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CRPF faces IB fire as Maoist commander Arvindji flees from Latehar


Jun 10, 2014
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There's war within the country's security establishment as a top Maoist leader lives to fight another day. The Intelligence Bureau (IB) has alleged that the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) mishandled an operation to nab Arvindji who carries a bounty of Rs.1.30 crore on his head.
Mail Today has accessed this information on a day the CRPF suffered its biggest casualty this year as 14 of its personnel were killed in a Maoist ambush on Monday afternoon in Chintagufa area of Sukma district in Chhattisgarh.

Top government sources said that the IB was so miffed with the manner in which the operation was carried out in Jharkhand last month that it has complained to Home Minister Rajnath Singh. The CRPF in return has given a report to the Home Ministry countering the IB's claims of a goof-up and said there was no lapse on its part.

Acting on a tip-off given by the IB about the presence of Arvindji in Latehar district of Jharkhand, the CRPF launched an operation on November 12.

But before the CRPF team could reach the designated location, they were confronted by a group of Maoists and an exchange of fire took place. One jawan was injured and the Maoists managed to escape.

Deo Kumar Singh alias Arvindji heads the Maoist operations in Jharkhand and is believed to be one its top leaders. He is also a central committee member of the Communist Party of India (Maoist). Little is known about Arvindji. However, some media reports say he joined the Maoist movement some 25 years ago and quickly rose up the ranks due to his notoriety.

His track record shows he has carried out several attacks on security forces, besides attacking an independent MP and former Jharkhand assembly speaker Inder Singh Namdhari in December 2011, in which 11 police personnel were killed. He was reportedly close to Maoist leader Kishenji, who was killed by security forces in November 2011. He had executed a landmine blast in the Bhandaria locality of Garhwa district in January 2012 in which 14 security forces, including the officer-in-charge of Bhandaria police station, were killed. Further, on April 2012, a group of Maoists guided by Arvindji had opened indiscriminate fire on security forces combing the Barwadih jungles in Latehar district, killing a Commando Battalion for Resolute Action (CoBRA) commando and injuring many others.

Sources said the IB's input was that Arvindji was hiding in a forest between Kumari village in Gumla district and Gotag village in Latehar district in Jharkhand and that there were around 50 Maoists in the area who could be easily overpowered. "Usually, Arvindji moves around with a group of 100-200 but we had intelligence that the number was less," an official said.

Based on the input, the CRPF launched an operation to hunt Arvindji. Two CRPF teams approached the spot from two directions - one team came from Gumla and the other from Latehar.

But things did not go as planned and the CRPF party that was moving in from the Gumla side spotted the Maoists and there was an exchange of fire that injured one jawan.

Home Ministry sources say that IB took up the matter directly with Rajnath Singh since its officials felt there was specific information provided to CRPF and there was no reason why the top Maoist leader should have escaped. "The matter has been taken up and once elections in Jharkhand are over an inquiry is expected to be initiated," said a home ministry official.

However, the CRPF differs with the version given by the IB to the Home Ministry. Officials on the ground said there was "no goof-up" and they had to fire back as the Maoists began firing on them from a hill top. The CRPF believes that the information provided to them was not accurate. "Around 1.5 kms before the spot identified by the IB, one of the teams came face to face with the rebels. They spotted us and there was an exchange of fire. A difference of 1 km can have a big impact in the difficult hilly and forest terrain," said a CRPF officer.

Since Maoists were on a hill top and enjoyed strategic advantage it became difficult for the CRPF to counter attack. "If we knew they were on a hill top our strategy would have been different. We would have taken a different route," the officer added.

Some jawans were forced to desert the operation as the injured jawan had to be taken to a safe location and that too on foot since they were deep inside the forest. "He was finally flown to Ranchi," the officer added.

Before the other CRPF party could reach the spot, the Maoists escaped. "The source accompanying the CRPF team got disoriented and could not identify the location," an officer said.

The CRPF has explained the sequence of events in a report given to the Home Ministry on the operation. Director General CRPF, Dileep Trivedi, who retired on November 30, visited Jharkhnad and reviewed the operation by speaking to his officers on the ground. He was also of the opinion that there was no lapse on their part.

A senior CRPF officer who has been privy to the developments said that nobody from the CRPF was present when the matter was taken up with the Home Minister. "The DG's opinion should have been taken but that did not happen," he said.

Following the unsuccessful operation to nab Arvindji, there was heavy exchange of fire between the Maoists and the CRPF in the same area. Sources said last week there were 25 IED explosions but no casualty.

The CRPF maintains that this was one of the many operations that have been carried out to destabilise the Maoists in the run up to elections.
To me it seems that information was leaked by a potential double agent, so that the CRPF could be ambushed, maybe the asset had outlived his usefulness, and this ambush was to squeeze the last benefit.

Sorry - sounds like classic Counter Intelligence 101 to me.
To me it seems that information was leaked by a potential double agent, so that the CRPF could be ambushed, maybe the asset had outlived his usefulness, and this ambush was to squeeze the last benefit.

Sorry - sounds like classic Counter Intelligence 101 to me.
maoist got excellent intelligence network where they're operating,so they doesn't require double agent.
CRPF version looks flawed, they are trained in guerilla warfare so they should have identified the threat beforehand.
I hate to see it but the CRPF is not up to par. Sub standard training, equipment, lack of discipline, etc are among many issues holding it back. I have read of so many CRPF deaths by Maoists. They are clearly not in a position to handle the Maoists. Send in the military.

maoist got excellent intelligence network where they're operating,so they doesn't require double agent.

They do but that doesn't prevent them from having agents working in gov't.
Since when the hell had IB started to operate in Naxal area. Never met an IB guy in so many years in naxal area. Never done a single ops on IB input:hitwall:

There is not a single govt employee except forces in naxal area for decades not even forest officers, when did IB reached there.:rofl:

Wish IB go and nab Arvind ji himself.
Arvind ji seems to be an school kid to these chutias. He walks along with 400 guerilla trained military wing of naxals. He was said to be hiding in hills. Only in Parasnath hills in Giridih, Jharkhand more than 100 coys (10000 men) of CRPF will get lost in those hills. 1000 sq km of naked hills with no source of water anywhere.

Ask an IB guy to cross 3 hills only, I am damn sure he will get fainted by dehydration. And its complusion to walk via hilltop. If you try to cross via valleys you will be ambushed from naxals sitting atop.

I consider IB as most rotten agency of nation for eg-

"IB has alerted about attack in Delhi on 26th January"
Even a kid knows this, Delhi is so big where to find the threat. If something happens they will say we had alerted.

I hate to see it but the CRPF is not up to par. Sub standard training, equipment, lack of discipline, etc are among many issues holding it back. I have read of so many CRPF deaths by Maoists. They are clearly not in a position to handle the Maoists. Send in the military.

They do but that doesn't prevent them from having agents working in gov't.

Bro it really saddens to hear any such comments. You don't a shit about naxal area and I am damn sure you have never seen any. Also you haven't seen any ops
in your life but you have this much knowledge that CRPF is incapable.

Please show some respect to martyrs, had they not laid life, your state too would have been naxal infested. They too had family. They too would have sat behind laptop and talk about force's capability like you.

It is CRPF only naxals are now limited to 2 states only.

Go read truth about conditons of IPKF in Srilanka, Nagaland ambush clearing entire brigades, thousands killed by militants and Northern frontier paramlitary of Pakistan. Read it from non military sources. As long as it is curtained let it be, I don't want burst your military bubble, its good for our nation.

About CRPF, I would only say-
"Jo ladte hain wahi marte hain"
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Since when the hell had IB started to operate in Naxal area. Never met an IB guy in so many years in naxal area. Never done a single ops on IB input:hitwall:

There is not a single govt employee except forces in naxal area for decades not even forest officers, when did IB reached there.:rofl:

Wish IB go and nab Arvind ji himself.
Arvind ji seems to be an school kid to these chutias. He walks along with 400 guerilla trained military wing of naxals. He was said to be hiding in hills. Only in Parasnath hills in Giridih, Jharkhand more than 100 coys (10000 men) of CRPF will get lost in those hills. 1000 sq km of naked hills with no source of water anywhere.

Ask an IB guy to cross 3 hills only, I am damn sure he will get fainted by dehydration. And its complusion to walk via hilltop. If you try to cross via valleys you will be ambushed from naxals sitting atop.

I consider IB as most rotten agency of nation for eg-

"IB has alerted about attack in Delhi on 26th January"
Even a kid knows this, Delhi is so big where to find the threat. If something happens they will say we had alerted.

Bro it really saddens to hear any such comments. You don't a shit about naxal area and I am damn sure you have never seen any. Also you haven't seen any ops
in your life but you have this much knowledge that CRPF is incapable.

Please show some respect to martyrs, had they not laid life, your state too would have been naxal infested. They too had family. They too would have sat behind laptop and talk about force's capability like you.

It is CRPF only naxals are now limited to 2 states only.

Go read truth about conditons of IPKF in Srilanka, Nagaland ambush clearing entire brigades, thousands killed by militants and Northern frontier paramlitary of Pakistan. Read it from non military sources. As long as it is curtained let it be, I don't want burst your military bubble, its good for our nation.

About CRPF, I would only say-
"Jo ladte hain wahi marte hain"
Excellent post! Respect!
Do you know if UAVs can be used in such terrain? Does CRPF have UAVs?
Since when the hell had IB started to operate in Naxal area. Never met an IB guy in so many years in naxal area. Never done a single ops on IB input:hitwall:

There is not a single govt employee except forces in naxal area for decades not even forest officers, when did IB reached there.:rofl:

Wish IB go and nab Arvind ji himself.
Arvind ji seems to be an school kid to these chutias. He walks along with 400 guerilla trained military wing of naxals. He was said to be hiding in hills. Only in Parasnath hills in Giridih, Jharkhand more than 100 coys (10000 men) of CRPF will get lost in those hills. 1000 sq km of naked hills with no source of water anywhere.

Ask an IB guy to cross 3 hills only, I am damn sure he will get fainted by dehydration. And its complusion to walk via hilltop. If you try to cross via valleys you will be ambushed from naxals sitting atop.

I consider IB as most rotten agency of nation for eg-

"IB has alerted about attack in Delhi on 26th January"
Even a kid knows this, Delhi is so big where to find the threat. If something happens they will say we had alerted.

Bro it really saddens to hear any such comments. You don't a shit about naxal area and I am damn sure you have never seen any. Also you haven't seen any ops
in your life but you have this much knowledge that CRPF is incapable.

Please show some respect to martyrs, had they not laid life, your state too would have been naxal infested. They too had family. They too would have sat behind laptop and talk about force's capability like you.

It is CRPF only naxals are now limited to 2 states only.

Go read truth about conditons of IPKF in Srilanka, Nagaland ambush clearing entire brigades, thousands killed by militants and Northern frontier paramlitary of Pakistan. Read it from non military sources. As long as it is curtained let it be, I don't want burst your military bubble, its good for our nation.

About CRPF, I would only say-
"Jo ladte hain wahi marte hain"

Bro I took you misunderstood my comment. The point I was trying to make is CRPF has serious issue regarding training, equipment, etc. Its not their fault but the past gov'ts who ignored their requests and allowed them to go into battle without a good chance against well armed and trained Naxals. How many times have we read reports of many, many lives being lost to Naxals? It's not a mere coincidence.

My comment is in no way belittling those men who laid down their lives everyday. It saddens me to see them not given a fighting chance with greater advantages than their opponents. That irritates and angers me.

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