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Cutting edge Technology generated by the Islamic nations in the middle east


Feb 17, 2019
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Long before the European Renaissance, Middle east region and China were the centers of science and technology in the known world. Chinese, Persian,Turkish and Arab thinkers were generating new ideas every day. Europe was in dark ages. This thread will introduce some of the original work being carried in this region today.

Iran tests home-grown quantum cryptography on longer distance
Monday, 25 January 2021 6:58 PM [ Last Update: Monday, 25 January 2021 7:16 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Iran successfully tests its home-grown version of quantum cryptography on a distance of 1,650 meters.
Researchers at the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) have successfully tested a home-grown version of the quantum key distribution (QKD) technology on a relatively long distance of 1,650 meters.
The test carried out on Monday at Tehran’s Milad Tower saw researchers use photons to carry a message encrypted through quantum keys between parties stationed at the tower and the nearby AEOI premises.
AEOI chief Ali Akbar Salehi and Iranian deputy president for scientific affair Sorena Sattari attended the ceremony to promote the home-grown QKD.
Researchers had previously tested the technology on shorter distances of two meters and 300 meters.
The tests began in 2018 when Iran announced it will become one of the few countries in the world to develop QKD.

Iran making tangible progress in quantum physics: AEOI chief
The technology uses quantum physics rules to distribute cryptographic keys to remote parties in order to make their communication immune to cyberattacks.
Experts believe QKD would grow in significance in the upcoming years amid increasing demand for more secure channels of communication.
AEOI’s Salehi said his organization is planning to launch a fourth phase of QKD test on a 7-kilometer distance between the Milad Tower and Azadi Tower in Tehran in the near future.
Iran develops secure communication device based on quantum physics
Salehi said the AEOI hopes it could use the QKD for secure communication between the organization’s headquarters in Tehran and a major nuclear site in Fordow in central Iran.
He said the secure channel, planned to come on line in the next one or two years, would be able to carry 90-100 bits per seconds of data through an optic fiber network.
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Although not a cutting edge technology but a first for Middle east, Iran has already launched several fully indigenous satellites by various SLVs and has sent and retrieved a "monkey" into the near earth orbit. Iran's space agency chief Morteza Barari said that the manned space capsule developed by ARI will be delivered to ISA by February 2021 and could be launched (sub orbital flight) by June 2022.

A mach 8 Hyper Velocity Glide vehicle (HGV) tunnel and research facility built in 2013 near Tehran. HGV is a cutting edge military technology and some serious work is being done in Iran to produce and test HGV. The nature of this field makes the information less available.

One thing I think we should be working closely with Iran on is Scientific research. Iran has a surprisingly high number of PhD's and despite the sanctions, does a lot of research.

Muslim countries should take an initiative to have an international fund which Universities and scholars from around the Muslim world can apply for to do research with, as long as the findings and innovation that come from it are available to anyone across the group.

This is a bigger need than anything else.
One thing I think we should be working closely with Iran on is Scientific research. Iran has a surprisingly high number of PhD's and despite the sanctions, does a lot of research.

Muslim countries should take an initiative to have an international fund which Universities and scholars from around the Muslim world can apply for to do research with, as long as the findings and innovation that come from it are available to anyone across the group.

This is a bigger need than anything else.
I fully agree with you on that it is indeed a great idea to create synergy between all nations of the Middle East.
The sunni and shia rivalry will pretty prevent any meaning tech sharing and collaboration between Iran and other sunni majority nation
The sunni and shia rivalry will pretty prevent any meaning tech sharing and collaboration between Iran and other sunni majority nation

There is no Sunni and Shiah rivalry, it is only Saudi vs Iran rivalry. It is unnecessary rivalry that has destroyed Syria and Yemen and make Saudi spend about 60 billion USD a year to buy weapon from US and European countries. If only those spending is cut into half, the other half can be very useful for productive program like research and development activity or funding start up across Muslim countries.
Iran's COVID-19 Vaccine research and development and based on NON-RNA techniques used in pfizer or the UK vaccine. Three vaccines are now developed, two are Iranian and third is joint effort with Cuba. Iranian human trials have already well progressed and the hope is that by this spring it will be mass produced. A factory is being built in the outskirts of Tehran to produce millions...The factory will be operational by this April...

As for mass production infrastructure, a factory with 2000 squre meters clean room and 14 million dozes/month capacity is being built and scheduled to be ready in in 3 months.
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There is no Sunni and Shiah rivalry, it is only Saudi vs Iran rivalry. It is unnecessary rivalry that has destroyed Syria and Yemen and make Saudi spend about 60 billion USD a year to buy weapon from US and European countries. If only those spending is cut into half, the other half can be very useful for productive program like research and development activity or funding start up across Muslim countries.
Stop deluding yourself. Even Qatar has end rivalry with Saudi.

You have to recognise Saudi Influence in sunni sect. A lot of arabs countries beside Syria stand on Saudi side. That is enough to lead a sunni and shia rivalry.
Stop deluding yourself. Even Qatar has end rivalry with Saudi.

You have to recognise Saudi Influence in sunni sect. A lot of arabs countries beside Syria stand on Saudi side. That is enough to lead a sunni and shia rivalry.

Nope, Saudi is not a leader in Sunni Muslim, but yes it has respectable position among us. If Saudi has huge influence among Sunni Muslim so why many Sunni Muslims like Indonesia has good relation with Iran ???

Indonesia as one country has the population comparable with whole Arab countries combined, not to mention Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Afganistan, Central Asian countries, Malaysia
The world is changing..Muslims should band together or they will be left behind from the new post American world emerging.. Enough wars..enough religious strifes... the train is moving and muslims should get onboard. Why not compete on Science and Technology rather than who has the best arms...
Nope, Saudi is not a leader in Sunni Muslim, but yes it has respectable position among us. If Saudi has huge influence among Sunni Muslim so why many Sunni Muslims like Indonesia has good relation with Iran ???

Indonesia as one country has the population comparable with whole Arab countries combined, not to mention Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey.
Indonesian is not an islamic country. It places itself as secular. Malaysia who is islamic has great hostility against shia follower. I do know the small number of shia believer in Malaysia are under constant prosecution.

Tell me how many collaboration between Iran and many sunni majority islamic countries? Zero.

You cannot deny Saudi weld great influence in sunni sect. Even Mecca is in Saudi.
Indonesian is not an islamic country. It places itself as secular. Malaysia who is islamic has great hostility against shia follower. I do know the small number of shia believer in Malaysia are under constant prosecution.

Tell me how many collaboration between Iran and many sunni majority islamic countries? Zero.

You cannot deny Saudi weld great influence in sunni sect. Even Mecca is in Saudi.

LOL we are not secular but we are not Islamic country either. Actually our ideology is Pancasila with 5 principle and all of them is match with Islam principle where the first principle is Tauhid where we say it as Believe in One and Only God.

Indonesia has religious ministry that is actually 99 % dominated by Muslim. None real secular country like US and France has religious ministry.

Actually even prophet Muhammad never said the first Muslim state in Madinah as Islamic state. The name is not essential. Indonesia is a democratic nation and we can insert whole Sharia Islam into positive law by using democratic process in parliament. Even some have already been inserted and many are inspired like Anti **** Law.

I dont deny Saudi influence in Sunni Muslim countries, but their influence cannot make them a leader like how US lead NATO. Currently there is no single Muslim country that can act like USA among Germanic ethnic countries.

Muslim countries can be united through common cause like how we are united against Israel.
LOL we are not secular but we are not Islamic country either. Actually our ideology is Pancasila with 5 principle and all of them is match with Islam principle where the first principle is Tauhid where we say it as Believe in One and Only God.

Indonesia has religious ministry that is actually 99 % dominated by Muslim. None real secular country like US and France has religious ministry.

Actually even prophet Muhammad never said the first Muslim state in Madinah as Islamic state. The name is not essential. Indonesia is a democratic nation and we can insert whole Sharia Islam into positive law by using democratic process in parliament. Even some have already been inserted and many are inspired like Anti **** Law.

I dont deny Saudi influence in Sunni Muslim countries, but their influence cannot make them a leader like how US lead NATO. Currently there is no single Muslim country that can act like USA among Germanic ethnic countries.

Muslim countries can be united through single cause like how we are united against Israel.
You can claim whatever islamic Indonesia until the day I see officially republic of indonesia changes to islamic of indonesia. Stop your nonsense.
Indonesian is not an islamic country. It places itself as secular. Malaysia who is islamic has great hostility against shia follower. I do know the small number of shia believer in Malaysia are under constant prosecution.

Tell me how many collaboration between Iran and many sunni majority islamic countries? Zero.

You cannot deny Saudi weld great influence in sunni sect. Even Mecca is in Saudi.

You don't have to pretend to be an expert on everything. Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world. The province of Aceh even enforces Shariah law. Of course Indonesia is a diverse country and it's politics reflect that. Simply because it is not Islamist, doesn't make it secular.

Why don't countries collaborate with Iran? Sanctions prevent them from doing so. Most Muslim nations do not have sanction proof economies. Despite that Irans main trade partners are neighbourly Muslim nations - https://www.nordeatrade.com/en/explore-new-market/iran/trade-profile

Makkah is as holy to Shia as it is to Sunni. The Saudi influence is political and financial, particularly in the Arab world. The religious missionary work funded by Saudi Arabia has minimal influence. There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, a few million are Wahhabi/Salafi - tens of millions at the most, not even 100m. Even in KSA it is argued they might not be the majority sect, as the Saudi state is of the Sunni sect,

Differences between Muslims have always been political. A core part of the Shia sunni history was friction between the Ottoman and Saffavid empires for power in new territories.

Today Turkey and Iran enjoy normal relations, although obviously are on different sides in Syria.

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