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Crisis deepens as India blocks Chenab flow



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Nov 1, 2005
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ISLAMABAD, Sept 14: India has closed Chenab water flow and as a result the shortage in Pakistan has become more severe.

Sources told Dawn on Sunday that the water blockade by India could adversely affect the Kharif crops, particularly cotton and sugarcane which were in maturity stage and required final watering, and the sowing of Rabi crops early next month.

They said that the Pakistan Indus Water Commission had taken up the matter with the federal government and convened a meeting on Tuesday to take stock of the situation and try to reach a diplomatic solution with New Delhi.

If the Chenab closure prolongs, the sowing of Rabi crops, particularly wheat, would be hit severely.

The government had to import more than two million tons of wheat this year despite a record production of more than 23 million tons.

The water shortage could force Pakistan to import more wheat next year, adding to the foreign exchange pressure and worsening its balance of payments crisis.

The authorities are already estimating more than 35 per cent shortage of irrigation water during the next Rabi season following a decline in the melting of snow in Northern Areas, higher withdrawals by provinces during Kharif and increased hydropower generation.

The sources said India’s unilateral decision to stop the Chenab flows had put additional pressure on the irrigation system of Pakistan, which used to receive more than 23,000 cusecs a day until last week, but it had now been brought down to almost zero.

Meanwhile, the Indus River System Authority (Irsa) has convened a meeting of its technical committee on Sept 20 to ascertain the overall water availability for the Rabi season, beginning on Oct 1.

Irsa’s advisory committee will meet on Sept 25 to finalise provincial shares for Kharif on the basis of estimates to be put forth by the technical committee, Irsa chairman Bashir Ahmed Dahar told Dawn.

Responding to a question, he said Irsa had powers and capacity to resolve the issues of water sharing and discharges in consultation with the provincial governments and it had never sought federal government’s intervention to prevail upon one province or the other to accept its decisions.

Exercising these powers, Irsa has increased releases from the Mangla reservoir for Punjab’s final watering by 10,000 cusecs to about 39,000 cusecs. On the other hand, Punjab continued to draw about 49,000 cusecs from Tarbela against its share of about 40,000 cusecs.

Once higher releases from Mangla reached the system, Punjab’s share from Tarbela would be reduced to 40,000 cusecs, the sources said. Irsa had asked Punjab last week to reduce withdrawal by 8,000 cusecs from Chashma-Jhelum canal, but it continued to draw about 18,000 cusecs till Sunday.

The sources said releases in CJ-Link would be reduced to 10,000 cusecs on Monday or Tuesday to preserve reasonable resources in the Indus System for Rabi crops.
Updated at: 1053 PST, Monday, September 15, 2008
ISLAMABAD: India has stopped the Cenab River water, which has further aggravated the water availability problem in Pakistan hitting hard the upcoming crops.

Sources said that the Kharif crop especially, cotton and sugarcane ready crops in the country would be badly affected due to water blockades, which at this stage need water most besides the upcoming Rabi crops would also be affected. Sources said that Indus Water Commission has apprised the federal government of this situation and a meeting has been called on Tuesday for reviewing the water reserves situation in the country. The meeting would also focus on exploring diplomatic solution of the issue. If the Chenab water blockade gets prolonged, then wheat production in the country would also be badly affected. Despite 23 million tons of record production of wheat, the government this year imported over 2 million tons of wheat. Water blockade would force Pakistan depending more on imported wheat. Earlier, the experts had estimated Pakistan facing 35 percent shortage of water during the upcoming Rabi crop.

India stops Chenab River water hitting Kharif crop - GEO.tv
It seems India has received its instructions from her new lover to heat up the already strained relationships with Pakistan.
Under the IWT Pakistan has exclusive use of the Chenab, so there shouldn't even be any confusion over who is in the wrong here.

This needs to be followed carefully, and Pakistan should highlight this internationally if it continues, since it might be an attempt to provoke Pakistan into a situation that India could use as justification for initiating hostilities.

There should be no doubt that by continuing on this course India is declaring hostile intent.
It seems India has received its instructions from her new lover to heat up the already strained relationships with Pakistan.

India does-not take instructions from anyone be it USA or West or China. We always have worked in our self-interest (since our independence) something which pakistan ought to learn from us. Truth hurts isn't it...
India does-not take instructions from anyone be it USA or West or China. We always have worked in our self-interest (since our independence) something which pakistan ought to learn from us. Truth hurts isn't it...

Whats the truth here?

That once again India is violating an agreement, after the UNSC resolutions and Instrument of Accession that required a plebiscite?

That once again India is engaging in immoral, illegal and unethical acts - first by occupying a people and their land, and now by trying to starve innocent Pakistanis by cutting of water supplies?

India likes to beat up, kill murder and rape innocent, defenseless Kashmiris, and she likes to cut of water supplies to kill and starve millions - is that the truth you want us to 'hurt' from?

The ugly truth has always been known, only some Indians like to hide behind the facade of 'great civilization'.
Whats the truth here?

That once again India is violating an agreement, after the UNSC resolutions and Instrument of Accession that required a plebiscite?

That once again India is engaging in immoral, illegal and unethical acts - first by occupying a people and their land, and now by trying to starve innocent Pakistanis by cutting of water supplies?

India likes to beat up, kill murder and rape innocent, defenseless Kashmiris, and she likes to cut of water supplies to kill and starve millions - is that the truth you want us to 'hurt' from?

The ugly truth has always been known, only some Indians like to hide behind the facade of 'great civilization'.

By Truth I meant Pakistan seldom acts in its self-interest.

As far as violation an agreement by cutting of water supplies is concerned there is no official news from India yet so I can't comment on it. Lets see what India has to say. Rest of your post is your faulty perception.
By Truth I meant Pakistan seldom acts in its self-interest.

I would agree with this part but not Pakistan, infact the political thugs. Pakistan under Musharraf pretty much acted with keeping her own interests supreme.

As far as violation an agreement by cutting of water supplies is concerned there is no official news from India yet so I can't comment on it. Lets see what India has to say. Rest of your post is your faulty perception.

Why would you hear anything regarding this in your media? Since according to you guys, there isnt any violation at the first place and as you said is all faulty perception.:disagree:
Under the IWT Pakistan has exclusive use of the Chenab, so there shouldn't even be any confusion over who is in the wrong here.

This needs to be followed carefully, and Pakistan should highlight this internationally if it continues, since it might be an attempt to provoke Pakistan into a situation that India could use as justification for initiating hostilities.

There should be no doubt that by continuing on this course India is declaring hostile intent.

AM whats the solution to it? the case is already with the internation court, how much can we highlight it then already we did. India is purposely doing so taking the undue advantage of the situation that has arisen on our borders with the US. IMO there is no diplomatic solution to it, Indians will just not let any opportunity get pass them in which they can sabotage Pakistan and bring it to its knees. The question is can we fight on two different fronts?
AM whats the solution to it? the case is already with the internation court, how much can we highlight it then already we did. India is purposely doing so taking the undue advantage of the situation that has arisen on our borders with the US. IMO there is no diplomatic solution to it, Indians will just not let any opportunity get pass them in which they can sabotage Pakistan and bring it to its knees. The question is can we fight on two different fronts?

In order to do this properly, Pakistan has to go through the necessary steps of the IWT, and we can consider what to do after all diplomatic and legal measures have been exhausted, and India has been shown to be in violation of the IWT, and refuses to rectify the situation.
I wonder how much kick back Mr.10% has received in this case?
Updated at: 1053 PST, Monday, September 15, 2008
ISLAMABAD: India has stopped the Cenab River water, which has further aggravated the water availability problem in Pakistan hitting hard the upcoming crops.

Sources said that the Kharif crop especially, cotton and sugarcane ready crops in the country would be badly affected due to water blockades, which at this stage need water most besides the upcoming Rabi crops would also be affected. Sources said that Indus Water Commission has apprised the federal government of this situation and a meeting has been called on Tuesday for reviewing the water reserves situation in the country. The meeting would also focus on exploring diplomatic solution of the issue. If the Chenab water blockade gets prolonged, then wheat production in the country would also be badly affected. Despite 23 million tons of record production of wheat, the government this year imported over 2 million tons of wheat. Water blockade would force Pakistan depending more on imported wheat. Earlier, the experts had estimated Pakistan facing 35 percent shortage of water during the upcoming Rabi crop.

Hi Icecold

Lets face the reality .. just like Oil, Water is also going to be one of the most scarce and strategic resource in coming days. Given the increasingly chaotic and desperate and populated world we are living in, someday these had to happen. This is pure survival instinct from a philosophical point of view. Its too bad for Pakistan that it is on the downhill side of the most of major river lines originating from Himalaya. We also suffered or will be suffering bcos of indiscriminate dam building of China causing Brahmaputra to slow down over India... ... and hence the reason... I request like minded people of Pakistan to evaluate a relationship with India based on a long term strategic perspective... we all get carried away by this short term rhetoric...so much that we fail to see the ultimate objective of every human being...that is too live.... please add the Let Live component to it as well.. ... otherwise the closest water tap from you is going to get dried very soon... and that true for both India and Pakistan....
Hi Icecold

Lets face the reality .. just like Oil, Water is also going to be one of the most scarce and strategic resource in coming days. Given the increasingly chaotic and desperate and populated world we are living in, someday these had to happen. This is pure survival instinct from a philosophical point of view. Its too bad for Pakistan that it is on the downhill side of the most of major river lines originating from Himalaya. We also suffered or will be suffering bcos of indiscriminate dam building of China causing Brahmaputra to slow down over India... ... and hence the reason... I request like minded people of Pakistan to evaluate a relationship with India based on a long term strategic perspective... we all get carried away by this short term rhetoric...so much that we fail to see the ultimate objective of every human being...that is too live.... please add the Let Live component to it as well.. ... otherwise the closest water tap from you is going to get dried very soon... and that true for both India and Pakistan....

I dont know about China and India, but what India is doing is clearly a violation of the IWT. We understand the basic survival instincts of a human being but lets face it that does not mean that inorder to fullfill ones requirement, you run others dry. I agree like oil, water too will be an issue but even with abiding the treaty, India has pretty much of water for her requirements and we havent reached that stage where a war over water is necessary and therefore this stoping of water is a pure strategic move by India to show Pakistan that we can use the water factor If Pakistan does not abide by us. For us its a very very serious matter against which there can be serious consequences for both India and Pakistan as both nations at this stage would not want to go to war.
We used to listen a story in my village when we were child. There was a fool, one day a person said to fool see that crow has taken away your ear, and that fool kept chasing crow without checking the ear, that is what some times happen here.

Some one said some thing, then others start giving lectures. Nothing happening, India abiding with treaty... Though if relations are not good as it was at time of treaty, then treaty may be treated as null and void, though situation has not come yet and hope it will not.
Pakistan’s water woes continue
By Khaleeq Kiani

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has lodged a formal protest with India over reduction in Chenab river flows, calling for an emergency meeting of the Permanent Indus Commission for explanation of the grave violation of the 1960 Indus Water Treaty.

The reduction in Chenab flows has caused substantial losses to standing Kharif crops in most parts of downstream of Head Marala in Punjab that was partially being irrigated by higher releases from Mangla reservoir to save rice and sugarcane crops. This will cause additional stress on coming Rabi crops because of depletion in Mangla resources.

Pakistan has protested with India more than half a dozen times over this gross violation of the decades-old treaty over the last two months but all in vain, Pakistan’s Permanent Indus Commissioner Syed Jamaat Ali Shah told Dawn on Monday.

He said the Indian High Commissioner in Islamabad was also called by the foreign office on September 5 to convey Pakistan’s concern over the situation and a demand for the site inspection of the Baglihar dam in Indian-held Kashmir was also made.

Pakistan has sought compensation for the agricultural losses due to the decline in Chenab flows and the Punjab government has been asked to firm up estimates of crop losses, he said.

India is estimated to have deprived Pakistan of about 0.2 million acre feet of water in the last couple of weeks that had negatively affected crops in Punjab, he added.

Baghlihar dam

At the heart of problem lies the controversial Baglihar dam and hydropower project that forced the two nations to seek arbitration from the World Bank. The WB arbitrator addressed some objections of Pakistan over the design of the Indian project, but its post-completion ramification still haunts Pakistan’s irrigation system.

Mr Shah said after commissioning of the project, India required initial filing of the Baglihar dam for which the two sides had agreed to a schedule. This agreement required that filling should take place between June 21 and August 31 with prior consent of Pakistan Indus Commission subject to a condition that river flows should not drop below 55,000 cusec inside Pakistan at any time.

He said Pakistan had been asking the Indian side to share the schedule for dam filling and allow site inspection of the Baglihar dam but they did not provide the relevant information. On August 7, New Delhi informed Islamabad through an email that it would be filling Baglihar dam between August 10 -31, with the assurance the river flows would not fall below 55,000 cusecs on the Pakistani side.

He said Pakistan noticed a declining trend in river flows on the Pakistani side during August 15-19 and therefore, it wrote another letter seeking filling schedule. The letter remained unaddressed and flows went down the 55,000 cusec limit which prompted Pakistan to lodge a formal protest with the Permanent Indian Indus Commissioner.

He said ahead of a Pak-India meeting on Neelum-Jhelum, the situation improved for two days when the Indian commissioner visited Pakistan.

Mr Shah said Pakistan has been loosing up to 15,000 cusec of water every day. He, however, clarified that Chenab flows never came to zero although the reduction was substantial.

He quoted India media reports as saying that India had put the Baglihar hydropower project on trial on September 5 which was another violation of the treaty.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Pakistan?s water woes continue

Quite a few more details from concerned officials in Pakistan, and at this point the case against India seems valid.
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