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Crazy Russians climbs Shanghai Tower 650 meters with no safety gears

MEanwhile early 20th century american construction workers

The West keeps asking how we managed to beat Nazis............

Well their is your answer:coffee:

Actually, the West keeps pretending THEY are the ones who beat the Nazis. :lol:

Even though everyone knows it was Russia who handed the Nazis all their major defeats, turning the tide of war in the Battle of Stalingrad and Moscow, and it was the Russian Red Army who took Berlin itself during the Battle of Berlin.
Honestly this is what came to my mind when I read the news first. Sheer will power beats everything except death :tup:

Check out some articles on the Battle of Stalingrad. Still one of the largest and most brutal battles in the history of human warfare, and the decisive "turning point" of the entire European theater of WW2.

The Battle of Stalingrad was the one that broke the back of the Nazi war engine. The Battle of Moscow sent them into retreat, and the Battle of Berlin finished them off, ending with Hitler putting a bullet in his own head rather than face the wrath of the Russian Army.
Check out some articles on the Battle of Stalingrad. Still one of the largest and most brutal battles in the history of human warfare, and the decisive "turning point" of the entire European theater of WW2.

The Battle of Stalingrad was the one that broke the back of the Nazi war engine. The Battle of Moscow sent them into retreat, and the Battle of Berlin finished them off, ending with Hitler putting a bullet in his own head rather than face the wrath of the Russian Army.
Yes, I have read about it. The initial battering, then Hitler's tactical blunders,ignoring Manstein's advice and the massive Soviet retaliation with the encircling tactics learnt from the Germans itself. Quite fascinating.
Yes, I have read about it. The initial battering, then Hitler's tactical blunders,ignoring Manstein's advice and the massive Soviet retaliation with the encircling tactics learnt from the Germans itself. Quite fascinating.

I am actually a bit obsessed with that particular bit of history. :D

I don't know if we will ever see war of that scale ever again.
I am actually a bit obsessed with that particular bit of history. :D

I don't know if we will ever see war of that scale ever again.
With the invasion of A-Bomb, war of that scale is impossible today. But who knows about tomorrow!! WW II is an epic saga of heroic battles, glorious sacrifices, mourning of fellow brethren and paying back with interest. I find it quite entertaining (don't know it's the right word or not) to read it again and again.
MEanwhile early 20th century american construction workers

Photoshop, americans are not as courageaous as russian

They use JDAM to bully people and not even ashamed, that's the mark of the cowards

If they are courageous they would fight with balanced weapons
With the invasion of A-Bomb, war of that scale is impossible today. But who knows about tomorrow!! WW II is an epic saga of heroic battles, glorious sacrifices, mourning of fellow brethren and paying back with interest. I find it quite entertaining (don't know it's the right word or not) to read it again and again.

i think u mistakenly wrote invasion instead of invention
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