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Death of Dr Frank Plummer and the Bio-weapon Corona Virus


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Death of Dr Frank Plummer and the Bio-weapon Corona Virus
February 9, 2020

(L) Dr Frank Plummer, and (R) National Interagency Biodefense Campus (NIBC), Fort Detrick, MD,
Editor’s note: Frank Plummer, 67, died in Nairobi, Kenya, on Tuesday 4 Feb 2020, where he was celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Manitoba/Kenya research collaboration. The BBC reports that he died of a heart attack. G5 wrote in an email to me saying “Plummer was neutralized. As have been others not recorded. His alcoholism and the culture of the Winnipeg Lab are not true.”

by G5

I refer you back to a recent piece I wrote concerning Corona being linked to other US manufactured Bio-Weapons such as SARS, MERS, Ebola, HIV-AIDS, Lyme. And that’s apart from the development of LSD, Crack Cocaine etc. And apart from the S40 contaminated Sabine Vaccine after the Salk Vaccine etc.

The initial development of all these weapons occurred in US labs as Fort Detrick. From there they went to government labs in Harvard University, Johns Hopkins, Big Pharma Usual Suspects, and various labs in Canada. The Rockefellers originally funded Canada, together with hidden government funds from Canada, the US, and the UK. France and the Netherlands were also connected.

On 18 October 2019, ‘Event 201’ was staged in New York City. An international conference funded by the Gates Foundation and involving Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security [sic], and The World Economic Forum. It was determined that a world pandemic would initially kill some 65 million. Johns Hopkins had been experimenting on pigs and extrapolating that data.

Frank Plummer was funded additionally by one recorded transfer of CAD 8.3 million from the Gates Foundation. They would know what is happening in those facilities.

Corona was in vaccinations with HIV, packaged as a vaccine, sent from US facilities. Plummer was contacted and sent a sample of Corona from [a patient in] Saudi Arabia isolated on 4 May 2013.

The Wuhan Corona Samples were initially taken to a facility in Rotterdam in 2019 — where they were identified.

Saudi Arabia is meant to have used this weapon in the Middle East and African states in which they have been conducting genocides in the form of religious cleansing. The Winnipeg Facility experiments included those concerning Ebola and Uracine.

Geoff Soule also disappeared from the NML (National Biological Laboratory) at Winnipeg.

Frank Plummer was taken out in Nairobi on 4 February 2020. He had been working as head of the Winnipeg Microbiology research laboratory since its inception in 1999, until he was removed in 2014.

One of his researches was Deep Cover Chinese Intel operative Xiangguo Qiu. She was removed in July 2019. And subsequently disappeared. In March 2019 she sent courier carried samples of Ebola, Henipah, and Corona to a government laboratory in Wuhan — where it was further weaponized and ‘accidentally’ released.

DARPA is involved with Corona.

Dr. Francis Boyle (hidden on the net) was a researcher. He fled and has disappeared. He was a US government microbiologist and exposed the ‘development of lethal, genetically engineered bio-weaponry, as part of an ongoing agenda, initiated and pushed through US military intelligence, with Big Pharma, and military intelligence in many countries.

FVEY [Five Eyes] Australia is involved. Boyle advised that many vaccines — contrary to claims — have been developed and laced with Corona virus. As with that for HIV. Plummer had experimented with SARS-Corona and HIV-Corona.

All samples are held by ATCC (American Type Culture Collection) where the stolen UN WHO Smallpox stocks (about which I have written) were taken.

ATCC is the world’s prime biological culture repository. From there samples are sent to the four designations of BSL (Biosafety Level) laboratories. From BSL-1 housing and experimenting with for example e-coli, to BSL-4 researching (experimenting) with Corona etc.

Gates and Globalist Entities, together with the usual suspect governments, fund The BSL-4 laboratories. Wuhan is one. Established to develop Lethal, Offensive Bioweapons, and block identification, management, and vaccine development — as Bolivian Hemorrhagic, Marburg, Ebola, Lassa, Crimean–Congo, Necrotizing Fasciitis (NF) etc. (Don Rickles was removed by an NF.)

There are 13 BSL-4 facilities in the US (i.e., Bio-Weapons Laboratories), and this is apart from the Chemical Weapons Laboratories, and the Atomic and Radiation Laboratories and arsenals.

Wuhan, as Saudi Arabia and Florida, as I previously wrote, are predominantly accidents. Anthrax in the GWB-Cheney era was a False Flag.

Kosovo, Kurdistan, Ghouta, Khan Sheikhoun etc., are US Genocidal War Crimes — as was The Oil for Food Program.

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Death of Dr Frank Plummer and the Bio-weapon Corona Virus
February 9, 2020

(L) Dr Frank Plummer, and (R) National Interagency Biodefense Campus (NIBC), Fort Detrick, MD,
Editor’s note: Frank Plummer, 67, died in Nairobi, Kenya, on Tuesday 4 Feb 2020, where he was celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Manitoba/Kenya research collaboration. The BBC reports that he died of a heart attack. G5 wrote in an email to me saying “Plummer was neutralized. As have been others not recorded. His alcoholism and the culture of the Winnipeg Lab are not true.”

by G5

I refer you back to a recent piece I wrote concerning Corona being linked to other US manufactured Bio-Weapons such as SARS, MERS, Ebola, HIV-AIDS, Lyme. And that’s apart from the development of LSD, Crack Cocaine etc. And apart from the S40 contaminated Sabine Vaccine after the Salk Vaccine etc.

The initial development of all these weapons occurred in US labs as Fort Detrick. From there they went to government labs in Harvard University, Johns Hopkins, Big Pharma Usual Suspects, and various labs in Canada. The Rockefellers originally funded Canada, together with hidden government funds from Canada, the US, and the UK. France and the Netherlands were also connected.

On 18 October 2019, ‘Event 201’ was staged in New York City. An international conference funded by the Gates Foundation and involving Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security [sic], and The World Economic Forum. It was determined that a world pandemic would initially kill some 65 million. Johns Hopkins had been experimenting on pigs and extrapolating that data.

Frank Plummer was funded additionally by one recorded transfer of CAD 8.3 million from the Gates Foundation. They would know what is happening in those facilities.

Corona was in vaccinations with HIV, packaged as a vaccine, sent from US facilities. Plummer was contacted and sent a sample of Corona from [a patient in] Saudi Arabia isolated on 4 May 2013.

The Wuhan Corona Samples were initially taken to a facility in Rotterdam in 2019 — where they were identified.

Saudi Arabia is meant to have used this weapon in the Middle East and African states in which they have been conducting genocides in the form of religious cleansing. The Winnipeg Facility experiments included those concerning Ebola and Uracine.

Geoff Soule also disappeared from the NML (National Biological Laboratory) at Winnipeg.

Frank Plummer was taken out in Nairobi on 4 February 2020. He had been working as head of the Winnipeg Microbiology research laboratory since its inception in 1999, until he was removed in 2014.

One of his researches was Deep Cover Chinese Intel operative Xiangguo Qiu. She was removed in July 2019. And subsequently disappeared. In March 2019 she sent courier carried samples of Ebola, Henipah, and Corona to a government laboratory in Wuhan — where it was further weaponized and ‘accidentally’ released.

DARPA is involved with Corona.

Dr. Francis Boyle (hidden on the net) was a researcher. He fled and has disappeared. He was a US government microbiologist and exposed the ‘development of lethal, genetically engineered bio-weaponry, as part of an ongoing agenda, initiated and pushed through US military intelligence, with Big Pharma, and military intelligence in many countries.

FVEY [Five Eyes] Australia is involved. Boyle advised that many vaccines — contrary to claims — have been developed and laced with Corona virus. As with that for HIV. Plummer had experimented with SARS-Corona and HIV-Corona.

All samples are held by ATCC (American Type Culture Collection) where the stolen UN WHO Smallpox stocks (about which I have written) were taken.

ATCC is the world’s prime biological culture repository. From there samples are sent to the four designations of BSL (Biosafety Level) laboratories. From BSL-1 housing and experimenting with for example e-coli, to BSL-4 researching (experimenting) with Corona etc.

Gates and Globalist Entities, together with the usual suspect governments, fund The BSL-4 laboratories. Wuhan is one. Established to develop Lethal, Offensive Bioweapons, and block identification, management, and vaccine development — as Bolivian Hemorrhagic, Marburg, Ebola, Lassa, Crimean–Congo, Necrotizing Fasciitis (NF) etc. (Don Rickles was removed by an NF.)

There are 13 BSL-4 facilities in the US (i.e., Bio-Weapons Laboratories), and this is apart from the Chemical Weapons Laboratories, and the Atomic and Radiation Laboratories and arsenals.

Wuhan, as Saudi Arabia and Florida, as I previously wrote, are predominantly accidents. Anthrax in the GWB-Cheney era was a False Flag.

Kosovo, Kurdistan, Ghouta, Khan Sheikhoun etc., are US Genocidal War Crimes — as was The Oil for Food Program.

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