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Current situation in Balochistan according to Zehri Baloch

Some of this is speculative but its clear Afghanistan and India have sights on Balochistan. Iran and Gulf are more superficial concerns, but NDS and RAW are the biggest threats. Bigger even than IAF, IN or IA.
Provisionally expel them all to Afghanistan and set up an actual immigration system complete with thorough background checks and interrogation for traitors allowing professionals, skilled labor, and traders which would benefit Pakistan.

Make an exception for those married to Pakistanis, widows, orphans, and economically/socially backwards Afghans. Give them full citizenship and integrate them into mainstream Pakistani society.

Make it mandatory for parents to send their children to Pakistani schools and treat them as Pakistanis. If they require assistance, state can provide it, or more preferably the state can collect donations from international NGOs on their behalf.

Yes, effectively the Afghan refugees have become a state within a state now and are a huge security issue.

You can see the vast majority of support for the PTM on social media is from Afghan refugees or those who used to be refugees.

Also as another poster pointed out they have considerably worsened the Balochistan issue by creating discord there and showing no allegiance to Pakistan whatsoever.

That is why I think you can have hundreds of military operations there but until you tackle the refugee issue it will come back again and again.
Simple - you must fix this Afghan refugee problem. They are basically creating a rebellion within the state. They are implicated in both the PTM issue and Balochistan terrorism.

They are also an complete resource drain on the country as I suspect they are involved in smuggling. Are they even paying taxes at all?
they pay nothing .
Any person that has knowledge of the current ground realities first hand is welcome to answer this simple question.

How safe it is for a Punjabi ethnic person travel and visit to places like Gwadar, Quetta, Chaman Border etc. all alone in his Lahore/Islamabad registered number plate vehicle (Car/Bike) from Lahore/Islamabad to those places?

The perceived threats are normally the criminal gangs and thugs of Southern Punjab/Northern Sindh areas, then the insurgents, Terrorists and Anti Pakistan Baloch separatists groups who actively search for a Pakistani specially the Punjabis to cast their own anger upon their victims due to the history of wrong doings and negligence of Punjabi dominant civil, military leadership. How is the actual Law and Order situation in those areas for tourists and persons seeking Business opportunities there as these areas have the pivotal role in the ongoing multi billion dollar CPEC project.
I think Pak intelligence is not dumb certainly
But not as cunning as RAW or MOSSAD or CIA is. They need to up their game. Come up with better strategies and have long term game plans. For this they should graft and foster good think tanks groups like VIA does. Rand corp and several other institutes are examples.
I got this from another website so sharing with you guys. It gives some perspective by a person from Balochistan.

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