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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

The fatality rate in Wuhan in the initial outbreak was 5% when hospitals were overwhelmed. It took a massive response to bring things back under control. About 40,000 medical staff were flown in from elsewhere in the country to put a lid on the situation, along with strict lockdowns.

It makes no sense for India to only have ~4k official fatalities a day given the scale of this outbreak. If they're running out of hospital beds, oxygen, medication, vaccines, cremation grounds and firewood, then the scale of the suffering has to be much greater.

Who knows exactly how many people died in Wuhan. The Chinese media is less than forthcoming on actual numbers, but I bet you it's higher than officially stated.
Who knows exactly how many people died in Wuhan. The Chinese media is less than forthcoming on actual numbers, but I bet you it's higher than officially stated.

No matter what numbers are reported you won't believe them, but that's OK. Your belief is not required nor important.

Investors aren't stupid and won't put their money at risk from lawsuits or business closures regardless of what media says.

Apple stores were open in China as early as April 2020... What about investors in India? Oh right they're all fleeing on their private jets.
Yes these capacities are true, from Indian prospective. You could easily get Mobile Oxygen concentrator around 1k USD i was positive recently. I am in Delhi right now so i was planning to have backup. Just open India Mart check how many vendors are there. However issue with India is huge chunk of population is BPL and Lower Middle Class. They can't do anything mostly issues are faced by them. Because they need to relay on government health infrastructure.
Government infrastructure has so Many issue other than supply issue. Distribution and bureaucracy is biggest issue. We do have capacity.
Also trust BJP themselves Made it worse. It's proven that if you start taking medication right away with mild to moderate symptoms you would be fine at home only. People wait for days until symptoms gets much worse then they go to hospital. I know quite few, General public taking it as just Flew and there is no management of resources. Besides vaccine should be priorities to high infaction states however it's equally distributed. And high infaction states are NON bjp state so they are lower in list. It could have been handled India does have capacity. However leaders don't have will until they don't see Their benefits.
No one's happy with how this was managed mate. People here are questioning every step taken, but we are as a whole worried and trying to play our part in stopping the spread as our prime priority, government will really be brought to question after the current situation settles down.
You should really drag them on the streets after this crisis gets over. Too many precious lives are lost because of them .
Within a month, at least 100 million Indians will die from covid-19.
Come man don't wish death for a fellow human being in such a situation. Criticize them where necessary so they open their eyes and realize their mistakes but don't wish a death .Or soon it will come back to you. No one is immune in this pandemic.

The fatality rate in Wuhan in the initial outbreak was 5% when hospitals were overwhelmed. It took a massive response to bring things back under control. About 40,000 medical staff were flown in from elsewhere in the country to put a lid on the situation, along with strict lockdowns.

It makes no sense for India to only have ~4k official fatalities a day given the scale of this outbreak. If they're running out of hospital beds, oxygen, medication, vaccines, cremation grounds and firewood, then the scale of the suffering has to be much greater.
I am hundred percent sure they are hiding true figures. Hiding way more than official figures.
though they can hardly help us in any ways!
We can and we really want to .
Few days ago edhi foundation of pakistan offered a ambulance help to india because you are suffering from a serious transport issue overthere. They have the largest ambulance fleet in the world(by any private charity organization) . If you open wagah border for us they can reach Delhi in few hours of possibly to other parts of india. But the narrow minded RSS bhakts you have elected won't allow any help from Pakistan and specially from Muslims. They will let you die miserably but will not accept any help from us.
You could easily get Mobile Oxygen concentrator around 1k USD i was positive recently. I am in Delhi right now so i was planning to have backup.
Really dude that's awful.
How can someone from a country like India can pay 1k USD to save his/her life. Paying that much is even difficult from someone in the US.
What a bunch of immoral people trying to make some serious money in this pandemic . I have heard ambulances charging people overthere heavily for a few kilometers distance to make good profits.
I don't know why your own countrymen are rejoicing his death. I didn't even know him before today.. Just read a few posts on twitter why people hate him.. And they are your own countrymen..

By the way, next time be careful with your words on the martyrdom of Kashmiri freedom fighters..

Nobody is rejoicing man

Sharjeel simply said he doesn't consider him to be a journalist and called him a nazi and fascist

I don't see anyone rejoicing anything
the Govt has been woefully inept with its covid policies in 2021. They have failed to penalise unmasked individuals and only managed 20% masking in Indian cities. This was impending disaster for a second wave with a mutated virus. Any epidemiologist could have foretold this to the Niti Ayog. Masking should have been incorporated into the Indian penal code.The gross negligence of conducting cricket games with 50,000 spectators or a Kumbh Mela with millions of participants is bordering on negligence leading to man slaughter. The govt and top brass should be tried for these charges even if not convicted. A national task force of experts and scientists set up to advise the government on its response to the pandemic did not meet at all in February and March. The current desperate struggle for oxygen across much of India has revealed a lack of preparation by the government for a new surge. Although India launched a bidding process to build more than 160 new oxygen plants at hospitals across the country in October, only a small fraction had been installed as of April, according to a report by Scroll.in

The whole India is petrified, citizens are searching for emergency help, coordinating life support & trying to keep the government accountable, but the GOI, instead of saving lives, is bringing social media censorship.

supreme courts hearing and advised Govt not to clamp down on reporting facts video below

Really dude that's awful.
How can someone from a country like India can pay 1k USD to save his/her life. Paying that much is even difficult from someone in the US.
What a bunch of immoral people trying to make some serious money in this pandemic . I have heard ambulances charging people overthere heavily for a few kilometers distance to make good profits.

Mobile oxygen generator is an industrial commercial product. It isn't for consumers to buy directly but for hospitals to provide.
When just a 34 year old healthy bodybuilder dies from covid it shows steroids and injections make you appear a hulk from outside but screw you bad from inside. He had no immunity to fight against a virus.
Only a natural steroid free body building is a way to go.

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