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Covid-19 vaccine registration opens for citizens above 30 years of age

If only this was limited to the uneducated. The supposedly educated are the real problem - idiots believing in whatsapp conspiracy theories.

Don't know about your country mate but it is not so in urban areas for us at least. We are running short of vaccines and people are participating to get vaccinated at the earliest.
It should not be mandatory, i dont like to take a vaccine that have been rushed without proper testing.
If only this was limited to the uneducated. The supposedly educated are the real problem - idiots believing in whatsapp conspiracy theories.

And ur educated and believe everything they say on tv? Do u even know the proper way a vaccine is developed. There are specialist doctors who are not taking the vaccine. Why should i let vaccine injected in my body that have been rushed to the market and without proper testing and trials. Idiots who think it works are welcome to do it, i would rather trust my immune system.
Same here in the UK, I haven't received my text message asking me to book my vaccine appointment.
Now all the aunties can finally post the status "vaccinated" after it starts in a week. :D

On topic : people are not registering for vaccination. I think now is the time government make it mandatory for a person to be vaccinated if he want to use public transport, Metros, Motorway etc. And also check records of non-vaccinated 40+ with Nadra and visit their houses to vaccinate them. People of our country are idiots, government need to force the vaccine on them otherwise they will make sure Corona stay with us like the polio virus.
Many retards are posting videos saying vaccine contain a micro chip...lol

Many are saying vaccine area making magnet stick. But if anyone here who have vaccination done can easily debunk those nonsense. Vaccine doesn't even contain iron.
It should not be mandatory, i dont like to take a vaccine that have been rushed without proper testing.

And ur educated and believe everything they say on tv? Do u even know the proper way a vaccine is developed. There are specialist doctors who are not taking the vaccine. Why should i let vaccine injected in my body that have been rushed to the market and without proper testing and trials. Idiots who think it works are welcome to do it, i would rather trust my immune system.

Actually I do. I worked for a clinical trials company for 3.5 year.
I registered myself yesterday hopefully will get a date for vaccination in the next 4-5 days.
Actually I do. I worked for a clinical trials company for 3.5 year.

Well its good but many more wont trust it. Also those who already been infected and recovered would trust their immune system more than the vaccine.
Well its good but many more wont trust it. Also those who already been infected and recovered would trust their immune system more than the vaccine.

Brother I was also infected and recovered, the same happened to my whole family, we were fine after a week or two. At the same time I have a 40 year old cousin who was in intensive care for 3 weeks on life support machines. In our small community dozens of people we know have died of COVID - not suprisingly, plenty of people are now taking the vaccine.

The vast majority of delays in the development of medication is funding and regulatory paperwork. With COVID vaccines there has been fastracked paperwork and no limit to funding in an attempt to get the vaccine to market. The suspicion is unnessacary.
Well its good but many more wont trust it. Also those who already been infected and recovered would trust their immune system more than the vaccine.
Being someone who got infected in the first wave, I'm getting the shot no questions about it.

People who haven't had the virus don't know what it's like to just lie there when their SPO2 falls below a certain level. You can't even sleep! Every time you are close to falling asleep your body reacts and tells you wake the hell up you aren't getting any oxygen. When you try to move around, it's almost like you are about to faint. You try to suck all the air that you can through your nose or mouth and it feels as if it is doing nothing, that your breathing itself is hollow.

People shouldn't leave this to chance, get the vaccine.... it's better for us all.
Come on guys give some credit to the current government and a huge credit to our all weather freind china for such a non stop ample supply of covid vaccine.
I myself got registered for the covid vaccine yesterday.
Being someone who got infected in the first wave, I'm getting the shot no questions about it.

People who haven't had the virus don't know what it's like to just lie there when their SPO2 falls below a certain level. You can't even sleep! Every time you are close to falling asleep your body reacts and tells you wake the hell up you aren't getting any oxygen. When you try to move around, it's almost like you are about to faint. You try to suck all the air that you can through your nose or mouth and it feels as if it is doing nothing, that your breathing itself is hollow.

People shouldn't leave this to chance, get the vaccine.... it's better for us all.

I was also infected, though it was not that severe. A person once recovered technically doesnt require vaccine, as the body can make required antibodies. If the immunity doesn't last long enough after recovery then that means immunity wont last long after vaccine either. So you have to keep vaccinating urself every 6 months???
How much days on an average does it take after registration to get first dose?
Not discouraging anyone on taking the Covid Vaccine but just thought you ALL should get some taste of knowledge about how the world works ... how evil is this world is ...well at the end of the day you ALL are “aaqil and baligh” and and its “your body and your decision” or “mera jism meri Merzi” or may be NOT:

If content at 1:32:11 doesn’t make you THINK then ... well I leave it at that. Oh BTW Robert Kennedy had a good debate on vaccinations when you get a chance listen to that also:

“The ENEMY of TRUTH is BLIND acceptance”
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I was also infected, though it was not that severe. A person once recovered technically doesnt require vaccine, as the body can make required antibodies. If the immunity doesn't last long enough after recovery then that means immunity wont last long after vaccine either. So you have to keep vaccinating urself every 6 months???
I'm not a medical sciences major so I won't be able to explain this to you. However from the people I have had discussions with who are from the medical background say that it is more dependent on the type of vaccine one is getting. The Sinovac/Sino-Pharm is mostly based on the older technology of inserting a dead/inactivated virus in to your body triggering your body to make anti-bodies. The Sputnik/Astra Zeneca vaccines are viral vector vaccines and then you have the latest mRNA vaccines like the ones by pfizer and moderna.

You are right about what you say. I have read that booster shots will be required to stay protected. So far I know that the pfizer Chief exec puts the time frame to be 12 months for his company's vaccine. The same could be shorter for the Sino vaccines -- so it could be like 6 months -- the point of vaccines was to generally reach the state of herd immunity without having conditions like we see in India or the US.

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