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Corruption references against me are punishment for treason case against Musharraf, Nawaz tells cour


Aug 19, 2014
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Beleaguered PML-N politician Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday, during his third accountability court hearing in as many days, claimed that the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) references against him are byproducts of him filing a high treason case against former military dictator Pervez Musharraf.

Nawaz and his family members are facing three references pertaining to the Avenfield properties, the Al-Azizia Steel mills and Flagship Investment Co filed by the NAB under the directives of the Supreme Court in its July 28, 2017 Panama Papers judgement.

The PML-N supremo has been asked to record his final statement in the Avenfield reference under Section 342 of the Criminal Procedure Code and to produce, on record, anything contradicting the statements of the 19 prosecution witnesses in the case.

When asked today why the Avenfield reference had been filed against him, Nawaz said that the references as well as the sit-ins against his government were reciprocal punishment for him taking legal action against Musharraf despite being warned not to do so.

Nawaz claimed that the head of an intelligence agency had told him to "resign or go on a long leave", adding that such threats by a subordinate to the head of the state are not issued even in third world countries.

He hinted that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Pakistan Awami Tehrik were both in on the 'conspiracy' against him. "Before the filing of the treason case I had met Imran Khan and he never demanded my resignation. But surprisingly after Musharraf was booked, he met Tahirul Qadri in London where they decided to stage a sit-in against my government."

The PML-N leader praised the armed forces' sacrifices and pointed out that he had upped the defence budget and also refused $5 billion to not conduct the nuclear test in the 90s.

However, he said, it is also a "prerequisite for the sanctity of the armed forces that if any person suspends the Constitution then he should be held accountable".

"Only a few people in the armed forces staged a coup but the entire institution has to pay the cost," he added.

Nawaz said that he had already been punished once for his unwavering stance on civil supremacy, recalling: "Nineteen years ago, I was detained in torture cells, I was sentenced to life imprisonment, I was handcuffed and jetted off. Was there a Panama at that time? The answer is simply no. At that time, too, I was demanding civil supremacy. I wanted foreign and domestic policies to be in the hand of the elected representative."

Sharif defended his government's record over the last five years, saying: "I am a son of the soil. I don’t need a certificate of patriotism from anyone. In the last five years, the growth has been phenomenal — unmatched under any regime in the last 65 years."

He voiced his displeasure over the Supreme Court's July 28 verdict. "That judgement may satisfy some people but it was not good for the overall image of Pakistan. It did not contribute to the judiciary or criminal justice system because of the uncertainty arising after the verdict."

The founder of the PML-N then questioned the NAB court as to why judiciaries of the past did not do anything against dictatorial regimes.

"Why was Liaquat Ali Khan martyred, why was Zulfikar Bhutto hanged, and why was Benazir Bhutto also martyred? I wish there was a court that could dare to ask generals why they abrogated the Constitution and why the judges legitimised their dictatorial regimes."

The PML-N supreme leader reiterated that the allegations levelled against him are baseless and asked accountability court judge Mohammad Bashir to "make a just decision since you and me both will appear before Allah Almighty one day
I hope that case opens too, where he refused the plane to land and Kargil opens too to show how he backstabbed the military and lied about it like a kazab. The helicopter case where he presented another letter to save his tooi.

either way tooi is going down like a pig in a boar hunt.
I hope that case opens too, where he refused the plane to land and Kargil opens too to show how he backstabbed the military and lied about it like a kazab. The helicopter case where he presented another letter to save his tooi.

either way tooi is going down like a pig in a boar hunt.

these cases are death trap for him.
Yup, we made Panama Leaks, and in 1993 (much before Mushy even became the COAS), we purchased apartments in Avenfield in your name and we made you and your children to lie on the floor of the parliament and on TV channels. We asked your daughter to use calibri font before its existence, we asked her to present Qatari khat....what else.... It is Ramadan and this liar will lie even in the Holy Masjid-e-Haram under oath on the holy Quran.
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Well I hope they open up, because that overgrown hog needs to be spit roasted even though swine is haram.

Why? he is history there is no chance for him to come back and we don't need to open that chapter again in Pakistan. Why you want to put Mir Qasim's blood on Armies hands. Let him bark as much he can this is a worst punishment than death he is in.
Why? he is history there is no chance for him to come back and we don't need to open that chapter again in Pakistan. Why you want to put Mir Qasim's blood on Armies hands. Let him bark as much he can this is a worst punishment than death he is in.
If you are starting "accountability across the board" then you must be made to answer for all of your accounts, actions that were 'not' in the vested interests of the state. a statesman should put the state first but he did things for his own personal gains. This mofo has done more damage to Pakistan than the traitor sheikh mujeeb!
Not yet!!

Yup, we made Panama Leaks, and 1993 (much before Mushy even became the COAS), we purchased apartments in Avenfield and we made you and your children to lie on the floor of the parliament and on TV channels. We asked your daughter to use calibri font before its existence, we asked her present Qatari khat....what else.... It is Ramadan and this liar will lie even in the Holy Masjid-e-Haram under oath on the holy Quran.
He will not tell about offers he made to others to resign and stop cases against him..
If you are starting "accountability across the board" then you must be made to answer for all of your accounts, actions that were 'not' in the vested interests of the state. a statesman should put the state first but he did things for his own personal gains. This mofo has done more damage to Pakistan than the traitor sheikh mujeeb!

If you open all those cases what will be out come? He is guilty and you will have to hang him and when you will hang him USA will jump in on political prosecution and Saudis will again save his a$$ so what out come will you achieve other than a blame on army that they let Nawaz go again. At Musharaf's time there was some political support for Nawaz in the country but after his Mumbai statement and Khatamay naboowat law tempering every one hates him and public will demand his execution. That will bring a turmoil in country and no one wants that at this point. this is just damage control and Nawaz is playing with a very thin line over his life and death.
If you open all those cases what will be out come? He is guilty and you will have to hang him and when you will hang him USA will jump in on political prosecution and Saudis will again save his a$$ so what out come will you achieve other than a blame on army that they let Nawaz go again. At Musharaf's time there was some political support for Nawaz in the country but after his Mumbai statement and Khatamay naboowat law tempering every one hates him and public will demand his execution. That will bring a turmoil in country and no one wants that at this point. this is just damage control and Nawaz is playing with a very thin line over his life and death.
Hold your horses, I didn't say anything about hanging. I said he must he held accountable for all the ills that overgrown swine has done.

Now here is the thing if he is hanged then there will be jahil tooi supporters that will try to pass him off as bhutto 2. But a pig rotting in a jail cell where he is reminded of and he becomes a reminder to the public and any future leaders of all the wrongs this mofo has done, is something that will have a long lasting affect.
Hold your horses, I didn't say anything about hanging. I said he must he held accountable for all the ills that overgrown swine has done.
What do you think will be the punishment for kargil? we lost soldiers? Can you let a proven traitor escape?

Now here is the thing if he is hanged then there will be jahil tooi supporters that will try to pass him off as bhutto 2. But a pig rotting in a jail cell where he is reminded of and he becomes a reminder to the public and any future leaders of all the wrongs this mofo has done, is something that will have a long lasting affect.

He is a big example in this very condition.
What do you think will be the punishment for kargil? we lost soldiers? Can you let a proven traitor escape?

No. But making a case and bringing it to the nation's attention is a must! The jahil tooi supporter subtract them from it but the rest of Pakistan is not his supporter. Public opinion against him will be built. If that leads to a hanging then so be it!
No. But making a case and bringing it to the nation's attention is a must! The jahil tooi supporter subtract them from it but the rest of Pakistan is not his supporter. Public opinion against him will be built. If that leads to a hanging then so be it!
Every thing will happen in stages.

Step 1 not saddiq and Ameen = proven
Step 2 corruption = will be proven in the time of care taken government
Stem 3 traitor = will be proven in the term of next govt and they will take the blame or deny Pakistan the justice.

so no need to involve Army in this all.
Every thing will happen in stages.

Step 1 not saddiq and Ameen = proven
Step 2 corruption = will be proven in the time of care taken government
Stem 3 traitor = will be proven in the term of next govt and they will take the blame or deny Pakistan the justice.

so no need to involve Army in this all.

It can be solved without involving army! The supreme court now is very very competent. The people involved will be ex military personnel who are now civilians.
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