarm of Ababeels' ? How many, exactly ?

It is yet to be operationalized AFAIK.

Anything developed by DRDO should be seen as a dud. Their track record suggests that.
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