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Crackdown on freedoms? Australian Senate passes draconian anti-terror laws

Remember Kenya Mall Attack where they killed anybody who did not look like a Muslim? Terrorists don't care about the Human rights and most countries will now adopt laws which subscribe to the idea of Collective Punishment. Collective Punishment worked well in Russia. Islamic terror is not reactionary, it is expansionist/hegemonic in nature. These people are not seeking justice for a particular community, they are seeking annihilation of all individuals who don't subscribe to a particular faith and they have received sufficient support from their people.
This collective punishment method actually originated by the muslim Invaders. They killed tens of thousand of non-muslims using this. West may apply the same technique.
Abbot has managed to scare the shit out of an entire country with no evidence placed before the public of a valid threat. He is trying to turn the non existent threat from ISIS into a political tool. Scare the people so they see you as a saviour. Just like an xxxhole needs a bigger xxxhole in order to look good.

The whole terrorism hysteria is a manufactured "crisis".

Muslims brought this upon themselves.
Silence of the liberal muslims against these extremist terrorist faggots is the sole reason.
If liberal muslims will not raise there voice then one will believe that all of the muslims are extremists.

No muslim raise his damn voice when minorities are persecuted by extremists muslims in thousands.
So why they expect us to raise our voice when they are persecuted by some state sponsored draconian law??
Classic Islamo-apologist reply, seems like this is a standard defence for you guys as I have seen this defence in many other websites too by islamists.

Just because more people die of car accidents does not mean that it is OK to shout allah-who-cakebar and blow yourselves up. ANd neither does that mean that stringent laws cannot be made to tackle the above kind of loonies.

Since you, like many of the Indian posters here, lack the most basic knowledge of what constitutes a liberal society, you will not understand the importance of keeping government powers in check.

The response to any threat must be commensurate. We can reduce car accident injuries if we require every car to be padded with mattresses, but that would not be practical. Similarly, we can prevent ladder deaths by banning ladders, but that is also ridiculous.

The assault on personal freedoms, including surveillance, is an erosion of individual rights. Such an erosion must be justified by a commensurate threat.

You may gloat, thinking these powers will only affect Muslims, whom you despise, but they _WILL_ be used against anyone and everyone that the bureaucrats want to. Many of the existing anti-terror laws have been abused against journalists.

Again, as an Indian driven more by bigotry than knowledge, I don't expect you guys to acknowledge any of this.

Muslims brought this upon themselves.
Silence of the liberal muslims against these extremist terrorist faggots is the sole reason.
If liberal muslims will not raise there voice then one will believe that all of the muslims are extremists.

No muslim raise his damn voice when minorities are persecuted by extremists muslims in thousands.
So why they expect us to raise our voice when they are persecuted by some state sponsored draconian law??

Reality is not obligated to conform to your ignorance of facts.
Which is not to say that you will abandon your ignorance any time soon and embrace reality.
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Personal insults aside:

It is not a personal insult. It is an apt description of you, given your demonstrated ignorance of what constitutes the foundations of a liberal society.

The only people in this world that think that Islamic terrorism is exxagerated are Muslims, who are not going to be targets of islamic terrorism themselves. Islamic terrorism is a very much a real threat in the non-Muslim world.

Yes a liberal society would be ideal, but we dont live in an ideal world. Civil rights will need to be comrpomised to combat any form of organized terroist activity. And yes, the sufferers in the long term will not only be Muslims, but everyone. But thats the penalty the society has to pay to lead a secure life.

You demonstrate once again why you are an ignoramus when it comes to understanding the principles of a liberal society.

The first step towards redemption and enlightenment is to tone down your bigotry, so you can give your brain a chance to understand liberalism.
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The principles of a liberal society - I completely understand. I simply happen to disagree with them.

Since you disagree with the liberal principles of your adopted country, you should hop on the first plane back to Mother India.
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Falls out of Bed.....Falls out of Chair - Who the heck dies like that & that too in the hundreds ? :unsure:

kids or old people falling off bunk beds and hitting their head on a dresser?

UK has pretty strict anti-terror laws. They could be stricter, but I am decently satisfied with them. People have been stripped of their citizenship for supporting ISIS here.

No one has an issue with punishing demonstrated terror links. What I am concerned about is preemptive powers based merely on suspicion. Now there's the power to shoot to kill -- merely on suspicion.
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The usual Indian bigots are out in force, but what they don't see -- or want to see -- is that the law gives authorities the right to kill a suspect.

In other words, it's open season to shoot and kill anyone who looks Middle Eastern.

Unlike most other civilized countries, Australia already has laws in place to keep a person in custody indefinitely without actually charging them. All they need is a renewal from the courts every few weeks..

For those who don't know the numbers. In the recent "terror" raids,
- DOZENS of homes were raided
- HUNDREDS of Muslim civilians were terrorized
- FIFTEEN people were arrested
- THREE were detained
- ONE was released on bail
- ZERO were charged with terrorism

While we all agree that authorities should do what's necessary to squash terrorism, there was no reason to turn the raids into a media circus. Very badly handled by the authorities.

I don't expect you to understand the difference between terrorists and law enforcement.

Terror raids: 800 police, and only two men charged

two men have been charged from these raids. And I was never aware of a law stating that police were allowed to kill suspects .
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Oh boy another peace loving, low on brain cells, full of inferiority complex Indian Hindu friend.
I am not justifying it. I am saying because of this polarization west may apply it. And here, Indian hindus will be punished too since you look like us.
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