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Coronavirus emerged in Italy earlier than thought, study shows


Jul 3, 2019
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The new coronavirus was circulating in Italy since September 2019, a study by the National Cancer Institute (INT) of the Italian city of Milan shows, signaling that Covid-19 might have spread beyond China earlier than previously thought.

The World Health Organization has said the new coronavirus and Covid-19, the respiratory disease it causes, were unknown before the outbreak was first reported in Wuhan, in central China, in December.

Italy’s first Covid-19 patient was detected on Feb. 21 in a little town near Milan, in the northern region of Lombardy.

But the Italian researchers’ findings, published by the INT’s scientific magazine Tumori Journal, show that 11.6% of 959 healthy volunteers enrolled in a lung cancer screening trial between September 2019 and March 2020, had developed coronavirus antibodies well before February.

A further specific SARS-CoV-2 antibodies test was carried out by the University of Siena for the same research titled “Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the pre-pandemic period in Italy”.

It showed that four cases dated back to the first week of October were also positive for antibodies neutralizing the virus, meaning they had got infected in September, Giovanni Apolone, a co-author of the study, told Reuters.

“This is the main finding: people with no symptoms not only were positive after the serological tests but had also antibodies able to kill the virus,” Apolone said.

“It means that the new coronavirus can circulate among the population for long and with a low rate of lethality not because it is disappearing but only to surge again,” he added.

Italian researchers told Reuters in March that they reported a higher than usual number of cases of severe pneumonia and flu in Lombardy in the last quarter of 2019 in a sign that the new coronavirus might have circulated earlier than previously thought.

Coronavirus emerged in Italy earlier than thought, study shows
The results of a study recently published by the National Cancer Institute of Milan show that antibodies to the COVID-19 coronavirus have been detected in the blood samples of residents collected in September 2019, which means that the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Italy is much earlier than February this year. It may go back to the summer of 2019.
Covid was circulating in Italy in September 2019, new study shows


That biased article said from China. How could that be when the first known C19 cases in China was in Wuhan in December and not before that (other than self inflicted Muricans in Wuhan Military Games)

Most likely to have spread from Murica as Murica had people dying in June July August from what was claimed to be vaping disease. Strangely many other people in other countries also vape, but never got this disease.

Much more likely to be covid19 that Murica lied and pretending to be vaping disease.
China is the whistle blower of the world.
Thanks China, otherwise the whole world will still believe it's another H1N1 or flu.

Second China scientist uses Italy study to claim Covid began elsewhere

Of course not, because it is politically convenient to have China as the fall guy even though all of the science point to Covid being widespread in the West far before Wuhan.

Look at how dishonest the West is with this Covid19 business.
Nothing the West said of China , or any other countries, can ever be trusted.
Of Hong Kong, Uyghers , South China Sea and DiaoYuDao, and HuaWei and 5G and other shit West and NED and 5 EYEs are also lies and smears that the West in cohorts and unholy alliances with each other created .

:enjoy: :enjoy::enjoy:
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Look at how dishonest the West is with this Covid19 business.
Nothing the West said of China , or any other countries, can ever be trusted.
Of Hong Kong, Uyghers , South China Sea and DiaoYuDao, and HuaWei and 5G and other shit West and NED and 5 EYEs are also lies and smears that the West in cohorts and unholy alliances with each other created .

:enjoy: :enjoy::enjoy:

China is the only country capable of breaking 400 years of complete Western domination of the world. So everything and the kitchen sink is being thrown at it. It's all propaganda.
Actually, there are countless people from around the globe admitting that they contacted corona in october/november last year which is even before the official outbreak/discovery of this disease, Some are from Italy, some are from Spain/UK/US etc.
China is the only country capable of breaking 400 years of complete Western domination of the world. So everything and the kitchen sink is being thrown at it. It's all propaganda.

its funny how they keep claiming Chinese companies are this and that, yet China grows year after year while they throw billions in life savings at frauds like Enron ($60 billion fraud), Theranos ($9 billion fraud), mortgage backed derivatives (collapsed entire economy for 5 years), Tesla (no profit for 10 years), Uber (no profit ever in history), etc.

literally everything they say is projection: accusations of fraud, because they themselves are fraudulent. accusations of imperialism, because they themselves are imperialist. accusations of lies, because they themselves are liars.
No one agrees

Brown banana from Indian, brown on outside, and hoping yearning and fantasizing that they lily white inside,
jumping on band wagon and dog and pony show of West and NED and 5 EYEs .
But no matter, the whites will still despise and show utter contempt for brown banana fawning and slobbering at the ankles of the whites. :rofl: :rofl::rofl: :pleasantry::pleasantry::pleasantry:

Look at how dishonest the West is with this Covid19 business.
Nothing the West said of China , or any other countries, can ever be trusted.
Of Hong Kong, Uyghers , South China Sea and DiaoYuDao, and HuaWei and 5G and other shit West and NED and 5 EYEs are also lies and smears that the West in cohorts and unholy alliances with each other created .

:enjoy: :enjoy::enjoy:
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its funny how they keep claiming Chinese companies are this and that, yet China grows year after year while they throw billions in life savings at frauds like Enron ($60 billion fraud), Theranos ($9 billion fraud), mortgage backed derivatives (collapsed entire economy for 5 years), Tesla (no profit for 10 years), Uber (no profit ever in history), etc.

literally everything they say is projection: accusations of fraud, because they themselves are fraudulent. accusations of imperialism, because they themselves are imperialist. accusations of lies, because they themselves are liars.

100% true.

China needs to mine more bitcoin, it is a CiA ponzi scheme that is set to be worth 10 million per bitcoin. The value of the stock market is less of a concern to Washington than CiA bitcoins, it is their pet project. If you want to control Washington, mine bitcoin. It is worthless junk that they trade 18000 dollars for one bitcoin. Mine it and listen to Washington scream. It is like mining Tesla stock at 5 cents. Mine Tesla stock, it is a projection of USA self importance. Bitcoin, founded by the CiA, is more important than the whole US stockmarket to the CiA.

I am not saying to buy bitcoin, however to use the excess energy in China and extra made graphics processors to mine as much CiA bitcoins as possible. China wins if it crashes, CiA loses. China wins tens of trillions of yuan with the stored bitcoins they mine when bitcoin reaches 10 million USD or more per bitcoin.

Bitcoin is completely fraudulent. Fake volumes. Fake price. Fake coins, somebody invented millions more bitcoins in the algorithm making fake coins, then the CiA founders deleted those new coins and closed the loophole. Fake libertarianism. Fake store of value. However the value is going to go to 10 million USD per bitcoin. Don't buy any, buying bitcoin weakens your own currency (bitcoin is about what gold doing to dollars with the rise of gold - gold can cause a major correction of the value of the dollar, bitcoin is the Washington project of revenge to do that to every other currency - bitcoin is a threat to every currency in the world, and was invented by Washington to have not only the dollar threatened, to bring down the entire currency system with a dollar collapse by a substitution with bitcoins), so simply mine the heck out of it to defeat this cia project. Gold defeats the US dollar, CiA bitcoin defeats every currency as we see CiA bitcoin approach 100000 yuan in value per bitcoin. You need to mine and hoard bitcoin and not be a participant in the buying and selling of bitcoin.

Bitcoin is the replacement of gold as the projection of dollar collapse to replace gold with CiA bitcoins, what the CiA views as an undefeatable ponzi scheme, to project the dollar collapse on everybody else, which has been happening in the past 10 years with bitcoin going from 1 cent to 100000 yuan. The CiA has fooled everybody of insignificance to buy into bitcoin as some path of freedom. Gold was and still is. bitcoin is about tracking and tracing and everything evil about the CiA.

Gold => collapse of dollar. So Washington replaces gold with bitcoin to libertarians because CiA bitcoin => collapse of worldwide currency and the main holders of bitcoin is the US 'government'.

US 'government' was the first investors of their invented CiA bitcoins and have accumulated the largest share of bitcoins:

Majority of bitcoin trading is a hoax, new study finds

Bitcoin is CiA money, they listed bitcoins on the exchanges because it is a Washington ponzi scheme, more valuable to Washington than dollars.

I would not be surprised if bitcoin replaced the US dollars at 100 million USD to one bitcoin.

Is there a credibility behind the theory that a nation state created bitcoin, the first ever cryptocurrency? :

Who is the creator of Bitcoin? The mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto, who has written the Bitcoin Whitepaper, has never been identified. Since 2009, there have been many theories of whom created Bitcoin. Some even think the NSA created it.
1.) They did create part of it for sure
SHA-256 is the secure hashing algorithm which is an essential part of Bitcoin’s architecture. It is an NSA hash function algorithm first published in 2001.
“How Bitcoin Protocol Works” – Andreas Antonopoulos
This is a really excellent lecture about SHA-256 and how it is used by the Bitcoin protocol, because it’s very technical (instead of using metaphors to describe how Bitcoin works), and someone who isn’t a computer nerd can take most of it in and understand what he’s saying:


SHA-256 is a set of instructions designed and written by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) that tell a computer to follow a series of mathematical steps with any input, in the form of a string of information of any size.
One thing these steps do to an input every time is compress it into an output that is always a 256-bit value called a hash. The other is encrypt it: The mathematical operations in these steps and the values they use as operands cannot be done in reverse to find the input using the hash.
So the hash can be used as a fingerprint for the original data because it is impossible to guess what the output will be for any value before running it through SHA-256––
And the resulting hash appears completely random, but it is the result of a deterministic process that will produce the same hash for the same input every time.
So SHA-256 (secure hashing algorithm 256) is a cryptographic one-way compression function.
If you have the hash you can verify that someone else has the input value by running it through SHA-256 to see if you get the same hash. This specific hashing algorithm is an essential part of how Bitcoin works, as very eloquently explained by Antonopoulos in the lecture above.
2.) Satoshi Nakamoto Means “Central Intelligence”
From Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satoshi From Ancestry: https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=nakamoto
Now, this could be a giant coincidence, but it’s unlikely that it is one. What’s indisputable is that whoever created Bitcoin used “Central Intelligence” in Japanese as their moniker.
Of course, that’s not proof it’s the CIA that created Bitcoin.
It could have been the NSA that named Bitcoin’s pseudonymous creator “CIA” in Japanese as a joke or to throw people off the trail.
Or it’s possible that non-Deep State programmers did this as a joke or a red herring.
3.) How a cryptocurrency benefits the Deep State:
The Deep State would want cryptocurrency to exist. As Bitcoin’s critics like to say, it’s something perfect for organizations that have clandestine operations (like the CIA is known to have).
It’s a way for the Deep State to have a financial infrastructure outside the watchful gaze and control of institutional finance on Wall Street or any other banks on the planet.
The Deep State would have loved to have cryptocurrency back during the Iran Contra affair with Oliver North, the Marine Lt. Col who ran a secret operation (maybe for Ronald Reagan himself) to move money from the Middle East to Nicaragua to financially support Contra rebels.
4. DOJ Cybercrimes Prosecutor Explains How BTC Helps The FBI Catch Criminals
Crypto makes it easier for the Deep State to hide what it’s doing, but it also makes it easier for them to see what criminals are doing.


In this lecture about a cybercrime drama so fantastic it could be a fictional movie plot, a former DOJ cybercrimes prosecutor explains how useful the public record of accounts and transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain is for Deep State police investigating crimes.
The thing about Bitcoin is it’s not private. It’s completely transparent. Every account, and every amount, and every transaction is all available on a giant, public document that is maintained on something like 10,000 different nodes.
On Bitcoin’s blockchain account info doesn’t hide behind a password that only a trusted institutional administrator has–– as with fiat banking. The Deep State, always keen on surveillance, has already made hay of this whether it created crypto or not.

Washington is opposed to having a gold backed-currency because there is so much gold scattered throughout the world. So Washington invented bitcoin, able to mine, however, only insiders know that Washington wants a world of bitcoin as the reserve currency, a reserve currency owned mostly by Washington. Whenever there is worldwide lack of faith in the dollar, CiA bitcoins are going to be proposed as the substitute dollar. This would crash everybody's currency, as gold would, however Washington hates gold because gold can be mined anywhere on earth and Washington does not corner the market on gold. They do on bitcoin. That is why the best solution to save the Yuan and every other currency is to mine the hell out of it, to have a corner on bitcoin and force the CiA to crash the price of their own CiA bitcoin pet project.

This is the extensiveness that the US exports filth. Washington spies, then accuses others for spying. Washington does human rights abuses, then accuses China of this. Washington releases a bioweapon, accuses China. Washington's currency should collapse because of hyperinflation and lack of confidence, so Washington projects this vileness of the dollar out to collapse other currencies via their CiA bitcoins.

100% true that this is the projection of Washington, Everything that should happen to them, coups, they export these to other countries.

Even if the dollar does not collapse, CiA bitcoins are the coup on other nations to replace gold with bitcoins as the alternative world reserve currency. That hurts every country except the US, Washington has hoarded the most bitcoin in the world. That is why mining and keeping is so crucial to China. China would be a check on the rise of bitcoin simply by owning more bitcoin than the US has. However buying trillions worth of bitcoin would be a disaster. You are granting them power in buying trillions of yuan in bitcoin and they would most likely crash the price and move onto something else, like bitcoin 2.0.

Mining and cornering the market is the best solution. Since Washington invented and controls bitcoin, they can delete your ownership of bitcoin at any time, they did so in the past. This is an extra reason why China buying bitcoins is a bad option. Using excess computing power and electricity to corner the market is the best option, and don't sell.
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