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Coronavirus: Did "THEY" Already Know?

Ahmet Pasha

May 23, 2017
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United States
So back in 2013-2015 when I had newly moved to the U.S videos had surfaced of truely MASSIVE troop movements of U.S military on the roadways, railroad and helicopters.

There were even mock exercises simulating a warlike civil unrest in urban and sub-urban areas. You had to see those videos to truely gauge the levels of such exercises.

In addition to the military there police departments with military vehicles and gear practicing to patrol urban/sub urban areas and enforcing strict military style curfew and how to disarm citizens by bypassing 2nd amendment. They also did something very strange. They put up small amber, blue and green flags on people's mail boxes and door knobs etc.

They were not alone. They conducted such exercises with the Russians and Europeans, other Allied, Non-Allied forces as well.

One video I remember showed a guard unit simulated taking back a small urban area and the docu/news crew showed soldiers fighting through an abandoned elementary school and raised questions about it.

During my brief stint as a trucker on America's highways I have seen routine movement of about 30-40 vehicle convoys and maybe 3-4 blackhawks or 2 Ospreys in formation for operations or scattered for training. But the troop movement in those videos was of epic proportions.

Also there were videos surfacing of FEMA building 100s of new Auschwitz style or the ones US built for Japanes internme t during WW2 style camps. Ordering millions of bodybags and setting up incinerator rooms.

Couple all of that with news reports I was following back in 2018 of renowned secret society Big shots such as JP Morgan group, Warren Buffet and the Rothchilds alluding to something happening that might trigger the next big recession.
At the time I like many others was on the fence. I thought this is just another occasion of hillbillies going crazy. But connecting the dots does makes sense.

After all, the Israeli/Jews/"THEY" all say that protocols of the elders of zion, the mission statement books of the illuminati and the literature written by likes of Yinon and Bibi Netanyahu are all baseless "conspiracy theories" and things to be laughed at. But if you read through these documents in detail they do explain clearly how modern events and those in the past like the 2 world wars played out and how they served "THEIR" objectives.

I do realize what conspiracy theories are For example in Pakistani society they might be what the "Patwaris" accuse the PTI jiyalas of being/doing. Or what the PTI jiyalas might accuse "Patwaris" of being/doin. In essence real baseless conspiracy theories can be seen for what they are with some basic fact finding or academic student. But in this situation it seems to me at least the it cannot ALL be a coincidence. These powers play on a different level.

I'm open to your views if you believe otherwise.

They already knew that something will happen in the future---. That is why they had contingency plans in place---.

Now when would it happen was not known---.

I do not know if you read it---I posted a few weks ago and developed a wrath of my dear chinese members---.

In my microbiology class in the late 70's early 80's we learnt that the china would the source of the next massive epidemic because a very large numbers of humans and animals ( pigs ) lived in extremely close proximity---.

Now understand an analogy---.

Someone fires a bullet at a person---it grazes right side of his skull---he are alive accept for a trickle of blood---.

In another scenario---a bullet is fired at a person---it is about 1/2 inch to left---it smashes the side of the skull and blows the brain out and leaves the person dying---.

That is what epidemic warnings are like---. Most wither away---the virus cannot survive---a minor hit and a miss---.

In others---it makes a hit and starts to show its true colors---and stays as a hit for a certain time---.

Now human tendency is to take into consideration the bullet that grazed the skull as a nothing or a minor even---because a human cannot think anymore after the bullet hits 1/2 inch over---.

So we assume that as it missed---the others will miss as well---. Because once the bullet hits 1/2 inch over---no one can embarrass you---"hey---the bullet hit you---you did not dodge it" because you are beyond embarrassment because you are dead---you don't even know if anything hit you---because a brain hit is an instant death---.

Now that is how we accept this type of news---.

Now the hill billies---the land that they live on is extremely cold---snowy and not a lot of food in winter---so as from days of old---they planned and prepared for 6 months of winter ahead pf time---.

In a similar manner they are preparing for epidemic---.
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Don't know about that but I downloaded and played the plague game on PS4 it basically covers all what is happening today

I kinda knew how dangerous this thing will be based on knowledge i gained from playing the video game

People were making jokes about it because it was far away in China but I knew from the game how quickly the Virus can travel

The game was genuine in it's prediction how people / countries and communities would react to such a virus

From general knowledge perspective the game was vital to learn about these virus or becteria based illnesses
Yeah I know that is your standard American can do, be prepared attitude, I totally get it. But in this particular instance the dots go far back and how did Rothchilds, JP Morgan, Warren Buffetin 2018 and Gates Foundation know in 2019 that something big was coming???

They already knew that something will happen in the future---. That is why they had contingency plans in place---.

Now when would it happen was not known---.

I do not know if you read it---I posted a few weks ago and developed a wrath of my dear chinese members---.

In my microbiology class in the late 70's early 80's we learnt that the china would the source of the next massive epidemic because a very large numbers of humans and animals ( pigs ) lived in extremely close proximity---.

Now understand an analogy---.

Someone fires a bullet at a person---it grazes right side of his skull---he are alive accept for a trickle of blood---.

In another scenario---a bullet is fired at a person---it is about 1/2 inch to left---it smashes the side of the skull and blows the brain out and leaves the person dying---.

That is what epidemic warnings are like---. Most wither away---the virus cannot survive---a minor hit and a miss---.

In others---it makes a hit and starts to show its true colors---and stays as a hit for a certain time---.

Now human tendency is to take into consideration the bullet that grazed the skull---because a human cannot think if the bullet hits 1/2 inch over---.

So we assume that as it missed---the others will miss as well---. Because once the bullet hits 1/2 inch over---no one can embarrass you---"hey---the bullet hit you---" because you are beyond embarrassment---you don't even know if anything hit you---because a brain hit is an instant death---.

Now that is how we accept this type of news---.

Now the hill billies---the land that they live on is extremely cold---snowy and not a lot of food in winter---so as from days of old---they planned and prepared for 6 months of winter ahead pf time---.

In a similar manner they are preparing for epidemic---.
Strangely this is the second game in unique game list which has become a reality

a) Command and Conquer Generals became a reality , with ISIS and Toyota trucks good 10 years before the events

It came at time when people never imagined there would be massive wars in region
and certainly no one predicted the toyota tricks and weaponized versions for them

b) Plague Inc became a reality, 8 years before the events

Both games were widely popular and unique , predicted the future

Scientifically people say what when many people visualize an idea in their mind simultaneously sometimes those ideas become a reality, at least for quantum particles

In 90's terrorist movies were quite popular which popularized ideas about Terrorism
Which at least in my opinion makes a strong case towards , humans visualizing something in mass and then that becomes part of the reality





What people view in mass , creates their reality

What you visually see , becomes reality

The idea of pendamic and chaos , and illness or zombies had been spread across the world where billions viewed these concepts and imagined it in their minds

Eventually the world / reality took the shape of their imagination
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Yeah I know that is your standard American can do, be prepared attitude, I totally get it. But in this particular instance the dots go far back and how did Rothchilds, JP Morgan, Warren Buffetin 2018 and Gates Foundation know in 2019 that something big was coming???


These are computer generated predictions---. The scientists keep on predicting about about the incoming bullets---.

The system has reached an extremely high level of assessment stage where it can truly project the on or about time of the happening---.

They already knew that something will happen in the future---. That is why they had contingency plans in place---.

Now when would it happen was not known---.

I do not know if you read it---I posted a few weks ago and developed a wrath of my dear chinese members---.

In my microbiology class in the late 70's early 80's we learnt that the china would the source of the next massive epidemic because a very large numbers of humans and animals ( pigs ) lived in extremely close proximity---.

Now understand an analogy---.

Someone fires a bullet at a person---it grazes right side of his skull---he are alive accept for a trickle of blood---.

In another scenario---a bullet is fired at a person---it is about 1/2 inch to left---it smashes the side of the skull and blows the brain out and leaves the person dying---.

That is what epidemic warnings are like---. Most wither away---the virus cannot survive---a minor hit and a miss---.

In others---it makes a hit and starts to show its true colors---and stays as a hit for a certain time---.

Now human tendency is to take into consideration the bullet that grazed the skull---because a human cannot think if the bullet hits 1/2 inch over---.

So we assume that as it missed---the others will miss as well---. Because once the bullet hits 1/2 inch over---no one can embarrass you---"hey---the bullet hit you---" because you are beyond embarrassment---you don't even know if anything hit you---because a brain hit is an instant death---.

Now that is how we accept this type of news---.

Now the hill billies---the land that they live on is extremely cold---snowy and not a lot of food in winter---so as from days of old---they planned and prepared for 6 months of winter ahead pf time---.

In a similar manner they are preparing for epidemic---.

Brilliantly explained. A good way to understand the behavior patterns of the hill billies aka USA

The CDC the WHO have their investigators all over the world reporting back to their HQ's about every biological issue that comes up in any community---.

They have ears out everywhere---and investigators are sent out to further investigate issues that are creeping up or getting hot to hotter---.

These investigators report back with all their findings---.

They have charts and programs that tell after a certain number of mutations either the microbe would go away or become a monster---.

Here a microbe is trying to become a monster---next to it is nature trying to destroy it---and both are trying to sustain themselves by mutating or developing a protective shell/capsule/casing whatever you may call it---.

Most of the time nature overcomes the life cycle of the microbe---it either dies off or becomes dormant to wake up and confront civilization another day---.

So---the position of the director is just like me---who knows the intensity of the attack---but the listener the politician---that is you---does not want to believe it---because you have not seen it happen before---you do not want to bring about a change in your life style---because you have experienced before that to stay quiet and to stay put---you can over comemany an issues---so you the politician treats in just an ordinary manner---.

And me the information provider gets snubbed down---and if the microbe attack does not happen---I become tragetted for insults by members like @Rafi @Hodor @Jammer.

Then my liberties are taken away because I am not playing to the general tune that everybody else is---.

So---the job of that Official knowing and for him to deliver the message to those sitting in the decision making positions is the most difficult one---.

Just remember a couple of decades ago---tsunamis were not very common in the world till they hit malaysia and Japan---tornadoes did not do massive damage in the USA---till they flattened Florida and Carolina.

So---weather people were the people made most fun of---. Now since the tsunamis have hit harder beyond imaginations and tornadoes have decimated cities and large and small---the value to weather people have increased as well respect for their profession---.

Same is not the case with those predicting epidemics---.

And certainly not the same for someone like me on this defense forum---.

People are feeling insulted by my post to the deceased pilot---. The reason being all of them are illiterate about the subject matter---or do not have the ability to understand what happened---.

What the cardinal sin of the deceased pilot was that he made his practice run in a large valley and ended his move over mountains---that was a big NO NO----you never mix plains and mountains while practising for aerobatics.

That 2000 feet of elevation hits you real hard---and to top that off---high tension power lines---. Always a disaster waiting to happen.
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The CDC the WHO have their investigators all over the world reporting back to their HQ's about every biological issue that comes up in any community---.

They have ears out everywhere---and investigators are sent out to further investigate issues that are creeping up or getting hot to hotter---.

These investigators report back with all their findings---.

They have charts and programs that tell after a certain number of mutations either the microbe would go away or become a monster---.

Here a microbe is trying to become a monster---next to it is nature trying to destroy it---and both are trying to sustain themselves by mutating or developing a protective shell/capsule/casing whatever you may call it---.

Most of the time nature overcomes the life cycle of the microbe---it either dies off or becomes dormant to wake up and confront civilization another day---.

So---the position of the director is just like me---who knows the intensity of the attack---but the listener the politician---that is you---does not want to believe it---because you have not seen it happen before---you do not want to bring about a change in your life style---because you have experienced before that to stay quiet and to stay put---you can over comemany an issues---so you the politician treats in just an ordinary manner---.

And me the information provider gets snubbed down---and if the microbe attack does not happen---I become tragetted for insults by members like @Rafi @Hodor @Jammer and the worst analyst of the all @blain2 who used to challenege the US military to bring it on---.

Then my liberties are taken away because I am not playing to the general tune that everybody else is---.

So---the job of that Official knowing and for him to deliver the message to those sitting in the decision making positions is the most difficult one---.

Just remember a couple of decades ago---tsunamis were not very common in the world till they hit malaysia and Japan---tornadoes did not do massive damage in the USA---till they flattened Florida and Carolina.

So---weather people were the people made most fun of---. Now since the tsunamis have hit harder beyond imaginations and tornadoes have decimated cities and large and small---the value to weather people have increased as well respect for their profession---.

Same is not the case with those predicting epidemics---.

And certainly not the same for someone like me on this defense forum---.

People are feeling insulted by my post to the deceased pilot---. The reason being all of them are illiterate about the subject matter---or do not have the ability to understand what happened---.

What the cardinal sin of the deceased pilot was that he made his practice run in a large valley and ended his move over mountains---that was a big NO NO----you never mix plains and mountains while practising for aerobatics.

That 2000 feet of elevation hits you real hard---and to top that off---high tension power lines---. Always a disaster waiting to happen.

Stay safe and healthy.
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