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Could JF-17 and Tejas go head to head?

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they can go head to head in bollywood movies only :D
In the 1980s “Could J-7 and Tejas go head to head”
In the 1990s “Could J-8 and Tejas go head to head”
In the 2000s “Could J-10 and Tejas go head to head”
In the 2010s “Could J-20 and Tejas go head to head”
see,tejas is always progressing
Just took a screenshot from a segment Indian News channel did on TEJAS. Look at what they are calling TEJAS now; :D

THUNDER is giving them nightmares whether asleep or awake. Everywhere they see and hear is a THUNDER cracking or buzzing by.
YES it can JF17 THUNDER in skies while LCA Tejas will go ahead on Indian TRUCK.
JF-17 is inducted in large numbers by PAF & has already proven its mettle in the sky. LCA Tejas is still going through order phase by respective military branches & who knows might proven to be capable enough in its domain. As said, never underestimate your opponent. Let Tejas be inducted in numbers & specs etc may prove theoretically or ever comes head to head.

However, comparison has been done so many times & is not plausible anymore as the thread is already turned into a troll fest.

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