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Coronavirus patients, suspects break out of Sukkur quarantine facility


Oct 2, 2019
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SUKKUR: Chaos at Sukkur’s Quarantined isolation center after incitement from miscreants lead to an uproar resulting in patients tested with the deadly coronavirus breaking free from their designated wards.

The pilgrims who were quarantined broke out of the wards and are currently out in the open among scores of healthy individuals who have gathered to see what is transpiring.

According to initial reports, almost 100 quarantined patients and suspects are out of their wards and are trying to flee the premises.

Pakistan Ranger-Sindh and local police have surrounded the isolation center and get control of the situation.

It is being claimed that some volunteers wanted to serve food to the quarantined pilgrims but they were disallowed by the administration, the pilgrims were then incited by Whatsapp voice notes that resulted in the break-out.

Earlier in the day, it was also reported that despite an appeal made by Chief Minister Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah to all Karachiites to stay indoors and self-isolate for the next three days, several people were seen on the streets of the port city.

SOURCE: https://arynews.tv/en/sukkur-quarantine-facility-coronavirus-suspects/
pakistani nation is a bunch of "dangars". they have no religious and worldly education. if God forbid this epidemic spreads in pakistan then the nation itself will be responsible.
Nop it will be Imran Khan, Zulfi Bukhari, PPP who shall be held responsible and all those power full who kept watching the influx of visitors from Taftan.
Nop it will be Imran Khan, Zulfi Bukhari, PPP who shall be held responsible and all those power full who kept watching the influx of visitors from Taftan.
no you are wrong. change your mindset and use brain if you have any.
no you are wrong. change your mindset and use brain if you have any.

You can't discredit an opinion based on facts, by just calling it brainless or by ganging upon him with foul language.

I hereby, strongly reject Imran Khan and zulfi's shifting blame/ responsibility on provincial govt. and army.

Even the children in Pakistan are questioning Imran Khan's connection with Qom.
Today morning, i was asked by the most politically ignorant person..... why IK love Iran so much!!!!
This is the question, which Imran Khan has to answer eventually.
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i think such people deserve same treatment which nkorea does by killing them with burst of bullets
You remember the videos from China where patients were contaminating the public facilities like elevators, toilets etc. deliberately!?
You have to step into the shoes of the patients, considering human instincts, personal values etc. before you are able to understand their behavior.
A person who is dying with virus, moreover believes he is fighting some historic war in Pakistan.... will contaminate as much he could, before he die as martyr.
Remember the patient 31 in South Korea. Educate people about what happened there.
This is why I said peak of the number of Coronavirus infected people in Pakistan will be reached very late..
We need martial law now! Shoot anyone breaking the rules dead. Long term our nation will benefit with less fools.
If these people have objections being quarantined at a building better than their homes. Than surely they have different reasons, whatever the reason could be, obviously out come will not be good.
If these people have objections being quarantined at a building better than homes. Than they are surely have different reasons, whatever the reason could be but obviously out come will not be good.
Incited by people outside through whatsapp msgs
You can't discredit an opinion based on facts, by just calling it brainless or by ganging upon him with foul language.

I hereby, strongly reject Imran Khan and zulfi's shifting blame on provincial govt. and army.

Even the children in Pakistan are questioning Imran Khan's connection with Qom.
Today morning, i was asked by the most politically ignorant person..... why IK love Iran so much!!!!
This is the question, which Imran Khan has to answer eventually.
if you have made one mistake it doesnt give you a ticket that you should make more mistakes. its foolishness of the highest order. pak nation is still not taking it seriously. mosques are open and people are saying that they are muslims ,pray 5 times a day so they wont get infected. its not fault of the government but the entire mindset is faulty but off course people like you many others like you put the blame entirely on the government . shame.
If these people have objections being quarantined at a building better than their homes. Than they surely have different reasons, whatever the reason could be but obviously out come will not be good.

There comes a point where national interest comes ahead in individuals. We are at that point. Full force should be used against anyone not following instructions including politicians and media.

Don't hold your breath though - Imran Khan is incapable of making such a decision.

if you have made one mistake it doesnt give you a ticket that you should make more mistakes. its foolishness of the highest order. pak nation is still not taking it seriously. mosques are open and people are saying that they are muslims ,pray 5 times a day so they wont get infected. its not fault of the government but the entire mindset is faulty but off course people like you many others like you put the blame entirely on the government .

Frankly there is something Darwinian to this. When thousands of idiots die - then they will figure it out.

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