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Defence Minister Rajnath Singh announces Agnipath scheme to strengthen armed forces, Future Ready Soldiers !

this looks more of a political move then military.
Totally political.

They are knocking off the institutions one after the other, systematically.

Joe - is Agnipath the direct translation of the infamous Schutzstaffel during the Nazi times?
That would require much too much knowledge on the part of these Neanderthals.
(Sorry, Homo Neanderthalensis. That just slipped out).

One can also argue that fresh recruits are still gullible enough to go into battle not knowing the extent of the toll it takes, part and parcel of the manipulation that goes on with the Armed forces and there orders worldwide.
You are referring, of course, to the numerous occasions on which units of the Indian Army and the Pakistani Army refused to go into battle, knowing that some of them would die?

How long does it really take for a person to get accustomed to grunt weapon/tactics anyways?
You can check with the experience of different armies, but you do not have a scale to measure with. The training imparted to a particular army is not a clone of the training imparted to another. Such training differs according to the nature of the recruitment, the type of unit, the traditions and history of that particular army, navy or air force, the facilities available, the expenditure permitted on training, and the quality of the instructors.

I would be interested to see your efforts at normalising these, and putting all armies' efforts on a uniform scale.
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I thought the indian minister was saying them to prepare for short term and ling term war
That only means they need more men……trying to invade/attack Pakistan very soon eh
One more post indicating that members of less than two years' tenure should be encouraged to read posts rather than to make posts.

No, it does not mean that they need more men. It means that (a) they are trying to train a large number of men in a short duration; (b) these trained men will soon be discharged and be ready to form bands like the German Freikorps bands; (c) these will be happy to do the equivalent of Kristallnacht.
So now all BJP hindutva terrorists will be given a free pass and legal immunity to be part of muslim extermination from Bharat under garb of military induction.

Nice going.

At some point, it's all meant to backfire. Muslims just learn the hard way as always.

How is anything you wrote has anything to do with the topic of this thread
You are referring, of course, to the numerous occasions on which units of the Indian Army and the Pakistani Army refused to go into battle, knowing that some of them would die?
Why would anyone go to die willingly , if one wasn't addled on one snake oil or the other. It takes a strong concoction to overcome the instinct to live.
Pushing thousands into harms way cannot be based on purely truth and honesty can it?

I am referring to the instances where soldiers are sent in with a gun pointed at there backs , or more recently commanders promising camping trips ,only for solders to find themselves in the thick of battle. (Ukraine).
You can check with the experience of different armies, but you do not have a scale to measure with. The training imparted to a particular army is not a clone of the training imparted to another. Such training differs according to the nature of the recruitment, the type of unit, the traditions and history of that particular army, navy or air force, the facilities available, the expenditure permitted on training, and the quality of the instructors.

I would be interested to see your efforts at normalizing these, and putting all armies' efforts on a uniform scale.
You wouldn't catch me spending more time than i need to, on such topics , my interests in these matters are superficial at best. I earn my bread an butter through other endeavors.
But appreciate the insight, especially the communal angle, Hasn't Israel done something similar on a mandatory basis.
One more post indicating that members of less than two years' tenure should be encouraged to read posts rather than to make posts.

No, it does not mean that they need more men. It means that (a) they are trying to train a large number of men in a short duration; (b) these trained men will soon be discharged and be ready to form bands like the German Freikorps bands; (c) these will be happy to do the equivalent of Kristallnacht.
Great idea, 2 yrs just read posts
There’s even likes for that suggestion…wow
This is an idiotic scheme, to say the least with no clear future goals it will turn out to be a waste of money and looks like a desperate attempt to recruit more manpower through the old age trick of "money pulls".

This toy army will not last a day in real combat.
Why would anyone go to die willingly , if one wasn't addled on one snake oil or the other. It takes a strong concoction to overcome the instinct to live.
Pushing thousands into harms way cannot be based on purely truth and honesty can it?
Nobody goes to die willingly, but people do join military service, knowing that the risk of getting killed is many times higher than staying out, and when in military service, people do take risks where the odds are weighted against them. Your arguments, you will forgive me for saying, are jejune.

I am referring to the instances where soldiers are sent in with a gun pointed at there backs , or more recently commanders promising camping trips ,only for solders to find themselves in the thick of battle. (Ukraine).
Bizarre examples do not compromise the basic premise that people are willing to fight knowing that the probability is that they will die.

You wouldn't catch me spending more time than i need to, on such topics , my interests in these matters are superficial at best. I earn my bread an butter through other endeavors.
Eminently sensible.

This line of interest is a peculiarity, not meant for rational, balanced people, as you seem to be.

Stay away; you have made the right choice.

But appreciate the insight, especially the communal angle, Hasn't Israel done something similar on a mandatory basis.
The communal angle?

Have I been talking in my sleep? Again?
The communal angle?

Have I been talking in my sleep? Again?
what else could this comment imply?

No, it does not mean that they need more men. It means that (a) they are trying to train a large number of men in a short duration; (b) these trained men will soon be discharged and be ready to form bands like the German Freikorps bands; (c) these will be happy to do the equivalent of Kristallnacht.
Looks like the Indian Army will start to look like a conscript Army if these changes follow through?
This is very bad for country like India. It worked for USA as they don't have any threat of invasion. They know that chances of dying in conflict is almost zero. But we have constant threat from Pakistan and China. We need patriotic people not contract workers. What will be moral, when few contract army personnel dies in conflict with China or Pakistan.

There can be abuse by regular army personnel also.
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