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Defence.pk Interviews | Interview with a former US Army officer Jhungary.


May 3, 2009
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Hello Mr Jhungary, this is the first of the series of Defence.pk interviews that we will be conducting, with highly respected and experienced members of this board, in the year 2013.
I would like to ask you a few questions today.

1 | I would start with the introduction, so please give us a brief introduction about yourself, about your education and occupation.

Hi, everyone in Pakistan Defence Forum

My name is Gary, better known as the user jhungary in this forum. I was born in the US and move around a bit afterward, i lived in Hong Kong for 13 years, then move to China for 5 and then move back to the US for another 8 years, then 3 years on and off in Sweden, and now i am living in Australia.

I am of Chinese and Mexican descent, my mother was a Vietnam born Chinese and my father is Hispanic, i am blessed with both Latin American and Chinese Culture. And hence i'm am fluent in both Spanish and Chinese, on top of English, i also fluent to some degree in Swedish.

I am currently married, my wife is from Dalarna, Central Sweden. I met my wife when we both served with our respective government in Afghanistan, while she was a lawyer working for Swedish Military and i was in charge with Intel, had a lot of opportunity to interrogate potential insurgents.

I completed one and a half year of University in Hong Kong (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), studying Computer Science. Then i moved back to my native country, and continued my education in International Politics in University of Colorado, Boulder, i am currently studying a Master in International Business in International College of Management, Sydney in Manly.

I joined the US Army via green to gold to supplement by Study, and at the end of the study, i got an commission into a 2LT in the US Army. During my army career, i have attend several specialist school to gain some of my skill set i would use

I am trained on the follow specialty or school.

Basic Combat Training + Cavalry One Station Training
Advance Combat Tactics Training
US Army Airborne School
US Army Ranger School
US Army Intelligence Center

I was trained as a cavalryman on initial and professional training, but retrained as an infantryman and deployed to Iraq in 2003. I was later enrolled in Army Ranger School and not got picked in the end(But i finished the course) and then finally enrolled in Army Intelligence School and redeployed to Afghanistan for another 1 year tour. I am specialized in Human Intelligence, Human Performance and UAV surveillance while my tenure in Army Intelligence.

2 | What motivated you to join the US Army ?

Money, mostly, i wanted someone to supplement my studies the US, unlike the system in Hong Kong, there are no Granting and Loan you can take from the government for higher education. One day i walked past a recruitment stall and they say they can help, and that feels like a good deal, so i took it.

Patriotic Thoughts were never in my mind, and i do not have a huge fascination about the military. Although i have to say the whole family of mine were in the military, going back to the Mexican American war. Where my great great grand father fought on the Mexican side defending Texas side and my Grandfather fought in WW2, my dad fought in Vietnam and my brother was in the USAF and my cousin is currently in USCG. But i growth up without a strong urge to join the Armed Force, but then again, here i was. I joined pre 9/11, so that was not an issue for me when i sign up.

3 | How long was your service and how was your, over all experience with the US Military?

Technically it's 8 years, reality is 5 years and 10 months. I had 2 years finishing up my degree under army paid and i have 2 month terminal leave before being discharged. I got a lot of good vibe, military is an unique place that offer a lot of different stuff all in one go. You got to make a lot of friend and see a lot of people.

They also provide you with a lot of training you can never get in the outside world, i mean, where else can you find someone to teach you how to jump out of a C-17 at 15000 AGL?? Military do give you a sense of belonging and their challenge gave you some sort of pride when you complete them. I enjoy learning how to drive an APC and doing the obstacle course, also enjoy firing rounds in range. Military is a diverse circle and you got to do a lot of thing in one places However, bad things always comes with the good.

The downside of the military is they are quite physical and mentally demanding, Being in the military,you are require to be at top shape and keep it for the duration. This is hard by itself. Then you got those challenge i mention, which usually made you exhausted and cannot get up for a couple of days.

But the worse is not the physical stuff, but the separation to all the people you love, separation with family and friend is the hardest part of the entire military life. The situation is better when you are state side training, at least you can take an overnight train to meet up with family and friend, try to imagine only keep in touch with 10 minutes phone call per day and e-mail when you get the absolute isolation from your family. This, for me, is the hardest part.

4 | Please tell us a little about your deployment in Afghanistan and your experiences in a war zone.

I was flying a desk in Afghanistan, manning a Comm station as the Battalion S2 in Eastern Afghanistan near the Pakistani border, my duty is to keep the comm open for the ODA team around the area with the base, make sure the update is provided two way on a timely fashion. I also go out of the fence from time to time, mainly to secure ground intel and also build a better relationship between us and the local imam. When we do go out to the village, we go out unarmed (Apart from my sidearm) and usually rolled in with a humvee, then sit down with the Imam and drink tea

However, i did see action in Afghanistan once, but that was a Rescue Ops. I did saw a lot of combat when i was posted to Iraq in 2003 as an infantry platoon leader, all the way from thunder run to Battle of Fullujah, combat is a mess, where you constantly engaged, the job of platoon leader mean i have a 40 something man platoon and i am in charge of those 40 man. Where they go, what they do and how they eat....

Being in a platoon size force, the tactic is minimal and the duty is also somewhat trivial. I was not involve in any planning at all, it's merely a job of doing what i have been told, with minimal interpretation ground. It actually somehow better than any command role as you got a lot of pressure taken out of your back and you were free to do what you want, without any check and balance thing you need to consider

5 | How was your experience with the US Army, being an ethnic minority ?

Many people blame the US for starting wars, snooping into someone else business and some, as you can see frequently in this forum , would consider US evil. For me, i don't really care, nor do i have a say on our foreign policy. I do believe each country look out for their own interest, Given the same situation, everybody will do what we do if they have our power. I joined the Army not because i wanted to change anything, but i do accept my responsibility to me, my guy and usually people under my jurisdiction.

The Army is getting a lot of Negative Publicity these day, Not just the US Army, depend on where you are, there are going to be someone who hate your outfits. But most of those people hate the Military is not because what we do, but rather what we belong, we are the US army and therefore bad people because we are a tool of the US, which is evil.

Problem is, those guy have no where near saw what we seen, and I can have a choice to see all these go down and people suffer from my living room TV set, instead i believe in the cause and trying to protect those who cannot, while we sit our arse down in air conditioning room, with soft drink or coffee casually browsing the news and reading those people dies. I choose not to do that instead trying to go help those people.

I did not do it for the oil, nor did i do it for money (Which they pay crap, by the way) and if that makes me a bad person, then i guess i am a bad person. Ethnic tension will be there, so did race, gender and sexuality tension. In the army we have a saying. You are a soldier first, then American, then who you are individually. Being a minority does not affect the respect i got and i pay. Apart from some plank that those guys don't even know they are offending people from different culture. We were soldier, we were all American. That's the main theme.

6 | Please tell us a little about your life experiences, do you play any sports?

I am quite an active person actually, i do all sort of sport, the only sport i don't enjoy is cricket (Year, i know how big it is in Pakistan...) I try to enjoy cricket but i have absolutely no idea what was going on, i do runs/walk daily and i play basketball frequently and i will not say no to Soccer or any sort of sport too, i may not be very well at some of those, but i tried to play.

After getting out of the Military, i actually did a lot of menial job to support my life. I build and sold computers and write programs. I worked as a security guard for some mall, i work as a freelance photographer for an Australian magazine and i even worked as a waiter once. I guess i am not the kind of people who would settle in one job, i want to learn something new and use it. Probably that's why i keep changing job, or maybe i am just sucked at working.....I don't know

7 | What is your personal opinion on war, how is it different from the myths among the normal folk ?

Many people don't know what's war's like. People who never seen war would generally mystify it or simplify it. General concept of war is a group of people kills a group of people,either for money or power struggle. But there are many more in between people just don't know. To be honest, i have done stuff in Iraq that i would not be proud of, nor would i ever talk to another person for it, and things that i regretted i did not do, and stuff that i regretted doing...

General public have a way to overlook that darkness of war. Again, as you can see in this forum alone, how many member always banging war drum and advocate the "glory" of war. In truth, nothing glory about one man killing another. In the military, they train you to kill people, they train you to a point, killing another human being is a reflex action. Problem is, there are a lot of train make you ready to kill someone, but there are no such training about how you deal with taking a life. They would assume you would just forget about it.

Indeed, in the heat of battle, when your adrenaline pumping to the max, you hardly have time to think of anything beside how do you get out alive. What hit you is when all the stuff died down and when you are sitting in your bunk alone and criket chuping on the background. This is the time that it WILL Hit you.

You will starting to have flashback about what you did. Starting to doubt yourself, should you or shouldn't you. All that quiet will make you think. and every waking moment you trying to tell yourself not to think about it, at that moment you realize you are thinking about it to tell yourself not to think about it...It is an endless cycle.

Sometime, this thing will get to you, other time not. You would try to tell someone but you then started to get scare, what if i reviewed more than i have to and what if there are consequence. See, the problem is in normal life, THERE ARE CONSEQUENCE when you kill a fellow human being, not so much in war, and you can only keep your wartime mentality when you are right there, in the mist of battle. Other time, you are just a human being.

These kind of feeling then started to eat you up, if not dealt with promptly. And luckily i had help and although i can't say that i did overcome this problem, i do at least function normally. Another problem people thinking war is too easy. People play too much video game, and they started to think War is just like a video game, Like a first person shooter...Everything is laid ahead of you, you have a clear objective and you keep shooting and shooting your way and eventually you will accomplish your objective. That is dead wrong.

War are suppose to make you think. Even when you got mortar and machine gun bullet raining on top of your head, how you going to diffuse the situation. Imagine a life and death choice to be made with that split second to spare, you make the right move, you live, you make the wrong move you die. But if you don't make any decision, you will die too.

Problem is, people today perceived that we fight in a war with unlimited resource, equipment and stuff can be picked up, replace almost immediately. Truth is far from that. War is fought in with limit resource.Everything you use in war you brought in yourself, you don't have unlimited resource like many people think.

I don't know if you understand this, but in War, which country have what actually did not matter much, rather what can i get in that time frame when i need it matter A LOT more, i don't care if USAF have 200 F-15E, it does not really matter if i get none to drop bomb on CAS run when i need one. This is the problem most people don't understand.

A war is never an inventory count for a country, a basic what do my country have vs what's your country have. But rather what can you bring to the table vs what can they bring to the table. Otherwise Combat is much like what Video Game depict, minus the you get shot a multiple time and all you need to do is stay down and stay out of trouble and you will recover...

8 | How did you come by Defence.pk & what is your opinion about Pakistanis ?

Actually i was referred to me by my friend. Funny to mention it, as my friend was a long time PDF user and we were having lunch one day and he was checking his response. And he say, hey Gary, come look at this. Then i joined up a couple of days later. I mainly discuss the technical aspect in this forum, as i do not have much political affiliation.

My general view about Pakistanis is quite positive. In fact i almost went into Pakistan when i was in Afghanistan for some stolen equipment recovery, but i didn't. From what i see and what i hear, Pakistanis are very hospitable. And they are quite hardworking too. Where i live now is settled with many Pakistani and Lebanese, they are quite friendly to everyone, even Indian here. Pakistan is a great country i would want to visit someday, but being at war constantly make that trip a little risky.

9 | What do you enjoy the most about the Defence.pk community ?

I had a lot of great discussions with fellow members, i enjoy talking tactics with fellow member here, i still remember how fun it was when i do my tactical battle analyst and start discussing how each battle was won and lost with fellow member here.

Shame i don't have time now to prepare for any, but i think i am going to come back for it once my hand was less tied.I also enjoy learning different things and culture in this forum. People talk about their background and stuff like that and i am always fascinated by that.

10 | Tell us a little about your future plans ?

Family mostly. Me and my wife is looking for a place to settle down and maybe have kids finally...Problem is she have her world and i have mine and i just can't see how i am going to manage that. I will first finish my master degree and then move on to find a job that i want to do. Or maybe going back to school again for some other training. I don't see myself as anything other than a technical person, i would want to either start my own business or work in an IT Field, probably after getting a Formal Qualification.


Thank you Mr Jhungary, it was a great pleasure to have you for this interview, have a great day.


_____________________End of Interview__________________
Is it possible we can continue this interview on this post by taking questions from other senior members as well?
Very well taken interview @Aeronaut,excellent work.
It was very entertaining and pleasing,I was wondering that we should continue this series,we have @asad71 @joe shearar @CENTCOM professionals,we are indeed very lucky and blessed to have their presence.
I would request to some of my members to kindly give some respect to 'professionals',I have never had bad experience with them,you will find them ready to give you support or help in any way.
@jhungary on topic,it was great to read stuff about you.
There is one thing which I would like to clear,that people cannot accept this psychologically when US representatives try to justify their attacks on regions such as Iraq-Vietnam,as US has succeed to create her hype for being 'strongest' and 'toughest' nations at all levels.
That is why when US claims herself as a victim of terrorism,people deny it immediately.
Nobody is glorifying war,we know that how it is feels like when you lost your loved ones,we also lost our people in this war,infact Pakistan has suffered the most,you know how death awaits for soldiers who are fighting at first line of offence.
We have lost so much that now our people hate the word war,but we are left with no other choice,it is necessary for us now to annihilate such terrorists outfits completely as well as we need to get rid of those regional hegemony players who are funding them against us,it is matter of our survival now.
There is a huge difference when we discuss general death pattern such as war and when we force to wage it,war is indeed a nessesary phase to which every nation will pass through once,twice etc,if you will avoid it,it will come to you,denying this phase is just like you are denying the birth process as it gives pain or slaughter of animals as they are living beings.
Thus war is a natural phase,but this doesn't mean that we should wage it,infact we must avoid it by strengthening ourselves,by researching and by updating as our powerful appearance will also refrain other players to wage war against us,we should only wage war with an objective to annihilate those group or defeat them atleast who are threat to peace process.
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Is it possible we can continue this interview on this post by taking questions from other senior members as well?

What would you like to ask??

Very well taken interview @Aeronaut,excellent work.
It was very entertaining and pleasing,I was wondering that we should continue this series,we have @asad71 @joe shearar @CENTCOM professionals,we are indeed very lucky and blessed to have their presence.
I would request to some of my members to kindly give some respect to 'professionals',I have never had bad experience with them,you will find them ready to give you support or help in any way.
@jhungary on topic,it was great to read stuff about you.
There is one thing which I would like to clear,that people cannot accept this psychologically when US representatives try to justify their attacks on regions such as Iraq-Vietnam,as US has succeed to create her hype for being 'strongest' and 'toughest' nations at all levels.
That is why when US claims herself as a victim of terrorism,people deny it immediately.
Nobody is glorifying war,we know that how it is feels like when you lost your loved ones,we also lost our people in this war,infact Pakistan has suffered the most,you know how death awaits for soldiers who are fighting at first line of offence.
We have lost so much that now our people hate the word war,but we are left with no other choice,it is necessary for us now to annihilate such terrorists outfits completely as well as we need to get rid of those regional hegemony players who are funding them against us,it is matter of our survival now.
There is a huge difference when we discuss general death pattern such as war and when we force to wage it,war is indeed a nessesary phase to which every nation will pass through once,twice etc,if you will avoid it,it will come to you,denying this phase is just like you are denying the birth process as it gives pain or slaughter of animals as they are living beings.
Thus war is a natural phase,but this doesn't mean that we should wage it,infact we must avoid it by strengthening ourselves,by researching and by updating as our powerful appearance will also refrain other players to wage war against us,we should only wage war with an objective to annihilate those group or defeat them atleast who are threat to peace process.

First I have to say thank you, let me reply you in short as I am using my iPhone on PDF, I will reply in detail tomorrow when I get on a proper computer

The problem between war and peace is, one is alway follow another, without war, there will be no peace, and without peace, there will be no war. The fundamental value is, does peace worth more? Or war?

Continue tomorrow
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What would you like to ask??

First I have to say thank you, let me reply you in short as I am using my iPhone on PDF, I will reply in detail tomorrow when I get on a proper computer

The problem between war and peace is, one is alway follow another, without war, there will be no peace, and without peace, there will be no war. The fundamental value is, does peace worth more? Or war?

Continue tomorrow

@jhaungary why are you so hesitatent to click 'like' button option?:D,I am also on crappy phone right now,that is why it is quite difficult for me to make long post.
In short,let us identify the root cause which lead any nation to war,whether they are powerful nations or the weak ones.
It is not oil,power or inventory,it is the fear actually,fear to be extinct,all humans have this feeling naturally,by birth...on individual level,they struggle for their own existence and when same individual joins armed/civil sector,then his invidual struggle becomes collective struggle for existence.
It was never only oil,inventory,economical growth but resources to survive,power to dominate,in order to increase chances of survival and living,to prolong time Period of existence,and this includes all those nations who are fighting with each other or whatever,whether it is US,Pakistan,India or Russia,we all are fighting to maintain power and our hegemoney to survive and to increase chances of our living by making such attempts- to increase our power.
@jhungary who is your celebrity crush?
And what are your favorite hobbies, and tell us about the music and movies you like.
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I don't want too many interviews to go at once. I'm planning to conduct interviews with carefully selected members of the board depending on their availability.

If you have anyone you'd want me to interview, please PM me.
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I don't want too many interviews to go at once. I'm planning to conduct interviews with carefully selected members of the board depending on their availability.

If you have anyone you'd want me to interview, please PM me.

I meant more question open for the person being interviewed, preferably from other countries to ask them how things affect them as well. In this case ask @jhungary from other peoples perspective how his stay in Afghanistan was and how he got along with the local ANA and their level of professionalism. Plus if he met any Indians. Would also be glad to see the new and improved @CENTCOM chime in as well.
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@jhaungary why are you so hesitatent to click 'like' button option?:D,I am also on crappy phone right now,that is why it is quite difficult for me to make long post.
In short,let us identify the root cause which lead any nation to war,whether they are powerful nations or the weak ones.
It is not oil,power or inventory,it is the fear actually,fear to be extinct,all humans have this feeling naturally,by birth...on individual level,they struggle for their own existence and when same individual joins armed/civil sector,then his invidual struggle becomes collective struggle for existence.
It was never only oil,inventory,economical growth but resources to survive,power to dominate,in order to increase chances of survival and living,to prolong time Period of existence,and this includes all those nations who are fighting with each other or whatever,whether it is US,Pakistan,India or Russia,we all are fighting to maintain power and our hegemoney to survive and to increase chances of our living by making such attempts- to increase our power.

Here goes the long version

Why there are war? This is basically a very good question, actually I am contemping to write a piece on my view in war here soon, I am currently working on at the moment, just school work let me down a bit and I yret to have time to finalise

You can actually say war is a trade mark for human, when you look at the animal kingdom, even the beastie of the beast does not have a dedicated branch formed only to seek out and destroy the other, animal complete with themselves, by themselves, they have the sense of turf, but they don't have a sense of war.

That do come back to one question? Why we have war?

If you want the textbook response, that would need the good triumph over the evil, a simple of good versus bad, light vs dark and so on. But when you look closer, human crave fighting, see , every time I would get excite to see 2 dude fighting and going at each other, some even compare the adrenaline rush can be as high as any drug. When I was out there killing people, the first reaction after you killed someone is not remorse, but excitement. You can never denial that a man killing another is an exciting act.

Face it, this is imprinted in all of us, the problem I can see is, how 1 man ambition is worth a thousand, may be more, killings

It's a matter if you think the killing is necessary for you to achieve peace? Or you think the price of peace is too high that you can justified the killing to preserve it, either way, they both tell you the same things

War is never build on power or and materialistic need, it is about oneself.

I don't really know if you catch what I am talking about? Maybe a bit too deep.

@jhungary who is your celebrity crush?
And what are your favorite hobbies, and tell us about the music and movies you like.

About 10 years ago, I have a big crush on the Canadian actress Jessica Pare

Jessica Paré - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then my crush sort of died down when I got married, totally gone when she got married....

I am very keen on photography, up to a point I reach myself on many knowledge on digital photography, I am also a keen model builder, I use to build and paint war ship and display them teen acting historic battle.

I don't really watch TV, but my favourite TV program currently is Psych, I like general pop music, and I also enjoy Latin pop and canton pop too.

I meant more question open for the person being interviewed, preferably from other countries to ask them how things affect them as well. In this case ask @jhungary from other peoples perspective how his stay in Afghanistan was and how he got along with the local ANA and their level of professionalism. Plus if he met any Indians. Would also be glad to see the new and improved @CENTCOM chime in as well.

Well, I did train some ANA and ANP counterpart while I was deployed to Afghanistan, problem is I would not be probably a correct person to ask about their professionalism.

I was part of JSOC and people I trained would be in the special operation command, and you don't get to that point when your enthusiasm and professionalism thru the roof. Plus I was in Afghanistan early, the term green on blue was not even termed.

All I can say is, while there are certain number of afghani want us dead and want us to fail, there are also a lot of them want their country to go back on track and really care about their country, I don't really know what is it like today, but I assume it will take a lot of drastic action for the people who want us dead to overwhelm those people who want our help.

My stay in Afghanistan is fantastic, most places we have been were secured, the hard job was done by the A team and make sure we are on the right way to collect intel. Most afghan I know don't want American present, but they would still invite you in for a tea or some I can only assume is biscuit...

People are generally very hospitable but they most just wanted to stay out of trouble, unlike the folks in big city like Kandahar or Kabul, NATO did not totally control the eastern region, so. Any American present will definitely mean putting them in a 2 way firing range. I understand that actually. And they understand me.

The only time I see Indian is when they work as a third country contractor, people who contracted to drive the big truck and carry apply from base to base. Not many Indian was in there and even some got slaughtered in ambushes.
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Here goes the long version

Why there are war? This is basically a very good question, actually I am contemping to write a piece on my view in war here soon, I am currently working on at the moment, just school work let me down a bit and I yret to have time to finalise

You can actually say war is a trade mark for human, when you look at the animal kingdom, even the beastie of the beast does not have a dedicated branch formed only to seek out and destroy the other, animal complete with themselves, by themselves, they have the sense of turf, but they don't have a sense of war.

That do come back to one question? Why we have war?

If you want the textbook response, that would need the good triumph over the evil, a simple of good versus bad, light vs dark and so on. But when you look closer, human crave fighting, see , every time I would get excite to see 2 dude fighting and going at each other, some even compare the adrenaline rush can be as high as any drug. When I was out there killing people, the first reaction after you killed someone is not remorse, but excitement. You can never denial that a man killing another is an exciting act.

Face it, this is imprinted in all of us, the problem I can see is, how 1 man ambition is worth a thousand, may be more, killings

It's a matter if you think the killing is necessary for you to achieve peace? Or you think the price of peace is too high that you can justified the killing to preserve it, either way, they both tell you the same things

War is never build on power or and materialistic need, it is about oneself.

I don't really know if you catch what I am talking about? Maybe a bit too deep.

About 10 years ago, I have a big crush on the Canadian actress Jessica Pare

Jessica Paré - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then my crush sort of died down when I got married, totally gone when she got married....

I am very keen on photography, up to a point I reach myself on many knowledge on digital photography, I am also a keen model builder, I use to build and paint war ship and display them teen acting historic battle.

I don't really watch TV, but my favourite TV program currently is Psych, I like general pop music, and I also enjoy Latin pop and canton pop too.

Well, I did train some ANA and ANP counterpart while I was deployed to Afghanistan, problem is I would not be probably a correct person to ask about their professionalism.

I was part of JSOC and people I trained would be in the special operation command, and you don't get to that point when your enthusiasm and professionalism thru the roof. Plus I was in Afghanistan early, the term green on blue was not even termed.

All I can say is, while there are certain number of afghani want us dead and want us to fail, there are also a lot of them want their country to go back on track and really care about their country, I don't really know what is it like today, but I assume it will take a lot of drastic action for the people who want us dead to overwhelm those people who want our help.

My stay in Afghanistan is fantastic, most places we have been were secured, the hard job was done by the A team and make sure we are on the right way to collect intel. Most afghan I know don't want American present, but they would still invite you in for a tea or some I can only assume is biscuit...

People are generally very hospitable but they most just wanted to stay out of trouble, unlike the folks in big city like Kandahar or Kabul, NATO did not totally control the eastern region, so. Any American present will definitely mean putting them in a 2 way firing range. I understand that actually. And they understand me.

The only time I see Indian is when they work as a third country contractor, people who contracted to drive the big truck and carry apply from base to base. Not many Indian was in there and even some got slaughtered in ambushes.

I understand your point very well,Mr.Gary very well added:D.
But a question arises here that why do we have this 'craving' or why do we feel excited when we shoot a man to death?
The reason is simple,if this craving will not be added in our nature by God,then there will be no concept of war,crime,LEA,defense,security...as a result of which there will be no 'system' to sustain the ratio of population,resources...
If there will be no 'craving' which will lead to 'excitement' then no one will be ready to take lives pleasantly/aggressively and most important point...there will be no such thing as 'fear'

Yes Mr.Gary,try to understand the hidden mechanism and link which is connecting fear with craving due to which these concepts of life and death are born as well as mechanism or system to maintain balance of power and transfer from one region/sector/place/individual to another.
It will be great to read your article on this basic plan,very less people have this deep,critical and intense approach to understand the basic concept of universal/natural system of God upon which the entire universe is ambit of.
I have also written my an article earlier:


Therefore,I hope that you will enjoy this article..:D
jhungary, nice Q&A. And Oha, you are not a Viet.
jhungary, nice Q&A. And Oha, you are not a Viet.
Of course, Mr jhungary is a Vietnamese at least has half of VN blood coz his mother is a Vietnamese woman. He born in U.S and get green card after served U.S.A, so he is a American citizen.

The family background like Mr jhungary is complex, He living in China and HongKong for many years, know Chinese culture. Mr jhungary's personal experience is very globalization in today world. Can u read & write Chinese language, Mr jhungary ?
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