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Create a New Third Force - to end PPP, PMLN, JUI & 11 PDM corrupt, selfish & foreign agenda parties' 30 years history of destruction of Pakistan state

Why? What has PTI done wrong? Or you want opposition only for the sake of opposition?

No, to fill the vacuum left by the corrupt parties, some donkey meat lovers would probably be too proud to vote for PTI.

These Lotas are actually electables and they are always in establishment pockets. So Imran Khan will not get rid of them. This is how you win next elections by keeping Lotas in the party

Why? What has PTI done wrong? Or you want opposition only for the sake of opposition?

Liquidate Lotas? Never. Imran Khan need them in next elections.

It's only possible if grass root also funds these grass root politicians. PTI could never win if we non resident Pakistanis had not supported and funded the party from abroad

Yeah the OP is very tricky. He knows all opposition parties are defeated so he comes here to malign PTI

These Lotas are actually electables and they are always in establishment pockets. So Imran Khan will not get rid of them. This is how you win next elections by keeping Lotas in the party

Why? What has PTI done wrong? Or you want opposition only for the sake of opposition?

Liquidate Lotas? Never. Imran Khan need them in next elections.

It's only possible if grass root also funds these grass root politicians. PTI could never win if we non resident Pakistanis had not supported and funded the party from abroad

Yeah the OP is very tricky. He knows all opposition parties are defeated so he comes here to malign PTI

Because it only takes one rotten apple spoils the barrel.. The nation is indebted to PTI because it freed us from the duo dynasties, however if IK keeps compromising by letting the Jafers in he diminishes his own party he worked so hard for [25 years]. Furthermore these so called 'electables' have proven their 'worth' by losing elections in mass in the GE18, GB20 for example. Which has already disenfranchised many PTI members due to the poor ticket selection, We need new faces to bring change, not the same old same old crap we have been forced fed for decades, and as far as the certain element of the 'establishment' is concerned they can join their loyal pups (Nawaz and Bhutto) into the abyss.
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PTI is the 3rd option which General Musharaff mentioned. It will stay for the full 5 years and the next 10 years. People of Pakistan need to realise only they can make a change after 15 years of PTI in power. PPP will be impossible to remove in Sindh as Zardari and co will become rebellious. JUI will become militant so they are just kept in check. PML N could emerge under Shabaz Sharif to play opposition.

These 3 could be good option with each having a few problems. Mustaqbil needs big promotion, PSP is good for Sindh but needs more work done, GDA has Sindhi nationalism which will bite Pakistan in the future.
Create a New Third Force - in order to stop PPP, PMLN, JUI & 11 corrupt parties destroying Pakistan and its Economy again & again for past 30 years

This is high time when PTI tenure finishes, it will be difficult to see it get re-elected in Pakistan Federal Government ever again. Besides once Imran Khan finishes it will be the end of PTI anyway. In order to for-see the dangerous threat coming to Pakistan's future, it is highly required a new people's revolutionary force comes into the screen with a mandate to transform Pakistan.

  • Pakistan future is in grave danger again if PPP. PMLN, JUI-F, ANP are again elected into power corridors of Pakistan, which is possibly the final nail in coffin for Pakistan. Pakistan's institutions, economy, foregin involvement in Pakistan will wreck havoc to Pakistanis.

  • A new Political force is a must in Pakistan which can unite Pakistan, bring new people and divide the PPP, PMLN and JUI , ANP parties of Pakistan.

  • If these 11 parties PDM again come to power, they will first finish the Army/ISI establishment, then loot, destroy Pakistan as they have been doing for another 30 years.

  • A new party in Punjab is required which will replace PMLN, and less relevant PPP at all costs, because all over again after Pakistan will be destroyed economically, looted and weakened again.

  • Similarly, GDA alliance in Sindh was a strong force to take on PPP.

  • PTI is a clueless party at the moment, if it ever gets elected could be beneficial for Pakistan as an alternative.

  • Once Gilgit-Baltisan becomes a province it will be another part of honest, strong leadership with strong character and competence to run the affairs of the Pakistan.

  • Pakistanis should unite together and foresee the coming internal dangers to Pakistan.
We need a national level movement that will teach people how to behave. This movement will build institutions and will basically make an environment from which we will have best leaderships in future.

One political party, second political party.... Doesn't make any sense when people are same.

Lauch another party, and you will see Fawad ch, Shah Mehmood again in the new party.
After what happened to PTI we are loosing hopes for 3rd options too, it will be just as corrupt as the other two maybe even more as this would be their first chance.
After what happened to PTI we are loosing hopes for 3rd options too, it will be just as corrupt as the other two maybe even more as this would be their first chance.
Pti had made sure that pmln never lose in punjab and ppp never lose in sindh. People are ready digest corruption of these parties with some competence and they are not ready to digest imran khan honesty with God gifted incompetencey. It is like either you vote for competency or honesty but cannot have both that imran khan thought pakistan in these 3.5 years.

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