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Current situation in Balochistan according to Zehri Baloch


Jan 24, 2008
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I got this from another website so sharing with you guys. It gives some perspective by a person from Balochistan.

Asslamu Alaikum brothers and sisters.

Since many of you don't live in Baluchistan I'll explain something from my side. It could be biased because I am human but things are my experience.

Currently my area is going thru a lots of problems but is not bad as before but can get bad again if not handeled right by the state. It is much safer now than before for tourism and most of the separatism has died down. The reason you might see some problems recently is that these groups are getting desperate. They don't have many ground support but have a lot of money. Now I will talk about money. There is a lot of dynamics involved in the Province.

Money for these groups usually comes from Emirate and India. India invest heavily in foot soldiers in Afghanistan and many can be Afghan Baloch or some that live in Kandahar area. Most of the funding go to Nazar with Brahumdagh group and than Harbyar. India gives more money for group pictures and flags. I was offered too 6 years ago to go in Kandahar and take group photos and say words. In those times I was young 17 and angry at the State because of my Zarakzai background and Akbar Bugti. If don't know Nowroz Zarakzai was the person who started modern rebellion against Pakistani state and became the leader of independence. I am thank full I didn't go because most young guys my age never return back. They don't return because they get guns and everything they need free hilux and offered training. Emirate support comes because they want destablity in Pakistan to create Problem in Iran. There is a group called Al Baloush I have some family members on their side. A few of them support because they want it to Emirate banana state that listens to Emirate. Same people who get license to kill houbara bustards. If you don't give them license family members of their get angry at Pakistan.

Achakzai problem. Achakzai problem is he is bringing many Afghans in to Pakistan and give them Pakistani ID cards. He is been doing this since PP came to power. He gave them state low level state jobs in Quetta and many Baluchistan areas. This is created problems between Baloch and Pathan. These are illegal people who become citizens next day in Pakistani data base. State was also involved in this because by thinking that bringing more Pathans Baluchistan will change into patriotic Pakistanis. Tikka Khan also did same but now problem is that these people are Afghans not Pakistanis Pathans. Afghans are usually not liking Pakistan even if they eat, drink and get jobs here. They hate Punjabis more than anyone. They call many Punjabis kaaliyas, heera mandi pedawar and people who like to be raped. These are the words I hear many times in Quetta now more because of PTM. So you see the problem sometimes the state creates for itself and than create another problem to solve the problem they created.

Sardars and Mirs are part of Baloch lifestyle. They give direction on what we should do when trouble or help. This is not same as Sindh Waderas. Many people mistake that. Big difference in history is that Baloch have been known to kill their Sardar if he crosses limit, gives no justice and is week leader. Many leaders that were good and educated left after Bhutto came to power. Bhutto gave power to more loud speaking or relatives of Sardars who wanted to be Sardar for support in election. This changed many things in Baloch society. We became more uneducated and poor under the leader changed by the State for support. Remember those educated who left are people who walked with Jinnah and helped spread the message. There are many Sardars who sit in ministries but still blackmail state. These same Sardars are because of State and Bhutto. Some Sardars are very good to the people and some are bad.

China is investing money as we hear mostly in Gwadar. We don't see any change in economy but we are happy and more safer because there is an ally who also helping my land develop. We know it's not free but no one else wants to invest here. Chinese are smart because they know the land is rich with oil and minerals we can transport to their areas in future.

Many people think Iran is a friend of Pakistan or it will support you if something happens. This is not Iran fault they are looking at self interest. Pakistanis mostly do it because they think all muslim countries are brotherly. Both Saudia and Iran are a problem for muslims. Both are extremist states who kill muslims in other countries but protect their own people. Before Saudi Arabia recruited Pakistanis and now large numbers of Shias are recruited by Iran from Baluchistan to fight in Syria and Iraq. Most don't come back and if they do come they will come back with extremist mind set. Iran is already created problem about sectarianism slowly because of many anti sermons given against Sahabbas when these people return back from Iran. It's never Hazara who create problems in Baluchistan. They are very peaceful and some are my very good friends. Problems is created when some Sardars are Shia and it creates problems most Sardars. They talk bad about each and sectarianism is born and mostly Hazaras will get target who have nothing to do with problem. I feel very bad for my Hazara community lovely people who get targeted. They don't hurt anyone they love everyone and I love them.

I don't need to talk about Afghanistan because it the main source of problem for most problems in Baluchistan. Playing in the hands of others.

Most current parties are good. BAP and BNP are working hard but one plays with emotions more than other. When Zehri was removed for CM many people think it was State but it was not. Even if I am Zehri I will tell truth. It was because other Sardars thinking that Zehri is already a powerful tribe and will become more powerful so they joined together. Mengal from BNP mostly talks about missing persons which I think State should stop and give proof if they are ran away. Most are ran away but many are not. He also talks about Afghanistan problem. Current CM is good I think even though I like Mengal. Jam is more focused on education and development. He is not corrupt and is mostly honest man who works hard. I would like to see some smart and young like Sana Ullah Baloch who is good too.

State should focus on redeveloment and education. Just like they invest in Lahore, Pesahwar and Karachi we want the investment too from federal. Conditions are very bad here for education and health. Many people die because of cancer and malnutrition. This don't happen in Africa anymore but happens here. Don't play games with us like you did before. We are strong and helpful people and care about everyone.

If you read it all you will know my area is not as simple people think. There is a lot of things going to focus on one thing. Also I am studying journalism so I can tell many things change and what someone will and what state will do.
Thank you I would like to drop this as well

Balochistan before 1933, was divided into four loose parts: the British Chief Commissioner’s Province in the north and west, princely state of Kalat bordering Sindh, subsidiary states of Las Bela and Kharan, and the district of Makran. [1]

Ahmed Yar Khan became the ruler of Kalat in 1933 having to share power with Bugti and Marri tribal regions. He requested the British for more power over not only them but Kharan, Las Bela, Quetta, Nushki etc.

A series of concessions from the British government ensued, culminating in the government deciding that Las Bela and Kharan were under formal suzerainty of Kalat. However, Ahmed Yar’s request that Kalat be treated as a non-Indian state was rejected by an official investigation. [2] It concluded that Kalat had been an Indian princely state since 1877. [3]

Political organization began in the 1930s in Balochistan. Since Kalat was the most developed, the first party, Kalat State National Party was formed as well as the Congress branch ‘Anjuman-e-Watan’. Baloch Muslim League was formed later on as well.

The Balochistan Muslim League remained idle, gaining popularity only when Jinnah and Liaquat Ali Khan took personal interest and visited, both promising political reforms, an anathema to Baloch sardars. [4] However, after 1945, the League intensified its efforts in Balochistan, [5] leading to the local party gaining ascendancy over the Congress’ Anjuman-e-Watan in terms of public support. [6]

Congress started propagating the Pashtun-Baloch rivalry [5] as well as separatist sentiments [6] knowing full well Balochistan would not choose India and also because Pakistan was in between geographically.

For the upcoming vote, Jinnah requested the general public be allowed to vote rather than the limited electorate of the Shahi Jirga but it was refused by the British. [7]

Muslim League tried its best to convince the Shahi Jirga to vote for Pakistan on 30th June 1947. This and the overwhelming public support for Pakistan convinced the Jirga to vote for Pakistan resulting in more than 40 votes in favor while the Congress got 10 out of 65 votes. [5][8][9]

This put Ahmed Yar Khan in a tough place. He wanted Kalat to be simultaneously considered a non-Indian state and also keep hold of leased states of Kharan and Las Bela. The British told him that if he wanted to keep Las Bela and Kharan, he had to accept Kalat as a princely state under India. If he wanted independence, he would lose Kharan and Las Bela. [10]

Why did Ahmed Yar Khan choose this unique stance between India and Pakistan? He wanted to avoid a genuine political struggle in Kalat which was inevitable under Muslim League or Congress. Jinnah played the trump card and recognized Kalat as a non-Indian independent state on 11th August 1947 via a communique leading to Khan of Kalat declaring independence a few days later.

However, Mountbatten did not sign this communique. This meant that Jinnah’s plan worked as neither India, nor Mountbatten agreed to Kalat’s independence. The signing of the communique by Jinnah three days before Pakistan’s own independence meant that it had no authority as Jinnah on 11th August held no such authority. [11]

This had forced the Khan of Kalat to pick a side and he picked independence thereby losing all legitimacy over Kharan and Las Bela. Pakistan did nothing illegal, since every princely state did, in effect, become independent after the British left. [12]

This left Khan of Kalat in a power struggle with Baloch-Brahui confederacy of Kalat, Las Bela and Kharan. Pakistan exploited this in the talks with Khan of Kalat that began in September 1947 and now demanded that Khan of Kalat accede to Pakistan like all other princely states. [13]

Remember that the people were already in favor of Pakistan. Nawabzada Aslam Khan states that “if he [Ahmed Yar Khan] did not [accede] his sardars would force him out as they were determined to join Pakistan”. [14] However his opinion does not hold much weight because some sardars like Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo were against accession to Pakistan.

Khan of Kalat had also developed a ‘parliament’ in October 1947. This was an undemocratic extension of his autocracy as it only featured the unelected sardars. Since neither Kalat nor the parliament were recognized as an independent state and a democratic institution respectively they held no authority to speak on behalf of Baloch people.

However, Lasbela and Kharan now wanted to accede to Pakistan and were rejecting Kalat’s authority. This was ignored by Pakistan’s government because discussions were still going on with Khan of Kalat. [15] Soon the district of Makran also joined them in their demands to accede to Pakistan [16].

Pakistan eventually relented on 17th March 1948 and let Makran, Las Bela and Kharan accede to Pakistan. [17] [18] Bangash says in an Express Tribune article that these states were ‘bought’ by Pakistan but he does not provide any evidence for it. Upon research one can find that this is based on myths perpetuated by Baloch separatists.

The accession of these states meant that Kalat was landlocked. In retaliation Khan of Kalat stopped providing Makran Levy Corps with food supplies leading them to near starvation. [19] Before Pakistani forces could move in to aid them, All-India Radio announced the fake news of Khan of Kalat acceding to India. [20]

Khan of Kalat knew the game was up. He announced accession to Pakistan the very same day on 27th March 1948. [20] He also said that his decision was made in fear of Pakistan being under an existential threat. [21]. Bangash claims in his Tribune article that Khan of Kalat signed it under military pressure, but he has not provided any evidence for it, nor does any other historian concur with him.

His younger brother Prince Abdul Karim started an armed revolt in July 1948 against Pakistan. He fled to Afghanistan and surrendered in 1950. Nawab Nauroz Khan started a similar revolt in 1958 against Bogra’s One Unit policy but he too lost the battle. Both insurgencies lacked support from general Baloch public. [22]

Two more period of wars happened after these two. Currently, the top organization Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) is labeled as a terrorist by several countries including Pakistan and UK. However, some among the Pakistani intellectual circle unfortunately continue to justify BLA’s actions based on concocted history of an ‘Independent Balochistan’, and continue to court BLA supporters and sympathizers such as M. Ali Talpur.

Pakistani public should decide if they are on the side of authentic history or half-truths perpetuated by supporters and apologists of BLA terrorists.


[1] Yaqoob Khan Bangash, “A Princely Affair: The Accession and Integration of the Princely States of Pakistan, 1947-1955”, pp-156.

[2] Ibid. pp-159.

[3] Ibid. pp-161.

[4] Ian Talbot, “Provincial Politics and the Pakistan Movement”, pp-118.

[5] Ibid. pp-119.

[6] Iqbal Chawla, “Prelude to the Accession of the Kalat State to Pakistan in 1948: An Appraisal”, Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan, Vol: 49: pp. 84.

[7] Ian Talbot, “Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah papers. Pakistan in the making, 3 June–30 June 1947. First series. Vol. II. Edited by Z. H. Zaidi. (Quaid-i-Azam Papers Project) pp. cxii, 992 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, pp-443-444.

[8] Inamul Haq Kausar, “Pakistan Resolution and Balochistan”. Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society. Vol 41, pp. 393–394.

[9] Inamul Haq Kausar, “Pakistan Resolution and Balochistan”. Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society. Vol 41, pp. 382.

[10] Yaqoob Khan Bangash, “A Princely Affair: The Accession and Integration of the Princely States of Pakistan, 1947-1955”, pp-192.

[11] Ibid. pp-167.

[12] Ibid. pp-169.

[13] Ibid. pp-170.

[14] Ibid. pp-171.

[15] Ibid. pp-185.

[16] Inayatullah Baloch, “The Problem of “Greater Baluchistan”: A Study of Baluch Nationalism”, pp. 186

[17] Yaqoob Khan Bangash’s essay “Constitutional integration of the princely states of Pakistan”, in Long, Talbot, Singh, Samad’s State and Nation-Building in Pakistan: Beyond Islam and Security, pp. 82

[18] Dushka Saiyid, “The Accession of Kalat: Myth and Reality”, Strategic Studies. Vol 26

[19] Martin Axmann, “Back to the Future: The Khanate of Kalat and the Genesis of Baloch Nationalism, 1915-1955”, pp. 243.

[20] Najib Alvi, “Enigmas of Baluchistan from non-provincial to provincial status reaction and response of Baloch nationalists 1947-1970”, Journal of the Punjab University Historical Society. Vol 2, pp. 147.

[21] Martin Axmann, “Back to the Future: The Khanate of Kalat and the Genesis of Baloch Nationalism, 1915-1955”, pp. 233.

[22] Farhan Hanif Siddiqi, “The Politics of Ethnicity in Pakistan: The Baloch, Sindhi and Mohajir Ethnic Movements”, pp.71.
He missed a huge point and I wonder how can some Baloch do that, who keeps on eye on affairs. RAMZAN MENGAL. The biggest untouched state-protected murderer in Balochistan which exists right now.


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Money for these groups usually comes from Emirate
Emirate support comes because they want destablity in Pakistan
I have some family members on their side. A few of them support because they want it to Emirate banana state that listens to Emirate.

@TechMan Thank you for bringing this out! It really does shed a good deal of light into the mindset of our supposed friends.

@Khafee you still in the dark buddy?
He missed a huge point and I wonder how can some Baloch do that, who keeps on eye on affairs. RAMZAN MENGAL. The biggest untouched state-protected murderer in Balochistan which exists right now.


lol apna rona dhona ley ker pohanch gaye .
Simple - you must fix this Afghan refugee problem. They are basically creating a rebellion within the state. They are implicated in both the PTM issue and Balochistan terrorism.

They are also an complete resource drain on the country as I suspect they are involved in smuggling. Are they even paying taxes at all?
uae main concern is not iran but gawadr

Oman also is bitter about losing Gwadar to Balochistan, Pakistan. They are using their large Baloch population to support BLA and other separatists.

They had to give Gwadar up to Quaid e Azam when he asked them what they wanted to do with it.

UAE is a universal supporter of illegal separatists all over the Muslim world, such as in Somalia, Libya, and Yemen. I suspect they are part of the Israeli game in the region.

There is a dangerous three way support group consisting of Afghanistan, Oman, and Iran for Baloch rebels. UAE wants to stop any potential competition to Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Interesting as Iran actually faced a real grassroots Baloch insurgency in the 80s, while Pakistan’s was mainly foreign funded by India and friends.

Simple - you must fix this Afghan refugee problem. They are basically creating a rebellion within the state. They are implicated in both the PTM issue and Balochistan terrorism.

They are also an complete resource drain on the country as I suspect they are involved in smuggling. Are they even paying taxes at all?

Provisionally expel them all to Afghanistan and set up an actual immigration system complete with thorough background checks and interrogation for traitors allowing professionals, skilled labor, and traders which would benefit Pakistan.

Make an exception for those married to Pakistanis, widows, orphans, and economically/socially backwards Afghans. Give them full citizenship and integrate them into mainstream Pakistani society.

Make it mandatory for parents to send their children to Pakistani schools and treat them as Pakistanis. If they require assistance, state can provide it, or more preferably the state can collect donations from international NGOs on their behalf.
@TechMan Thank you for bringing this out! It really does shed a good deal of light into the mindset of our supposed friends.

@Khafee you still in the dark buddy?
This is just an article, an informative one but we don't have definitive evidence. Furthermore, he has skipped the part about the role played by Iran as well. We have more evidence about the involvement of Iran than UAE.

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