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CPEC moves into top gear in 2021


Mar 21, 2007
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CPEC moves into top gear in 2021

By Gwadar Pro
by Yasir Habib Khan

ISLAMABAD, Jan. 13 (Gwadar Pro) - Having surmounted wide-range challenges, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has cruised into high gear in 2021 gaining traction in the potential areas that constitute modern future of Pakistan.

Upholding the supremacy of transparency, corruption-free and fast-track progress, action plan of CPEC 2021 is a buzzword on national and international landscapes.

From the onset, CPEC 2021 has focused on agriculture-centric growth, SEZs, Gwadar, ML-1, Rail network, B2B businesses, entrepreneurship, pharmaceutical industry, CPFTA-11, de-carbonization, trade, renewal energy, Optic Fiber Cable, Science & Technology, Eco-Tourism, Culture, new media, skill development, employment generation, and high-tech infrastructure.

In a first media briefing of 2021, Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan said loud and clear that CPEC in 2021 would boost up agricultural sector as Pakistan was an agriculture country. He reiterated his admiration for China to adopt Chinese model of development as the best model for Pakistan. "If we can learn from any country in the world, it is China. The speed with which China developed in the last 30 years is something we can learn from," he added.

Mushahid Hussain Syed, Senator, Chairman, Senate Foreign Affairs Committee and Pakistan-China Institute said that with the first phase of CPEC already a success story, the best of success was yet to come in 2021. New Year has lot of promise & potential for CPEC, for instance, launching SEZ, relocation of Chinese industry, agriculture & education, plus it’s the 70th Anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Pakistan & China which means more people-to-people contact.

“The major challenges are the ability of the Pakistani system to cut through bureaucratic red-tapes so that projects are taken forward unimpeded, to protect CPEC projects & personnel by provision of adequate security and to counter fake news and propaganda emanating from India and its Western patrons against BRI/CPEC,” he added.

Hassan Daud Butt, former CPEC Project Director and CEO KPBOIT & SEZA said that 2021 was crucial year as the world was looking at COVID-19 cure and measures to rebound from economic crisis. “It is expected that ML-1 project will make a sound start. Meanwhile development work in Rashakai, dhabheji and Faisalabad to gain momentum in adequate manner. Gwadar development is also shaping well with at least 10 investors keen to work with port holding company. East bay express will also be completed and work on Gwadar Airport, hospital and vocational center has been accelerating steadily and positively,” he added and opined that 2021 would be an important year overall.

Senator Azam Khan Swati, said that CPEC 2021 would see kick-start of ML-1 project creating employment opportunities for the locals and improving the logistics infrastructure in the country. He said ML-1 would cover 80 percent of Pakistani territory and 78 percent of the population of Pakistan.


CPEC 2021 eyes on corporate farming, seed technology, remote sensing, geographical information system, food processing and pre- and post-harvest handling. It puts thrust on storage of agricultural produce, genetic resources of crops, livestock and poultry, selection and breeding of new breeds of animals and new varieties of plants, feed for fisheries and aquaculture, research and development of new high-yield varieties, precision agriculture and pest and disease control.

Under Agro-based cooperation, efforts are afoot to build a center for sustainable pest management in plants in Pakistan, focusing on all-round plant protection cooperation, including monitoring and early warning technology, research and development, mutual recognition of standards (thus paving the way for enhanced food exports from Pakistan to China), personnel training and emergency prevention and control.
Under the framework, a joint cotton research laboratory would be set up in Multan at a cost of Rs. 186 million to help improving the productivity of the agriculture sector by increasing cotton cultivation area and production. It will also help in development of climate resilient cotton varieties that will ensure reliability and productivity. The project will help farmers by lowering the need to invest in insecticides and pesticides and will help alleviate poverty in rural Punjab.

Measures are being doubled down for establishing a learning and coaching center and a model farm where students and farmers would be given training about the use of modern technology for agriculture. Spread over 12 acres, the learning and coaching center, and model farm would be set up under academia-industry linkages.

Science & Technology

Optimizing Joint Working Group (JWG) on Science and Technology under CPEC after President Arif Alvi visited China in March last year, 2021 will deliberate projects under this category and recommendations that have been provided by the experts. In this regard a science and technology park on biotechnology is being built in Jhelum. The land is being provided by the Pakistani government. Modalities for the project have been worked out and that it will be based on the model of the center of excellence of COMSATS at the Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology (TIB).

This year progress is going ahead as "CPEC Science Communication Network" has already been launched on December 3rd 2020 for the 5th Academic Forum on China-Pakistan Scientific, Technological and Economic Cooperation under Belt and Road Initiative jointly by the Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU), Beijing Science and Technology Association (BAST), Beijing Academy of Science and Technology (BJAST) in collaboration with Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF), and Pakistan Scientific & Technological Information Center (PASTIC).

Special Economic Zones (SEZs)

Ponding on SEZ Development Modes, Public Sector, Private Sector, Public-Private Partnership, CPEC 2021 is all set to mark groundbreaking of Rashakai SEZ project. Rest of others prioritized one including Dhabeji (Sindh) and Allama Iqbal Industrial City (Punjab) are on fast-track. Technically, there are total of nine SEZs planned under CPEC. Government also gears up to establish Special Economic Zones Authorities (SEZAs) under CPEC framework in 2021. Under the SEZ Act 2012, federal and provincial governments have their own modalities to develop SEZs as per their needs and regulations.

During 2021, Punjab has stepped up efforts to develop the 3,000-acre Allama Iqbal Industrial City through the government-owned Faisalabad Industrial Estate Development and Management Company. The biggest advantage for this SEZ is its proximity to the already functional M3 Industrial City, where a number of large enterprises are already operating. K-P has partnered with a Chinese state-owned developer, China Road and Bridge Corporation, for developing the Rashakai Economic Zone.

The 1000-acre SEZ is located right next to the M1 Motorway. For Dhabeji, Sindh is undertaking a competitive procurement under its public-private partnership law. Reportedly, China Harbour Engineering Company has won the bid. The Board of Investment (BoI) is also going to amend Special Economic Zone Act 2012 to facilitate industrial zones under the CPEC during current year.


2021 is going to see optimum maturity in the progress of various development works including Gwadar East-Bay Expressway, New Gwadar International Airport, construction of breakwaters, Dredging of birthing areas & channels, development of free zone, Pak-China friendship hospital, Pak-China technical & vocational institute at Gwadar and Gwadar Smart Port City Master Plan.
CPEC a benchmark for major B&R projects

By China Economic Net
Jan 11, 2021
by Cheng Xizhong

BEIJING, Jan. 3 (China Economic Net) – The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) initially a bilateral cooperation project between China and Pakistan, is now gradually developing into an important multilateral and regional cooperation project.

On December 25, 2020, the second meeting of CPEC International Cooperation and Coordination Working Group was held in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. The first meeting of the working group was held on April 9, 2019.

Since the establishment of this meeting mechanism, I have taken particular note of the term "International Cooperation and Coordination". As I understand, the CPEC is the pilot project of the Belt and Road.

Through this CPEC platform, the Belt and Road cooperation may extend to the whole region of South Asia, as well as Central Asia, West Asia, the Middle East, Africa and even more distant places.

Therefore, at the second meeting of the International Cooperation and Coordination Working Group, the two sides reiterated that the CPEC is an open and inclusive initiative, upholding the principles of extensive consultation, joint construction and sharing, and would carry out the corridor construction cooperation with the third parties on the basis of consensus and full demonstration between China and Pakistan.

The second meeting was very fruitful and the two sides reached a high degree of consensus on promoting the next phase of the CPEC construction.

Both sides agreed that close cooperation and mutual assistance between the two countries during the fight against the novel coronavirus pneumonia has injected fresh momentum into the corridor construction.

The two sides reiterated that the CPEC will focus on industries, agriculture, science and technology, and people’s livelihood, and expand to underdeveloped areas.

Recently, the final Take-over Certificate (TOC) issuing ceremony of Peshawar-Karachi Motorway (PKM) Project (Sukkur-Multan section) was held in Multan, marking a formal opening to traffic and a perfect implementation of the project. This is a microcosm of the successful rise of the CPEC development against the trend despite the unprecedented impact of COVID-19.

According to the Chinese authorities, making ensure the effective pandemic prevention and health of more than 26,700 Chinese and Pakistani employees on the construction sites, the construction and operation of all the 70 projects under the framework of CPEC have not been affected. At the same time, Gwadar Port, transportation infrastructure, energy, industry and other fields have made a series of significant progress.

In terms of coordinating the pandemic prevention and resuming production successfully, CPEC has now become a benchmark for all major Belt and Road projects, fully embodying the true meaning of joint construction and sharing, and fully demonstrating the strong vitality and bright prospects of the joint development of the Belt and Road to the whole world.

Cheng Xizhong, visiting professor at Southwest University of Political Science and Law,senior fellow of the Charhar Institute, former Defense Attache in South Asian countries.

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