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Debating "saffron terror"

muslim terror=saffron terror , green terror blue terror British terror Un-British Terror , red white saffron , Terrorism has no color , only intention , a propaganda that used as the politics of its suit. SImple innocent people die thats thy reality .In each Terror attackeach category of religion die as their follower dies. BY killing people only wars are won , Not Nations.
Peace love peace!:bunny:
Yes if in doubt you can ask the UN who have banned jihadi terror groups like SIMI/LET

Showing the same confidence you had when you accused pakistan of the samjohta murders
Wow the obsessive nature is clear in this one. Lets get this straight - one assumes from your post that "saffron terror" doesnt exist and was in fact invented because of "islamic terrorism" - so hindus get some blame too??
You really live in a bubble. Dont bring my religion into a phenomenon that exists in your land. Get over it. You have "saffron terrorism" and its an issue in your nation - stop living in adenial mode. Once you accept you have a problem then you can deal with it....

Mate...saffron terror does exist in India...no denying. But it is on a much much smaller scale, and very few incidents can be attributed to it with major bloodshed and loss of life. In fact, Maoists are comparatively a much critical threat. However, islamic terrorism trumps all, in terms of bloodshed, human casualties, loss of property, everything.
Wow the obsessive nature is clear in this one. Lets get this straight - one assumes from your post that "saffron terror" doesnt exist and was in fact invented because of "islamic terrorism" - so hindus get some blame too??
You really live in a bubble. Dont bring my religion into a phenomenon that exists in your land. Get over it. You have "saffron terrorism" and its an issue in your nation - stop living in adenial mode. Once you accept you have a problem then you can deal with it....

You wont understand his comment because you are Pakistani. Indian muslim understand it better.
Shiv Sena came in power when Dawood & few muslim culprits did 1992 mumbai blast. Narendra Modi suddenly got popular when many hindus were burnt alive .
If muslim terrorism (mostly supported by your nation) starts threating peace a saffron terror comes in play & nuetralizes the situation.
I dont support it as it takes toll of innocent lives but no one stop things which are counter reaction of muslim terrorism.
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