If a comet hit earth, the nature of the earth's rotation is likely to be the least of our problems.
Lets just hope that your son grows up having better sense than his father.
Note: The blow discussion is purely speculative approach to view things anyone who wants to study anything should read appropriate books to further enhance their knowledge
That is why its called end of time prophecy how life will end on earth
There is a hadith that once prophet was asked how far is the day of judgement , and prophet gave an indication by pointing to the distance between the middle finger in hand and the index finger - that is how close we are.....meaning his present time and day of judgement (They exact time is known only to Uper wala)
Considering that our earth in term of its existance is Million of years old , and in this time frame our 2000 years old existance is nothing, when you compare the proximity of it happening in near future is high
Similarly , when we cross reference the jewish and Christian phophecies , they are indicate that end of time gets closer when Jews return to Israel , and river in Iraq becomes dry , and the arab/israeli barren land is able to bear fruits and green
Images form Saudia and simialar scenes are common in Israel as well
Also the river in iraq could become barren , if dams are constructed - which could be a sign , was this possible before ?
Humans have made great achivement in term of engineering and they can now even stop flow of rivers....
(This seems to be occourng with in our life time), how can river in Iraq dry up ? who knows may be a dam is built or may be severe drought
Which leaves us to two unknowns
Jesus/Mehdi arrival to fight Dajal/Antichrist
Or the Gog Mgog * Which could be virus trapped in walls of antartica/North Pole
Same Virus that may have ravaged the dinasors during mass extinction of life on earth
Last reminants were locked up in one of the hidden caves by someone...
The prophecies state that they are in a cave , where the barrier shrinks and reforms continously , The only logical explaination of such shinking and reforming natural barrier is just ice sheets but towards end of time that barrier will be gone , it can only be ice sheets which shrink and grow continously
(The only logical thing I see is virus trapped in antartica , which will be freed when Global warming will destroy the ice barriers that are penventing ancient virus trapped in the ice from esaping and destroying crops and animal)
Which will need someone to come to save humanity
And the ice in north/south poles is set to completely be gone ... sometime in near future