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Delhi dances, Tehran wants to talk


Jun 23, 2011
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One week after the Israeli Embassy car blast in New Delhi, reports in India's media indicate that investigators are still in the dark and have not achieved any breakthrough.

This is amid growing speculation that this may have been a case of "homegrown terrorism", ie Muslim militants sympathetic to the Palestinian cause.
Yet, it is abundantly clear that the blast has triggered a disproportionate political impact, pressurizing the Indian government, which has decided to continue and even expand its vital energy relations with Iran irrespective of mounting Western sanctions.

As expected, the United States, European and Israeli governments and their media mouthpieces have joined hands in a well-orchestrated campaign to criticize Delhi's Iran policy and to try to convince it to curtail or even cut off its Iranian energy imports.

While India has signed on to various United Nations sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program, it is not going along with financial measures imposed by the United States and the European Union to stop countries from buying Iranian oil.

India was Tehran's second-biggest crude customer last year after China and Iranian oil accounts for about 12% of its needs, Reuters reported.

Nicholas Burns, a George W Bush administration official, has tried to guilt-trip India by accusing it of giving "a slap in the face to the US" by its "bitterly disappointing" decision to continue business-as-usual relations with Iran, tantamount to a "major setback" for the US's policy of Iran isolationism.

According to Burns, this shows that India is "out of step" with the international community and is still behaving like a "regional power" rather than a global power.
In fact, the opposite is true. By refusing to toe the American and/or Israeli line on Iran, India has demonstrated its autonomy and international prestige as a rising global power that acts according to its own incandescent atmosphere, needs and priorities, instead of melting before outside pressures.

This is not purely a question of India's "energy needs", but rather a delicate balancing act that involves the complicated interplay of several variables beside economics; namely, national identity, sovereignty and independent foreign policy in a complex world that, as in the case of India's cordial relations with both India and Israel, reflects the difficulties of making constant adjustments in a highly fluid milieu.

With its nearly 140 million Muslims, including 36 million Shi'ites, India is compelled to be sensitive to the natural sympathies of its largest minority population that may be radicalized if the government tilts in favor of Israel and sacrifices its Iran interests in order to appease US and Israeli politicians.

This recalls what this author wrote four years ago in Asia Times Online:

India does not fully operate as the US wishes and is unlikely to fulfill the new role discretely assigned to it by the direct implications of the nuclear agreement, such as acting as a counterweight to China or even Russia, in light of improved India-China relations. Pursuing multiple win-win scenarios that partially collide, India seeks its own aggrandizement and, quite simply, this may thwart rather than enhance the US's geostrategic interests in Asia in the long run. (Iran heartened by India's nuclear vote August 5, 2008.)

Although beholden to Israel for sensitive military technology, India cannot afford to be seen in league with the Jewish state against Muslim Iranians, who are to receive a large trade delegation from India next week, and who have reportedly agreed to barter their oil for Indian wheat.

Nor can Tehran expect New Delhi to sacrifice its ties with Israel, although the Tehran media are pleased by reports indicating that some Israelis suspected of covert activities in India have been deported.

A number of Tehran analysts have suggested that the February 13 blast in New Delhi, that injured the wife of an Israeli diplomat, has the hallmark of a "false flag operation" targeting India's energy relations with Iran. It has been compared to the 1992 bombing in Argentina, which was Iran's sole nuclear partner at the time and immediately ceased all its nuclear cooperation with Iran because of the bombing. (See Interpol's decision time on 'Iranian' bombing Asia Times Online, November 7, 2007.)

"Given the enormous importance of the issue, that is, forcing India to play along with the Western sanctions on Iran, it is not far-fetched to believe that Israelis would orchestrate a make-believe attack on their own interests in India so that Indian politicians would feel the heat and change course," says a Tehran University political science professor who spoke to the author on the condition of anonymity.

He adds that Iran is convinced that public opinion in India is sympathetic toward Iran, which "has heroically stood up to Western bullying. India is still a Third World country in so many ways and has a rich anti-colonial heritage as well as three decades of nuclear embargo by the West that resonate with the Iran scenario."

Inspection time in Iran

On Monday, a delegation from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) arrived in Iran seeking a solution to the outstanding questions that the United Nations' nuclear watchdog has regarding Iran's nuclear program, which some suspect is designed to build nuclear weapons - a charge Tehran denies.

However, nuclear inspectors said no progress had been made as Iran did not grant requests to visit Parchin, a military site.

"We engaged in a constructive spirit but no agreement was reached," a statement by the inspectors quoted IAEA chief Yukiya Amano as saying.

No agreement was reached on how to begin "clarification of unresolved issues in connection with Iran's nuclear program, particularly those relating to possible military dimensions", the statement, issued on Wednesday, said.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said on Tuesday that the IAEA team was not there to inspect nuclear facilities. "The titles of the members of the visiting delegation is not inspectors. This is an expert delegation. The purpose of visit is not inspection," Mehmanparast said. "The aim is to negotiate about co-operation between Iran and the agency and to set a framework for a continuation of the talks," the Guardian of London reported.

This, together with Iran's official response to the European Union's request for a new round of multilateral nuclear talks, represents a new attempt by Iran to dispel the suspicion of nuclear proliferation and to reassure the outside world that its controversial uranium-enrichment program is peaceful.

Recently, Clinton Bastin, a top US weapons specialists, confirmed that Iran's nuclear program was civilian and not weapons-related and that the US should end its "dangerous threats" and should support Iran's nuclear program.

So should India, which could contribute much to, among other things, Iran's nuclear safety program and medical nuclear research.

But this is not likely, given India's civilian nuclear cooperation agreement with the US that is now being used as leverage to steer New Delhi away from Tehran.

Then again, even the likes of Burns know that it would be foolhardy for the US to risk its strategic relations with India, eyeing China, over Iran's nuclear program that, so far at least, lacks any discernible evidence of proliferation.

Asia Times Online :: Delhi dances, Tehran wants to talk
according to rumors the bombing was done not by iran aur say IM or any kashmeeree group but by ????????? themselvs to put pressure on indian govt via a media blitz but guess it fizzelled out more so if the magnet bomb was planted on the rear of the victims vehicle it could well be planted on driver side doar but it was not as the motive was to scare not kill ...maybe im wrong????????
i see Delhi bomb fiasco as a false flag operation by CIA+MOSSAD...
nobody died in the attacks..that itself declares who is behind the attacks..and even if Iran is trying to assassinate any Israeli diplomat...India would be the last place they wanna execute it!!
i see Delhi bomb fiasco as a false flag operation by CIA+MOSSAD...
nobody died in the attacks..that itself declares who is behind the attacks..and even if Iran is trying to assassinate any Israeli diplomat...India would be the last place they wanna execute it!!

And what about Thailand ...
And what about Thailand ...
What about Thailand?Nothing has been proved yet.Just because the attackers had Iranian nationality doesn't mean Iran is behind them.As I've said before,you can buy a person with a little bit of money.Remember that Iranian man who was trained by Mossad to kill Iranian scientist?
Don't you admit in India you can find millions of people who would do any attacks even against their own country if you give them a few thousands of dollars?Yes there are those kinds in every country of the world.
What about Thailand?Nothing has been proved yet.Just because the attackers had Iranian nationality doesn't mean Iran is behind them.As I've said before,you can buy a person with a little bit of money.Remember that Iranian man who was trained by Mossad to kill Iranian scientist?
Don't you admit in India you can find millions of people who would do any attacks even against their own country if you give them a few thousands of dollars?Yes there are those kinds in every country of the world.

hey bro you seem to hate isreal to an extend that you cant even judge good or bad rather your intersts????????
anyway this all hokus pokus is to daviate the world attention from some other very imp issue which just might scuttle through for the sake of this smoke screen called so called attack on Iran....well not going to happen!!!!!!!!
cause its american & european economi which will have to bear the results ...at the most it just might be an exersize to jack up crude oil rates + gining some extra push to saudi oil co's cause they are controlled by the american so called zionist hawks.....i may be wrong ????????
According to Burns, this shows that India is "out of step" with the international community and is still behaving like a "regional power" rather than a global power.
In fact, the opposite is true. By refusing to toe the American and/or Israeli line on Iran, India has demonstrated its autonomy and international prestige as a rising global power that acts according to its own incandescent atmosphere, needs and priorities, instead of melting before outside pressures

This is an interesting part in the article - i think India's leaders must be commended for taking this stance in the midst of such pressures put on them by the bully boys. For once they are doing whats right for India rather than doing whats right for the USA - respect to India!!
What about Thailand?Nothing has been proved yet.Just because the attackers had Iranian nationality doesn't mean Iran is behind them.As I've said before,you can buy a person with a little bit of money.Remember that Iranian man who was trained by Mossad to kill Iranian scientist?
Don't you admit in India you can find millions of people who would do any attacks even against their own country if you give them a few thousands of dollars?Yes there are those kinds in every country of the world.
dude.. Iranians are only digging their graves...If US can destroy Iraq for false reasons(WMD:lol:)..u've given'em enough reasons for an arm intervention!!!
What about Thailand?Nothing has been proved yet.Just because the attackers had Iranian nationality doesn't mean Iran is behind them.As I've said before,you can buy a person with a little bit of money.Remember that Iranian man who was trained by Mossad to kill Iranian scientist?
Don't you admit in India you can find millions of people who would do any attacks even against their own country if you give them a few thousands of dollars?Yes there are those kinds in every country of the world.

Well, the lady who rented the house in Thailand has apparently returned to Iran. So Govt of Iran should be able to get to the bottom of it if it wanted to.

I know you guys have a problem with the assassination of your scientists. For India it is a matter of security of foreign diplomats.

I am not making any claims ... my remark was in response to some unsupported claims by somebody else. From his other comments it seems he/she can be ignored.
India have its own independent policy no one can interfere this.

Where are those stupid who calling India a US puppet ???? :lol:
India have its own independent policy no one can interfere this.

Where are those stupid who calling India a US puppet ???? :lol:
its not about Independent policy thing...why would you think Japan and whole of European Union will alienate Iran..are the policy makers there that weak to crumble under US pressure..US was searching for a reason to punch Iran..and they've got one!!
and as far as Indian support to Iran is concern..what role we gonna play if US+ Israel attack Iran..we'll watch'em like muke spectators as we watched destruction of Iraq!!
hey bro you seem to hate isreal to an extend that you cant even judge good or bad rather your intersts????????
anyway this all hokus pokus is to daviate the world attention from some other very imp issue which just might scuttle through for the sake of this smoke screen called so called attack on Iran....well not going to happen!!!!!!!!
cause its american & european economi which will have to bear the results ...at the most it just might be an exersize to jack up crude oil rates + gining some extra push to saudi oil co's cause they are controlled by the american so called zionist hawks.....i may be wrong ????????
Did i say anything about Israel in my post that you understood i hate Israel?
With its nearly 140 million Muslims, including 36 million Shi'ites, India is compelled to be sensitive to the natural sympathies of its largest minority population that may be radicalized if the government tilts in favor of Israel and sacrifices its Iran interests in order to appease US and Israeli politicians.
Though most part of the article is acceptable, i do not agree with the above part, its not about sympathizing with our Muslim brothers and sisters, but its about empathizing with IRAN on what is right.
You can see that INDIA has signed sanctions aginst IRAN for its NUCLEAR ambition. but economic sanctions on INDIA's view is about taking the livelyhood(food and shelter) for millions of IRANIAN people, which INDIA does not accept.
This is the reason why INDIA is against economic sanctions on IRAN, its not about generating or sharing sympathy with our own country men because they are muslims, its about what is right
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