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COVID may have taken 'convoluted path' to Wuhan, WHO team leader says Josh Horwitz and David Stanway

Nan Yang

May 1, 2010
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WHO investigation in Wuhan completed. No evidence Wuhan is the origin of the virus.

TUE FEB 9, 2021 / 10:33 AM EST
COVID may have taken 'convoluted path' to Wuhan, WHO team leader says
Josh Horwitz and David Stanway

WUHAN, China (Reuters) - The head of a World Health Organization-led team probing the origins of COVID-19 said bats remain a likely source and that transmission of the virus via frozen food is a possibility that warrants further investigation, but he ruled out a lab leak.

Peter Ben Embarek, who led the team of independent experts in its nearly month-long visit to the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the outbreak first emerged at a seafood market in late 2019, said the team's work had uncovered new information but had not dramatically changed their picture of the outbreak.

"The possible path from whatever original animal species all the way through to the Huanan market could have taken a very long and convoluted path involving also movements across borders," Embarek told a nearly three-hour media briefing.

Embarek said work to identify the coronavirus's origins points to a natural reservoir in bats, but it is unlikely that they were in Wuhan.

Investigators were also looking for Chinese blood samples that could indicate that the virus was circulating earlier than first thought, he said.

"In trying to understand the picture of December 2019 we embarked on a very detailed and profound search for other cases that may have been missed, cases earlier on in 2019," he said.

"And the conclusion was we did not find evidence of large outbreaks that could be related to cases of COVID-19 prior to December 2019 in Wuhan or elsewhere."


The possibility the virus leaked from a lab - which has been the subject of conspiracy theories - was extremely unlikely and did not require further study, Embarek said.

Liang Wannian, head of China's expert panel on the outbreak, said there was evidence of coronavirus infections that could have preceded the first detected case by "several weeks".

"This suggests that we cannot rule out that it was circulating in other regions and the circulation was unreported," he told the briefing.


Peter Ben Embarek, a member of the World Health Organization (WHO) team tasked with investigating the origins of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), speaks at the WHO-China joint study news conference at a hotel in Wuhan, Hubei province, China February 9, 2021.

Embarek said the team had identified market vendors selling frozen animal products including farmed wild animals.

"So there is the potential to continue to follow this lead and further look at the supply chain and animals that were supplied to the market," he said.

China has pushed the idea that the virus can be transmitted by frozen food and has repeatedly announced findings of coronavirus traces on imported food packaging.

"We know the virus can survive in conditions that are found in these cold, frozen environments, but we don't really understand if the virus can transmit to humans" or under which conditions, Embarek told the briefing.

The team arrived in Wuhan on Jan. 14 and after two weeks of quarantine, visited key sites including the Huanan seafood market, the location of the first known cluster of infections, as well as the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which has been involved in coronavirus research.

Members of the team sought to rein in expectations for the mission, with infectious disease expert Dominic Dwyer saying it would probably take years to fully understand the origins of COVID-19.

The United States said China needed to be more open when it comes to sharing data and samples as well as allowing access to patients, medical staff and lab workers. Beijing subsequently accused Washington of politicising a scientific mission.
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WHO should look for the CORONAVIRUS ORIGINS at the FORT DETRICK Biowarfare Lab in the US.
Fort Detrick could have gotten their virus sample from CORONAVIRUS SUPA POWA.
Bats Festival In INdia2-700.jpg
Here comes the Neo Cons LOL

WHO whitewash: Investigators BACK Beijing's claim Covid did NOT leak from a Wuhan lab and call for 'no further study into that theory' - but they WILL probe China's claim virus was imported on frozen meat
  • WHO experts have rubbished theory Covid leaked from a lab as fact-finding mission to China concludes
  • Dr Embarek, who led the probe, said theory is 'extremely unlikely' and should not be studied any further
  • But he called for further studies into whether virus was imported into China, possibly on frozen foods
  • Findings will be a PR coup for Beijing, which has repeatedly pointed finger of blame for pandemic overseas
  • It will also provide ammunition to WHO's critics, who feared mission would become part of Chinese white-washing exercise with potentially embarrassing or incriminating evidence hidden from researchers
WHO scientists sent on a coronavirus fact-finding mission to China have today thrown their weight behind Beijing - dismissing theories the virus leaked from a lab wile backing theories that the virus was imported on frozen meat.

Peter Embarek, leader of the WHO team, said that 'further research' into the imported meat theory - which is being pushed by Beijing - is needed, along with studies looking at early cases of Covid reported outside of China.

At the same time, he dismissed theories that the virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan, saying the possibility is 'extremely unlikely' and does not need to be investigated further - despite US government officials calling it 'the most credible' theory just a few weeks ago.

The findings, which mark the end of the WHO's mission to Wuhan, amount to an almost full backing of Beijing's explanations for the source of the pandemic and will be a PR coup for the ruling communist party, which has repeatedly tried to pin the blame outside its borders.

It will also give ammunition to WHO's critics, who feared the investigation would be used to give legitimacy to a Chinese white-washing exercise with possibly embarrassing or incriminating evidence hidden from investigators.

It is hardly the first time that the WHO has come under fire for uncritically parroting information from Beijing - ex-President Trump made the same allegations last year before pulling US funding, a move that President Biden has now pledged to reverse.

Dr Tedros, the WHO chief, has also come in for heavy criticism for his praise of China - describing its 'commitment to transparency' as 'beyond words' during the early stages of the outbreak, despite strong doubts about data coming from Beijing and a past history of covering up disease outbreaks.

It was also revealed that Dr Tedros received support from Beijing while in the running to become WHO chief, and that China has often donated large sums of money to governments or organisations that he has been a part of.

Peter Embarek, lead researcher for WHO in Wuhan, has put forward four theories about how the virus infected humans: Direct transfer from source animal into people, transfer via an intermediary animal, transfer via food, and transfer via a lab leak (pictured, a chart showing the four routes)

Peter Embarek, lead researcher for WHO in Wuhan, has put forward four theories about how the virus infected humans: Direct transfer from source animal into people, transfer via an intermediary animal, transfer via food, and transfer via a lab leak (pictured, a chart showing the four routes)

Dr Embarek said his team has ruled out the possibility that the virus leaked from a lab such as the Wuhan Institute of Virology (pictured), saying such a leak is 'extremely unlikely' and should not be investigated further

Dr Embarek said his team has ruled out the possibility that the virus leaked from a lab such as the Wuhan Institute of Virology (pictured), saying such a leak is 'extremely unlikely' and should not be investigated further

Full report
Here comes the Neo Cons LOL

WHO whitewash: Investigators BACK Beijing's claim Covid did NOT leak from a Wuhan lab and call for 'no further study into that theory' - but they WILL probe China's claim virus was imported on frozen meat
  • WHO experts have rubbished theory Covid leaked from a lab as fact-finding mission to China concludes
  • Dr Embarek, who led the probe, said theory is 'extremely unlikely' and should not be studied any further
  • But he called for further studies into whether virus was imported into China, possibly on frozen foods
  • Findings will be a PR coup for Beijing, which has repeatedly pointed finger of blame for pandemic overseas
  • It will also provide ammunition to WHO's critics, who feared mission would become part of Chinese white-washing exercise with potentially embarrassing or incriminating evidence hidden from researchers
WHO scientists sent on a coronavirus fact-finding mission to China have today thrown their weight behind Beijing - dismissing theories the virus leaked from a lab wile backing theories that the virus was imported on frozen meat.

Peter Embarek, leader of the WHO team, said that 'further research' into the imported meat theory - which is being pushed by Beijing - is needed, along with studies looking at early cases of Covid reported outside of China.

At the same time, he dismissed theories that the virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan, saying the possibility is 'extremely unlikely' and does not need to be investigated further - despite US government officials calling it 'the most credible' theory just a few weeks ago.

The findings, which mark the end of the WHO's mission to Wuhan, amount to an almost full backing of Beijing's explanations for the source of the pandemic and will be a PR coup for the ruling communist party, which has repeatedly tried to pin the blame outside its borders.

It will also give ammunition to WHO's critics, who feared the investigation would be used to give legitimacy to a Chinese white-washing exercise with possibly embarrassing or incriminating evidence hidden from investigators.

It is hardly the first time that the WHO has come under fire for uncritically parroting information from Beijing - ex-President Trump made the same allegations last year before pulling US funding, a move that President Biden has now pledged to reverse.

Dr Tedros, the WHO chief, has also come in for heavy criticism for his praise of China - describing its 'commitment to transparency' as 'beyond words' during the early stages of the outbreak, despite strong doubts about data coming from Beijing and a past history of covering up disease outbreaks.

It was also revealed that Dr Tedros received support from Beijing while in the running to become WHO chief, and that China has often donated large sums of money to governments or organisations that he has been a part of.

Peter Embarek, lead researcher for WHO in Wuhan, has put forward four theories about how the virus infected humans: Direct transfer from source animal into people, transfer via an intermediary animal, transfer via food, and transfer via a lab leak (pictured, a chart showing the four routes)

Peter Embarek, lead researcher for WHO in Wuhan, has put forward four theories about how the virus infected humans: Direct transfer from source animal into people, transfer via an intermediary animal, transfer via food, and transfer via a lab leak (pictured, a chart showing the four routes)

Dr Embarek said his team has ruled out the possibility that the virus leaked from a lab such as the Wuhan Institute of Virology (pictured), saying such a leak is 'extremely unlikely' and should not be investigated further'extremely unlikely' and should not be investigated further

Dr Embarek said his team has ruled out the possibility that the virus leaked from a lab such as the Wuhan Institute of Virology (pictured), saying such a leak is 'extremely unlikely' and should not be investigated further

Full report
Daszak was named by the World Health Organization as the sole U.S.-based representative on a team sent to investigate origins of the COVID-19 pandemic
call for 'no further study into that theory'
should not be investigated
They never said that. They verified there is no merrit to the charges made up by the USA and its network of proxy propaganda mouthpieces posing as "NGOs" and "independent journalists" to divert attention away from itself and the now proven Covid-19 virus cases all over the USA long before the Wuhan outbreak was detected, so they, the WHO investigators, are not going to waste their time pursueing the conspiracy theory anymore after going out of their way to look into the facts and on site due to bold claims and propaganda campaigns by the same militant rogue regimes like in the USA and Britain that invented "unquestionable and proven" massrapes in Libya, wmds in iraq and iran and gasattacks in Syria to justify their own crimes against humanity and support for terrorism, the same ones who are now spreading lies about the WHO to inclued them as culprits in their lies about China.
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