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Covid-19 Virus and Irony around it


Sep 8, 2009
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Everyone today is talking about Covid-19 , Corona Virus and people are locking themselves for 14 days and intentionally not planning to meet anyone

Countries are all busy closing borders with each other , banning each other's citizens no matter what privileged passport they have

All G8 Nations are pointing finger at each other


So how did the world got to this state? For period between 2013-2018 the world looked away and watched their movies, and played video games or carelessly went on their vacations
meanwhile, there were people affected by wars in Syria who were begging countries to let them in as refugees, we saw imagines one would not imagine emerge from Syria's ruins and bodies of people floating up by the sea trying to get to Europe in order to be away from war

Out by the US border , patrol officers were locking up children beating up people who were trying to migrate from Central USA to mainland USA , people were put in detention center
Still till star of years, there were stories coming out children dying in detention center forced to sleep on the cold ground floor with just an aluminum wrap around them as sheets

Yet people routinely went about their business on Sunday going to the Church , claiming we are pious and chosen creatures of all-mighty :big_boss:

I specifically remember a story where they had a group of immigrants and the European guards used a glove (blue medical glove) as if he was touching animals with no dignity and the migrants and refugees were treated as below humans, when I saw the images it was strange, the sense of superiority these border patrol agents had, almost zero compassion

Strangely the same uncompassionate border officers now have to contend with Covid-19/Corona virus

One would imagine people would be offered a glass of water or loaf of bread after their long journey in search of a peaceful place to live, but the people were uncompassionate

Instead, their passport was stolen/taken from them by force and their money was also removed from them so they cannot travel or buy food and have to beg or jump back into sea out of desperation

All these Big leaders, attended meetings the refugees and migrants were not their concern they were considered "Dirty"

Eventually, we get to stage now where Covid-19 has been unleashed on earth a true beast , a plague which can't be stopped by Border gates , The border police and fences

:yu: Now the rich people of world are running around trying to buy Toilet paper

In a strange way, Covid-19 is a reminder to all humans that we are all no different death is a Universal factor which every human must taste at least once in their lives

It smashes the ideas around superiority that one group is superior to other just because they have a different passport or different national board

In a strange way the Virus , brings humanity to it's knees the rich/poor or King are all forced to accept they are not Super humans but just people on planet
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Here's another Irony...

I think this is more less an example of Humans not respecting each other which is why such a negative force has been unleashed across the planet

  • The sportspeople loved are shut down
  • Workplaces are forced to shut down because people claimed they are too busy to worry about poor or migrants or refugee
  • Borders don't matter

Most scientists predicted such a mutation is around corner

It happened almost 100 years ago it was known as Spanish Flu 1 out of every 4 members of home on planet died on that occasion

Flu Virus mutates continuously, given enough time eventually it assumes a shape which becomes incurable, it is a Natural cleansing mechanism created on Earth which controls population growth

I think Humans had stopped viewing themselves as Human above others and only thru calamity do people will understand everyone around them is also human

Even recently people marginalized Chinese / Iranians as center of virus but in reality the virus is not about Nationality it can happen to anyone
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Here's another Irony...


The point you made is very thought-provoking indeed the same face protection which was deemed as a burden is now a protector of health and soul

I never thought of it that way

However having tested the mask I can assure you it is not easy to work with mask on it is tremendously diffcult to concentrate and remained focus so for the doctors and nurses who are working in China have to admit they are amazing because your body temperature and heat rises very quickly

I was only able to keep a mask on for 2 minutes before I had to remove it to get fresh air
How is the mask a niqaab? Why don't you wear a niqaab while among corona patients and tell us all how that worked out for you.

It's all the same... Covered face!... Lol. The Irony!!

It's the Laughable IRONY... Hate or no hate... Millions are gonna die. That is life... Including my or you... We are just as vulnerable.
Here's another Irony...


What about Iran? What about us?

Btw, you do realize that Chinese have been using mask for a while now because of pollution before corona virus? Same thing goes for some Iranians and Indians due to pollution.
Well here is the thing once the genie is out of box it does not spares any nationality it universally impacts every one

That is why I suggested it is more about , the calamity making people realize how everyone is same rather then facus on differences in borders and nationalities
What about Iran? What about us?

Btw, you do realize that Chinese have been using mask for a while now because of pollution before corona virus? Same thing goes for some Iranians and Indians due to pollution.

The world... Including Europe... The irony .
Here's another Irony...


God's words are always true.

But our worldly addiction and intelligent capacity prevent us to understand His words fully.

Even if we do certain things right, we have other things wrong.

Some even get drunk over worldly matters, then emotionally too involved and at the end committed a big sin.

It's like a poor starving people steal food on the street.

Extreme poverty and acute starvation push people to steal.

People who are going to hell, don't deserve condemnation, but we should mourn them.

Sometimes, it's us who need to be blamed.
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