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Cute, Lovely & Adorable Pandas - The Symbol of China


Feb 23, 2015
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These lovely pandas, their numbers in both in captivity and in the wild is on the rise!



Chengdu research base of giant panda breeding, suburban Chengdu, Western China





Oh no, open defecation in front of tourists from around the world :D

My wife and I love giant pandas! We visit the beautiful panda family of Tian Tian. Mei Xiang, Bao Bao and Bei Bei at the National Zoo in Washington several times a year. Our red pandas are also beautiful. We also contribute every year to two panda support charities.Thank you China for loaning these magnificent animals to zoos all around the world!
My wife and I love giant pandas! We visit the beautiful panda family of Tian Tian. Mei Xiang, Bao Bao and Bei Bei at the National Zoo in Washington several times a year. Our red pandas are also beautiful. We also contribute every year to two panda support charities.Thank you China for loaning these magnificent animals to zoos all around the world!
Thank your for your generous support to pandas.
I hope one day your family could make a journey to Chengdu, Sichuan Province, home of pandas.
I visited them last year, after the babies were born. I think I can just stand there for days just staring at them chewing bamboos.
more photos https://defence.pk/threads/chinese-hsr-news-and-information:original-translations.363685/page-75

Another highlight in Sichuan Province
more photos https://defence.pk/threads/chinese-hsr-news-and-information:original-translations.363685/page-73
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There are not enough words in the English language to describe how awesome pandas are. They promote world peace and unites the world :yahoo:
There are not enough words in the English language to describe how awesome pandas are. They promote world peace and unites the world :yahoo:

The Panda is the national symbol of China. Hence the animal is of symbolic significance for Sino-Japanese bond.
Taipei Zoo refutes the rumour of giant panda's death
CRI, May 17, 2016

Taibei Zoo denies an earlier report that the giant panda Tuantuan has died of canine distemper, an acute infectious disease.

Giant panda Tuan Tuan eats food at the Taipei Zoo, southeast China's Taiwan, Jan. 23, 2011. A celebration was held in Taipei Zoo Sunday to mark the second anniversary of receiving two giant pandas Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan from the Chinese mainland. The Chinese mainland sent Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan (together meaning "reunion"), as a gift to Taiwan in December 2008. [Photo: xinhua]

According to a recent local media report in Taiwan, the giant panda Tuantuan is safe and sound in the zoo and the announcement of the death of the panda earlier this morning is a rumour.

Tuan Tuan is one of a panda pair which were sent to Taiwan by the Chinese mainland as a gift in 2008.

World's only surviving panda triplet celebrates second birthday
(Xinhua) 09:31, July 30, 2016

GUANGZHOU, July 29 -- The world's only surviving panda triplet celebrated their second birthday in the southern city of Guangzhou on Friday.

The pandas, a female and two males, feasted on a special cake made of bamboo, apples and carrots at a party watched by more than 4,000 visitors at Chimelong Safari Park in Guangzhou.

Meng Meng, Shuai Shuai and Ku Ku were born on July 29, 2014 in Guangzhou to Juxiao from China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Panda in Sichuan.

"They are now learning independence, and they are able to find food and protect themselves," said Chen Shuqing, an attendant at the zoo.

Juxiao still lives with the young pandas.

The triplets are the fourth set of panda triplets ever recorded in the world. In the past, at least one of the triplets died from physical defects or low body weight.

Statistics from the State Forestry Administration show about 1,600 pandas live in the wild, mostly in the mountains of Sichuan, while about 300 live in captivity worldwide.

Most giant pandas in captivity struggle to breed. Only 24 percent of females in captivity give birth, posing a serious threat to the survival of the species.


Giant panda triplets Mengmeng, Shuaishuai and Kuku eat bamboo shoots and carrots at their birthday party in Guangzhou, capital of south China's Guangdong Province, July 29, 2016. A party celebrating the second birthday of the world's only surviving panda triplets, who were born on July 29, 2014 in Guangzhou, was held at Chimelong Safari Park here Friday. (Xinhua/Lu Hanxin)


Pictures of the panda triplets when they were one month old.


Giant panda triplets Mengmeng, Shuaishuai and Kuku eat bamboo shoots and carrots at their birthday party in in Guangzhou, capital of south China's Guangdong Province, July 29, 2016.

Dutch zoo is ready for pandas' arrival

Last Updated: 2016-08-25 09:47 | chinadaily.com.cn

Sixteen years ago, when 56-year-old Dutch tycoon Marcel Boekhoorn decided to acquire the Ouwehands Zoo, about 90 km from Amsterdam, to sustain his passion for wildlife, he had two dreams to fulfill.

One was to inject investment and expand the visitor flow to the zoo, which boasts of hosting more than 3,000 animals in the picturesque town Rhenen. After an investment of about 40-million euros, the number of visitors has increased five-fold and the zoo, set up in 1932 after being converted from a chicken farm, receives almost one million visitors annually.

The second dream was to acquire two giant pandas.

"It has taken quite a long time to fulfill his second dream but we are excited that it is coming true," says Robin de Lange, director of the zone during an interview with China Daily.

What makes de Lange and his boss so excited is that China agreed last October to send two giant pandas to the zoo after Dutch King Willem Alexander met President Xi Jinping in Beijing.

"This was his second dream when Boekhoorn bought the zoo," de Lange, who joined the zoo in 2003, recalled in his office beside the entrance of the zoo. Inside various models of animals are display and facing the door are photos of two pandas and their house, which is under construction in his zoo.

Already wealthy through strategic investments in sectors ranging from telecommunication, media to football, Boekhoorn, says de Lange, was passionate about moving pandas to the Netherlands and even he persuaded former Dutch prime minister Wim Kok into writing a letter to the Chinese leadership.


Robin de Lange, the Ouwehands Zoo director in the Netherlands, says his zoo has been well prepared for the arrivals of Sichuan giant pandas. [Photo by Fu Jing/ China Daily]

Over the years de Lange and his boss have been in close contact with Chinese officials, though there was no progress until last August, two months before the king traveled to China.

Then, Chinese embassy diplomats started talks with them over ways to underline the significance of the King's visit, a return visit after Xi's state visit to the Netherlands in March 2014. The Netherlands was the first European Union country Xi visited since he was elected as Chinese president in early 2013.

To prepare the agreement and follow-up, De Lange says his zoo set up a panda task-force, consisting of 4-5 persons.

The zoo director can remember the date of the agreement, October 26, but it was only two days beforehand that he was told that the president and the king could witness the signing ceremony between Ouwehands Zoo and the Chinese Wildlife Conservation Association.

According to the agreement, two pandas, named Xing Ya (male) and Wu Wen (female), will be "loaned" to the zoo for 15 years. When the agreement was signed, the two pandas were both three years old.

De Lange's team has been busy building the panda house and a stone's throw from the zoo's reception area is a busy construction site.

"We must present it in a very very traditional Chinese way," says de Lange with confidence.


Robin de Lange, the Ouwehands Zoo director in the Netherlands, presents a photo of panda house designed by Chinese and Dutch architects. [Photo by Fu Jing/ China Daily]

To achieve so, his team has visited all of the panda houses in Europe and studied typical China town buildings to make the Dutch one "attractive, unique and Chinese."

Designed by Chinese and Dutch architects, the panda house, covering three hectares, has already taken shape, with similarities to the main building of the Forbidden City in Beijing.

It consists of two buildings, with female panda staying in a bigger one. "We have spared some space for the baby panda," says de Lange, with a smile..

Right now, all the structures of the buildings, supplied by the Dutch, are almost finished. De Lange says the Chinese partner is responsible for roofs, windows, doors and other details, to the home of the pandas traditionally Chinese.

"I like pandas and also like spicy Sichuan food," he adds.

In the panda house, the animals will live on the ground floor, and de Lange has planned that a restaurant and shops could be opened above.

"For many Dutch people, China is still faraway and we hope pandas, the buildings and the atmosphere here could make it closer to us," says de Lange, who himself has visited China for more than twenty times.
Everybody loves the panda, which is cute and cuddly.

The pandas are expensive to maintain but having them will boost the number of visitors to the zoo.

I like the panda enclosure at this zoo, it's very pretty.

My best wishes to this Dutch zoo. It will be a win-win situation.
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