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Dalai Lama 'lauds' Beijing


Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
With China broadening its economic influence in the world especially in Europe for a possible bailout package after the Brussels summit, Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama on Friday lauded Beijing’s shift from the Marxist ideology towards capitalism and sought to strike a deal saying the Tibet issue can only be resolved through a bilateral process.

“Marxism is good. I also appreciate Marxism. But, it also good that China is now becoming a capitalist nation,” said the Nobel laureate at a function here marking the 76th foundation day of the Doon School.

Dalai Lama’s comments came at a time when European nations are seeking China’s help for Euro-zone bailout fund, a move which is likely to give the Communist nation more leverage in the world’s politics. And obviously, Dalai Lama was quick in seeking a deal with China by rejecting any outside help from the world powers to resolve the vexed Tibet issue.

He called for “meaningful autonomy” for Tibet through bilateral resolution within the framework of Chinese communist system in order to preserve its culture and religion. “There is a change. China is changing. We don’t want a separate Tibet. We want meaningful autonomy only in order to preserve our culture, language and religion,” said the Tibetan spiritual leader.

“The issue of Tibet should be resolved between China and the people of Tibet only. Outside powers can only influence the Tibetan cause,” he said.

Stating that there was a shift within the intellectual class of China over the issue of Tibet, he said more and more Chinese people are now supporting the cause of Tibet and showing their solidarity with Tibetans.

He also lauded a section of Chinese press for being critical of the government on the Tibetan issue. “I have found nearly 1000 articles in China which were not only support of Tibet but were critical of the Communist government,” he said.

Meanwhile, He also supported Anna Hazare’s movement against corruption.

Dalai Lama 'lauds' Beijing

How sweet of you DL just for your info china shifted to ward capitalism as early as in 1970.
Dalai Lama has sought foreign help all his life. The new mumbo-jumbo makes no sense. We ought to say to him, "stay the course."
The last nail in the coffin for the DL when he saw europe has to come to china with the begging bowl.
“The issue of Tibet should be resolved between China and the people of Tibet only."
-Dalai Lama

i see he is finally coming to his senses.
“The issue of Tibet should be resolved between China and the people of Tibet only."
-Dalai Lama

i see he is finally coming to his senses.

Look at what happened to his last attempt to visit southafrica , we dont even have to tell the south african government what to do, they automaticly banned his visit.
He also lauded a section of Chinese press for being critical of the government on the Tibetan issue. “I have found nearly 1000 articles in China which were not only support of Tibet but were critical of the Communist government,” he said.

wait a minute, this can not be true, Chinese government controls everything don't they? since when do they allow freedom of speech now?
so.... is Dalai lying or the western media lying? which is it? :D
tibet should NEVER be given away to a terrorist like dalai lama.
he has tried to hurt chinese interest by visting foreign leaders and remember the chaos this terrorist caused china in the 2008 olympic games. chinese government should not negotiate with terrorists.
Chairman Mao once wrote a poet, “小小寰球,有几个苍蝇碰壁。 嗡嗡叫,几声凄厉,几声抽泣。” would be perfect for the Monk(ey) Dalai.
tibet should NEVER be given away to a terrorist like dalai lama.
he has tried to hurt chinese interest by visting foreign leaders and remember the chaos this terrorist caused china in the 2008 olympic games. chinese government should not negotiate with terrorists.

Tibet will never be given away Dalai Lama funded guerrilla's in the 50's and 60's against Chinese Troops he must answer for his past.
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