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Dalit beaten for eating alongside upper caste men in Uttarakhand, dies

caste is inherit by taking birth in a particular caste (varna), i.e a child born to dalit parents will be a dalit. One's religion can change through conversion but not the caste.

The truth , varna in the caste system, refers to skin color (darker lower the caste ) not qualities which is sva bhava (natural tendencies)

Caste system is justified by invoking the concept of karma i.e birth in lower caste is due to past life past actions (karma). Through good action, the lower caste soul can transmigrate to a higher caste in the next life.

hope this helps
It did man, I would give you a + rating for the input if my power wasn't disabled.
Dalit Groom Rides Horse, Community Faces Village Boycott In Gujarat

The groom said that following the call for boycott, shopkeepers even refused to sell milk or other essential grocery items.

"Some villagers asked me not to take out a procession while I was riding a horse. We then sought police's help after we learned about the social boycott today morning. No one even gave us milk in the morning to make tea," he said.

Another member of the community, Vandana Parmar said that out of fear, autorickshaw drivers from the village refused to ferry them.

"Villagers were angry because a Dalit groom rode a horse during the wedding procession. We were told that Dalits do not have a right to do so. Due to the boycott, no villager is ready to provide milk, water or food items to us. Even auto drivers denied us ride till nearby Kadi town," she said.

DEHRADUN: A 23-year-old Dalit in Uttarakhand's Tehri district died in hospital on Sunday after he was thrashed allegedly by upper caste people for "daring to sit near them and have food at a wedding"


Dalit youth thrashed for sitting on a chair, eating at wedding, dies

A 21-year-old Dalit man was allegedly beaten to death by upper-caste men for having his dinner while sitting on a chair in front of them at a wedding in Shrikot area of Tehri Garhwal district.

The incident happened on the night of April 26. The next day when the young man fell ill, he was taken for treatment to a Dehradun-based hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries on Sunday afternoon, police said.

According to the police, the deceased was identified as one Jitendra Das, a resident of Baasan village in Tehri Garhwal. A case was already registered on April 29 against seven accused, also residents of the same area, after his sister lodged a complaint against them.

Das used to work as a carpenter and was the sole bread-earner of his family comprising of his mother, elder sister and a younger brother, his relatives who were present in Dehradun on Sunday said.

Narrating the harrowing incident, Das’s uncle, Elam Das, said, “On that night, we had all gone to attend the wedding of one of our distant relatives in Shrikot. Jitendra alone had gone to have his dinner while we were at the other side of the venue.”

“After having our dinner, we all returned to our homes separately. We got to know about the incident next morning, when he was found unconscious by his mother and rushed to a nearby hospital,” he added.

Later, one of Jitendra’s friends, who tried to save him from the accused, told them that he was thrashed at the wedding venue as well as on his way home.

“He told us that on the wedding night, he was having dinner while sitting on a chair before the accused upper-caste men. Seeing him sitting on a chair, they got enraged and kicked his plate before kicking him off the chair using caste-based expletives for daring to sit in front of them,” he said.

“They then assaulted him after which he left the venue for home. However, they didn’t end the matter there and followed him to brutally assault him again,” he added.

Jitendra’s cousin brother, Pritam Das, who was also present at the wedding, too confirmed the incident and said, “He was hit on his head and private body parts.”

“He was so badly beaten that he barely managed to reach his house but couldn’t enter it. He slept on the verandah without telling his family members about the incident.

Next day in the morning, when his mother went to wake him and found him unconscious, they got to know about it,” he added.

“He was admitted in a Dehradun hospital a few days back. His sister finally lodged a complaint against seven accused identified as Gajendra, Soban, Kushal, Gabbar, Gambhir, Harbir Singh and Hukam Singh. A case was registered against them in Kempty police station but none of them have been arrested so far,” said Pritam.

He also claimed that the “accused are freely moving about in the village and pressurising them to arrive at a compromise”.

“We want all of them to be nabbed and given the strongest possible punishment,” he added.

Circle officer, Narendra Nagar, Uttam Singh, who is investigating the case said, “The police after registering the case under relevant sections of IPC and SC/ST Atrocities Act, started investigations.”

“During the investigations, we tried to find any eyewitness but none came forward. The sole eye-witness seems to be the deceased himself. After his death on Sunday, the accused would now be also be booked under murder charges,” he said.

“Further action will be taken after his post-mortem examination report is received,” he added.

Director General, Law and Order, Ashok Kumar while calling the incident a serious one, said, “A case has already been registered. No accused would be spared and strict action would be taken against them.”

First Published: May 05, 2019 21:08 IST


wow, democracy, diversity, rule of law, blah blah blah, what a bunch of baloney.

you get killed by sitting in a chair eating, wow, india shining so bright.
The enemy of hindu's is this caste system...not the christian missionaries or the muslims or the aliens from mars...no bloody hindu asks for caste when he goes to the blood bank for blood...or scouts the black market for a kidney or organ donor...the most racist species on this very planet are the hindu's...most have become sub human in this regard...if some calls us piss drinkers we get enraged...but not so much when the same poster points out how we ourselves treat a fellow hindu like dalits...why should we ? we view dalits even worse than animals...no ?

Hinduism IS the caste system. It is the core of Hinduism.
You will see upper castes talking against caste system - that's just to appear nice and further protect their status.
I must say side effects of Cow urine.
Dont you have any side effects for camel urine?

Absolutely These Dalit Goons Are Out Of Control

They Have Now Started To Eat Alongside Brahmins:angry::angry::angry::angry:

What Has The World Come To:tsk::tsk::tsk::tsk:
Brahmin population is very less and they dont engage in violence in general...there are 4 kinds of people in india based on castes..first one are upper castes..brahmins,rajputs,marvadis,reddies etc etc..these were from ruling class or people who held good amount of land.

Second group are people who engage in activities like carpentry,goldsmiths ,tailors,peasants etc..these are just below ruling class.

3rd one are people who do works like washing,weaving baskets , barbers etc..these are not untouchables ...but dont be treated well by people who are above them.
Last comes dalits..these people engaged in menial works like clearing dead bodies,cleaning toilets etc..they eat beef too..so they became untouchables....these people are mistreated by all the 3 groups above them...so to say dalits are discriminated by brahmins is wrong...they are mistreated by even people of other low castes of washing clothes, barbers etc.
Brahmin population is very less and they dont engage in violence in general...there are 4 kinds of people in india based on castes..first one are upper castes..brahmins,rajputs,marvadis,reddies etc etc..these were from ruling class or people who held good amount of land.

Second group are people who engage in activities like carpentry,goldsmiths ,tailors,peasants etc..these are just below ruling class.

3rd one are people who do works like washing,weaving baskets , barbers etc..these are not untouchables ...but dont be treated well by people who are above them.
Last comes dalits..these people engaged in menial works like clearing dead bodies,cleaning toilets etc..they eat beef too..so they became untouchables....these people are mistreated by all the 3 groups above them...so to say dalits are discriminated by brahmins is wrong...they are mistreated by even people of other low castes of washing clothes, barbers etc.

either you are ignorant or pretending to be ignorant or lying. Brahmins discriminate all the 3 lower caste , just see Tam Brahmin Iyer - Subramania swamy's remark on chowkidar

Can't be Chowkidar, I'm Brahmin: Subramanian Swamy

"I cannot become a Chowkidar because I am Brahmin. Brahmins can't be chowkidars. It's a fact. I will give orders that the Chowkidars have to execute. That's what everyone expects from the appointed Chowkidars. So, I cannot be one," Subramanian Swamy said.


Brahmins get their dirty work executed by the brain dead 2 lower castes (Kshatriya and vaishya/bania ) or their terror organisations i.e RSS, Bajrang dal, VHP, AVBP, to oppress the 3rd caste sudras and dalits.

back to topic, pictures speaks more than words

1st picture Tamil brahmin politician (Subramanai Swamy) has equal rights to sit alongside with the brahmin seer (head pontiff) of Kanchi Sankara Mutt.

2nd picture, non brahmin Tamilnadu minister (OBC) has no equal right to sit alongside the same brahmin seer .
Hinduism IS the caste system. It is the core of Hinduism.

Yeah keep believing that and like you most "hindus" in this side of the border have little to no idea about their own religion as well...but our holy texts are very very clear on the subject...and i am not even going to give a rebuttal to this post of yours....whats the use of me negating a false claim from someone who is not even from my faith...it would be better to have this conversation with a "hindu" who believes in this shit and drill into him the truth instead...energy well spent.

You will see upper castes talking against caste system - that's just to appear nice and further protect their status.

i would like to borrow your crystal ball that says i am a upper caste -caste believing swine.
i would like to borrow your crystal ball that says i am a upper caste -caste believing swine.

I was not referring to your caste.
imo, probably lower caste judging by IQ.

t would be better to have this conversation with a "hindu" who believes in this shit and drill into him the truth instead...

A hindu who cares about this 'shit' (upper ones) holds more right to drill Vedic truth into you than other way around. :lol:
I was not referring to your caste.
imo, probably lower caste judging by IQ.

IQ depends on caste now huh ? great . Judging by your inability to have a conversation without personnel attacks and insults...this is going to go nowhere...you keep believing whatever you want about hinduism.

A hindu who cares about this 'shit' (upper ones) holds more right to drill Vedic truth into you than other way around. :lol:
what your crystal ball showed you that ?..keep looking into it after that little show is over...it may show things that you may not like as well :D.
Its common in hindus.

yes sir it indeed is...but hindus abroad a small minority of them have taken the initiative to raise an army of true hindus and i am very proud to be be part of it...who are true to our holy scriptures and to save what we hindus call as "sanatana dharma" and the enemy to its existence are these caste believing sub humans in our motherland who are trying to kill it once and for all...due to their closed mindset we already lost 99% of our vedas...gone once and for all...what remains is not even 1%... some learned scholars say...and these sub humans are trying to finish even that off....you would be shocked how women are treated by this sub humans...same as how they treat the dalits.
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