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countries that favour China over US

I'd go with China any day. 2 years ago I'd have said America though.
:cry: maybe one day we gain you back from the dark side

i'm surprise about Venezuela and Argentina being mix.
Bet most of those countries that favour china were once american little friends untill they got abandoned, now the question is how many of those countries that favour china would run back to america if obama wink at them. lol I respect countries that either have good relations with both or said f**k them both.
Implying people's opinions and their respective nation's opinions are one of the same...
Glad that Russia's popular opinion is on our side, and we do support Russia too.

Together, we will build up the new world order together.

Also, thank for the support of Pakistan and many other nations, we will never forget your gratitude.
More and more high gdp per capita countries prefer china while america gets more and more low gdp per capita countries thats the clear trend as you can see on the map

That may be the trend, but rich and poor are both important. It's not an achievement to only lure rich countries to our side. The multipolar order we build should ensure that both developed and developing countries should have their interests respected.
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