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Debunking Indian claims of F-16 firing AIM-120C AMRAAM

Part 2:

1) DG ispr said no f16 is used in complete mission, while only f16 carry amraam as of now and NO JF17 CANNOT CARRY IT as of now. Again a ir responsible communication because I believe amraam was shot from f16
2) people said that the mig was shot in Pak airspace, yes it might have but the distance and where iaf pilot is captured is barely 4.5 km from loc a plane can cover that much distance after getting hit. So may be it was hot on loc in Indian airspace or in Pak airspace, here a radar proof would only tell reality (anyways kudos paf pilot)
3) our air marshell highest ranking officer has confirmed on a paf jet kill, now he is not media with no political intension. If he says I believe it just as you do on dg ispr. Why I am telling this is that in case this has even a little bit of truth you will come to know soon enough, till then stay back n enjoy. Request you to not quite any Pak or Indian media who cook things for news only, keep your eyes and ears opens on official announcement on both sides.
First ur air marshial don't have any evidence or credible info.
Secondly if he was correct then such loss of F-16 cannot be kept hidden.
The Pakistanis F-16s are stationed at a separate military base and at any given time 45 US personnel are present there to help maintain the aircraft and to make sure no part is allowed to be examined by Chinese or any other foreigner. In this scenario it is very unlikely that any loss could be kept hidden.

I didn't know american sniffs took f-16 security that seriously lol!

Its not like we will give our F-16s to china to make copies of it!

O wait may be thats exactly what they fear.
you still don't understand my point...would a highly qualified officer be posted to an aircraft that is proned to crash? they would post officers at the lowest end of the totem pole to accident prone aircrafts, not the highly qualified ones.
Officers are posted to different sqns and that is quite normal. The idea is that if you take a pilot from a multirole platform and get him into another sqn with a dedicated role employing less capable aircraft, he would be able to bring in experience beneficial to the squadron which helps in better employment of the sqn's assets.

This happens all the time in the PAF and also in other air forces.



Are you really this stupid?

The aircraft is clearly Russian. F-16 is made of composites. Its body does not burn down like aluminum jets like this. Check out wreckage of recent F-16 shot down by Syrian SAMs.

That number written by marker is for a component inventory. The serial number of a plane wont be written on a single part.

The jet exhaust F-16 has comes with ceramic bricks on petals cut in length of the exhaust. This one is a clearly Russian engine with corrugated exhaust.
The Americans have ridiculous clauses. The monitoring is obnoxious.

We did not use the F-16 for any mission. The Americans would be protesting day and night.
But its true they have a team here for the inspection of our f-16s and that too at the payroll of our govt budget money...but my own guess is that they monitoring only F-16 bolck52
Just because of a missile debrie we can't say that a fighter jet is shot down. It might be patrolling insife their airspace and have shot on the migs chasing Pakistani jets. Lockheed or the US might be able to shed more light on this, right? Even Commander Abhinandan's version might be interesting. I've been tuning into these English news channels in India ecee since the development started at border. Boy o boy there is too much jingoism and war mongering shown by them. On the other hand the state news channels are much more mature! It was the CNN news 18 claimed 325 JeM militants killed in the air strike out of which 25 were trainers. They just pulled the numbers from their a$$. It is a good gesture that the pilot is getting released soon and the way he was treated.
Just because of a missile debrie we can't say that a fighter jet is shot down. It might be patrolling insife their airspace and have shot on the migs chasing Pakistani jets. Lockheed or the US might be able to shed more light on this, right? Even Commander Abhinandan's version might be interesting. I've been tuning into these English news channels in India ecee since the development started at border. Boy o boy there is too much jingoism and war mongering shown by them. On the other hand the state news channels are much more mature! It was the CNN news 18 claimed 325 JeM militants killed in the air strike out of which 25 were trainers. They just pulled the numbers from their a$$. It is a good gesture that the pilot is getting released soon and the way he was treated.

We Struck 6 Indian Installations Shot Down Two Jets and Captured Your Pilot.We Just Wanted To Prove A Point That's All.And Now That The Point Is Proven We Extended A Heartfelt Olive Branch To Modi Inspite Of The Fact That He Doesn't Deserve It
very rarely personal preference.

Actually in this case, Abhi is madly in love with the Bison. There is a family portrait floating around the interweb which describes him so. And that his father and his wife both are Ex - IAF.
I hope they allow him to fly the Bison even after this. Assuming no spinal injuries from the ejection.
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