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Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar interview (VIDEO)

What the DM said about the new DPP is interesting. All in all he seems to have his head screwed on straight and aware of what he needs to do.

As said here:
Modified defence procurement policy in three months, defence minister Manohar Parrikar says

It will be interesting to see how much actually will get through, since not everything seems to be in line with the party / PM agenda. The new budget in Feb will be most crucial anyway, since the NDA has to push groundbreaking reforms through now, after the disappointing last budget. At least now we have a full time DM that can fight with the FM for the defence budget.
Just finished watching the first part. (I watched it in bits and parts).
I loved the way Parrikar reminded Thapar that he's an engineer and metallurgist and went to drill some sense into Thapar that spectographic evidences 're what matter and not the photographic ones, in the coast guard issue.He also trashed the notion that IB and MoD had issues by saying Hindustan times is not IB's spokesperson. Lol
I like this man.
First Modi, then Doval and now Parrikar. <3
Yes @Areesh these 're our super heroes.Burning with jealousy ? are you?? :lol:
Burn because of your imaginary super heroes? Which weed you are smoking aunty? :lol:
Aunties dont smoke weeds..uncles do. :P
You know what? watch the first video posted in this thread. It will answer a lot many of your doubts.

@sancho @Sidak @levina @sandy_3126 @Water Car Engineer @Kinetic @Koovie

What the DM said about the new DPP is interesting. All in all he seems to have his head screwed on straight and aware of what he needs to do.

It is great to see that a level headed person is leading MoD .
This just raises the expectations from him .

quite candid interview !

thanks for Karan Thapar to get some crucial points out ....

Liked the way Mr Thapar was grilling him about wire less communication intercept ..and the way he stuck to his guns without revealing too much .
Aunties dont smoke weeds..uncles do. :P
You know what? watch the first video posted in this thread. It will answer a lot many of your doubts.

Don't care what your defense minister is saying. If you are his fan. Good for you. :)
Liked the way Mr Thapar was grilling him about wire less communication intercept ..and the way he stuck to his guns without revealing too much .
Indeed, those in the media keep repeating themselves calling for the intercepts to be released without giving a second thought to what they are actually asking, it is good that the Defence Minister himself has said this won't be happening and the need to protect operational security is greater then to silence some ignorant critics in the media.

He also trashed the notion that IB and MoD had issues by saying Hindustan times is not IB's spokesperson. Lol
Indeed, when he said quite casually, if the IB wants to talk to the ICG crew there is no issue and they can come to him and he'll arrange it. It seems the HT has been propagating nonsense (again).
the boat bit seems to be a pack of lies..

I agree, it was obvious after the media jumped on the issue, that the government had gone over board with their reactions after the incident and Parrikar has no answers either and puts the focus on avoiding the issue. However, he even makes it worse with the cyanide nonsense, because that another basesless claim he or the government can't prove, so why bring it up?
The fact remains that the government can't prove their claims, most likely because all they have are intercepts which would make their sources vulnerable, but then they should had remained silent about it and not jump in front of the media.

I must give it to the moderator to ask the DM such questions, he obviously was well prepared for the interview and not aimed on just sensationalise things.
Indeed, those in the media keep repeating themselves calling for the intercepts to be released without giving a second thought to what they are actually asking, it is good that the Defence Minister himself has said this won't be happening and the need to protect operational security is greater then to silence some ignorant critics in the media. .

how is release of intercept is going to compromise the sources ?

did not we release the intercept in aftermath of 26/11 ?

did not we release the intercept of Musharraf's conversation during kargil war ?
Indeed, those in the media keep repeating themselves calling for the intercepts to be released without giving a second thought to what they are actually asking, it is good that the Defence Minister himself has said this won't be happening and the need to protect operational security is greater then to silence some ignorant critics in the media.

You don't have to release it to the media, but if you claim you have proof, the minimum one can expect, is an official complaint to the Pakistani government! Since that didn't happened and the government has no other proof to make it evident that there were actual terrorists on the vessel, let alone that there was a link to Pakistan, it's the government that is in the weak position!
It is the job of the media to keep an eye on the government, so asking for evidence of the claims is not wrong. Sure they didn't really expected to get the intercepts, but there must be some reasoning for official statements, otherwise the government shouldn't had made them in the first place.

how is release of intercept is going to compromise the sources ?

Depends on the case, if the release will make covert operations or sources vulnerable.
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