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CoronaVirus - Chinese Remarkable Recovery and How Can We Follow It!


Dec 6, 2015
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United Arab Emirates
It all began on December 31, 2019, when WHO’s country office in China received information about pneumonia cases caused by unknown virus in Hubei province. National authorities in China reported 44 similar cases in the next 3 days.

On January 07, 2020, Chinese authorities identified a new type of coronavirus (Novel Coronavirus - 2019-nCoV) and they were able to share the genetic sequence of this new virus by January 12, 2020.

By January 21, 2020, 282 confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV were identified worldwide of which 278 were tested positive only in China. By that time, the exposure of this virus in Chinese Hubei province was widespread due to lack of information in the initial days of this outbreak. Other countries however received ample information from Chinese authorities which were in continuous contact with WHO and keeping them informed about the progress. From that point onward, a remarkable journey of containing the virus and controlling its spread started by Chinese government that can serve as a guide for all the other countries around the globe.

Scientists initially estimated that each infected person is likely to infect 2.5 other people. Also, according to several epidemiological studies, the number of people with coronavirus infection doubles every 6 days. Number of new cases in China after January 21, 2020 showed an extremely fast rise. However, the enormous increase in the new cases cannot be attributed to the spread of disease by each infected person to more than the scientists’ estimates as the confirmed new cases merely represented those who were infected already and the disease was spreading quickly due to lack of information in the initial days. Scientists' initial estimations sent chills down the spine of authorities around the globe. It meant that without effective measures, China and the rest of the world should be ready to brace for a huge impact. With an average incubation period of 7 days, number of patients only in China could have reached millions by the end of first quarter of 2020. However, what we saw was a remarkable control of disease due to different steps taken by the Chinese government.


The situation also gave way to a learning curve, which the Chinese government fully utilized. As of today, there are very few cases being reported in China and the efforts of the Chinese government and its authorities are being appreciated by the health authorities and scientists across the world.


The number that could have reached well above 2.5 million confirmed cases was limited to a little above 100 K. The number of new infections started reducing significantly just after one and a half month of initial outbreak of this highly contagious virus. A number of measures were taken by the Chinese government that included locking down entire cities, effective travel bans to and from other provinces, school breaks, work from home policies, raising awareness among general public on personal hygiene and how to control the spread, constructing thousands of beds hospitals and isolation spaces, producing N-95 standard face masks and other gear for people who were responsible for providing primary care to the isolated patients. China has done what many developed nations could only dream of.

While China has already passed the peak (that was also very much kept under control), rest of the world still hasn't reached that point where the learning and awareness could be fully utilized to bring the disease under control. The trend is still moving in upward direction and the situation could get extremely disastrous as many of the developing nations are in the initial phase of this disease.


We can safely assume (due to Chinese population as compared to the rest of the world) that today, the rest of the world is standing at the same position where China was at the end of January 2020. Also, at this moment, most of the confirmed cases are being reported in developed countries in Europe, North America and Far East. They have all the means to apply the knowledge and procedures (similar or better than those) of China, and control the disease in their respective countries after reaching a similar peak as that of China. However, the rest of the developing world (other than China) that consists of 5.3 billion people and where literacy and healthcare services are below standard, a peak could mean hundreds of millions of infected patients and mortality in hundreds of thousands before the people in these countries start applying effective measures to control the disease. In developing countries, it can be assumed that people will not apply effective measures to curb the spread of disease until they start seeing the devastating effects by themselves and therefore, the peak can only be achieved until a significant percentage of population is infected.

Simple mathematics tells us that that till March 11, 2020, the rate of rise in confirmed cases was 206% outside of China.


Without applying appropriate similar measures as applied by China, the rest of the world (and Pakistan) are heading to a worst disaster in the history:


Of course, this is a kind of doomsday scenario, without taking into consideration measures that the respective governments including Pakistan are most likely planning to apply. However, in the developing world (including Pakistan), due to unavailability of appropriate healthcare system, the peak could mean a disaster.

As the health care system becomes saturated with cases, it will become increasingly difficult to detect, track, and contain new transmission chains. In the absence of extreme interventions like those implemented in China, this trend likely won’t slow significantly until hitting at least 1% of the population, or about 3.3 million Americans.

The U.S. has about 2.8 hospital beds per 1,000 people (South Korea and Japan, two countries that have seemingly thwarted the exponential case growth trajectory, have more than 12 hospital beds per 1,000 people; even China has 4.3 per 1,000). With a population of 330 million, this is about 1 million hospital beds. At any given time, about 68% of them are occupied. That leaves about 300,000 beds available nationwide.

What does Coronavirus spread mean for Pakistan
So what about Pakistan, where the hospital beds are (according to WB's 2014 estimates) are 0.6 per 1000 people, if a developed country like the US is expecting unavailability of the healthcare to coronavirus affected patients ? We can only imagine the chaos we are heading to if drastic measures like those by China are not taken. With these numbers, only preventive measures to stop the spread (or even delaying it) could give a good breathing space for Pakistani healthcare system.

If WBs estimates are correct as of today, Pakistan has 120,000 hospital beds overall. Most of the hospitals are already full of patients and do not carry extra capacity to cater for disasters or natural calamities. In addition, on average the hospitals have 5% ICU beds of the total beds.

According to different experts who monitored the situation in China, approximately 15% patients require hospitalization and 5% end up in critical care. Without effective measures (assuming all the hospitals are dedicated to coronavirus infected patients), the healthcare facilities will become unavailable for new patients requiring hospitalizations/ ICUs by mid of May 2020.




So what should Pakistan do quickly to halt the spread of disease?

1 - Now that China is getting freed up from management of this disaster like situation, as a first step, we can request help of Chinese experts on how to manage the situation in Pakistan considering the limited healthcare facilities in the country.

2 - Start preparing isolation spaces/ ICUs in all four provinces in Pakistan.

3 - Send notifications to hotels and guest houses to get ready to provide enough space for patients if necessary.

4 - Start procuring minimum stock of all the required medicine and other important stuff.

5 - Accurately report the hospitalizations and number of deaths. Hiding the truth will mean that the population will not take the threat seriously.

6 - Start an aggressive print and electronic media campaign on how to maintain personal hygiene to prevent spread of bacteria.

7 - Encourage (or make compulsory) the work from home environment.

8 - Instruct all Masajid Imams to finish the prayers (including Jumma) as soon as possible, and close the mosques right after fardh prayers so that people complete Sunnah and Nawafils at home.

9 - Prepare to lock down the cities where the cases start rising quickly. Call Pakistan Army for help to effectively lock the cities/ towns where the risk is high.

10 - Ban all non essential travel to top ten countries affected by coronavirus.

With the kind of healthcare system that we have, the only thing our government can do is to raise awareness and take preventive measures. If we do not take the steps now, it will be extremely difficult for Pakistan to stop this disease before it kills hundreds of thousands of people.


@Mangus Ortus Novem @Dubious @SIPRA @The Eagle @Slav Defence @StormBreaker @Ace of Spades @Starlord @Areesh @Path-Finder @Signalian @waz @Horus @WebMaster


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So what should Pakistan do quickly to halt the spread of disease?

1 - Now that China is getting freed up from management of this disaster like situation, as a first step, we can request help of Chinese experts on how to manage the situation in Pakistan considering the limited healthcare facilities in the country.

2 - Start preparing isolation spaces/ ICUs in all four provinces in Pakistan.

3 - Send notifications to hotels and guest houses to get ready to provide enough space for patients if necessary.

4 - Start procuring minimum stock of all the required medicine and other important stuff.

5 - Accurately report the hospitalizations and number of deaths. Hiding the truth will mean that the population will not take the threat seriously.

6 - Start an aggressive print and electronic media campaign on how to maintain personal hygiene to prevent spread of bacteria.

7 - Encourage (or make compulsory) the work from home environment.

8 - Instruct all Masajid Imams to finish the prayers (including Jumma) as soon as possible, and close the mosques right after fardh prayers so that people complete Sunnah and Nawafils at home.

9 - Prepare to lock down the cities where the cases start rising quickly. Call Pakistan Army for help to effectively lock the cities/ towns where the risk is high.

10 - Ban all non essential travel to top ten countries affected by coronavirus.

With the kind of healthcare system that we have, the only thing our government can do is to raise awareness and take preventive measures. If we do not take the steps now, it will be extremely difficult for Pakistan to stop this disease before it kills hundreds of thousands of people.
I agree 1000% percent with these outlined recommendations. But you know Pakistani quom better than me! there MUST be punishment for those who don't follow Health & Safety protocols. Quom is very difficult to get something across to it.
China was caught by surprise, Pakistan knew it.
I reported about the open border with Iran and hordes of people crossing in without any control, this was 3 weeks ago and i was banned on my first post.
Now we are looking for solutions, at this moment Pakistan's fate is in hands of Allah.
As of yet state hasn't taken any action besides a recent tweet, which amounts to nothing but nonsense for the blinded sheep.
Troops deployment brings its own dangers with it... as we need to worry and pray for our troops too... it is primarily a CivilAdministartion and HealthDept. issue... logistics can be facilitated by PakArmedForces.
Sir I think it will be very difficult for the civil administration to control the situation.

They couldn't effectively stop people from Iran.

I agree 1000% percent with these outlined recommendations. But you know Pakistani quom better than me! there MUST be punishment for those who don't follow Health & Safety protocols. Quom is very difficult to get something across to it.
This is why accurate reporting is very important.
Until people don't see deaths (may Allah protect all of us) caused by Corona, they will not take it serious.

China was caught by surprise, Pakistan knew it.
I reported about the open border with Iran and hordes of people crossing in without any control, this was 3 weeks ago and i was banned on my first post.
Now we are looking for solutions, at this moment Pakistan's fate is in hands of Allah.
As of yet state hasn't taken any action besides a recent tweet, which amounts to nothing but nonsense for the blinded sheep.
This is why accurate reporting is very important.
Until people don't see deaths (may Allah protect all of us) caused by Corona, they will not take it serious.
the quom has a very retarded and obtuse outlook to things and at best people will do vast amount of juggtan, thatta mazak. which is not so different from here in Britain BUT at some point people take it seriously and do their part as citizens of their nation.

Pakistani quom first has to be forced into it then chitter have to be landed on the arses for things to penetrate the brain barrier.
It all began on December 31, 2019, when WHO’s country office in China received information about pneumonia cases caused by unknown virus in Hubei province. National authorities in China reported 44 similar cases in the next 3 days.

On January 07, 2020, Chinese authorities identified a new type of coronavirus (Novel Coronavirus - 2019-nCoV) and they were able to share the genetic sequence of this new virus by January 12, 2020.

By January 21, 2020, 282 confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV were identified worldwide of which 278 were tested positive only in China. By that time, the exposure of this virus in Chinese Hubei province was widespread due to lack of information in the initial days of this outbreak. Other countries however received ample information from Chinese authorities which were in continuous contact with WHO and keeping them informed about the progress. From that point onward, a remarkable journey of containing the virus and controlling its spread started by Chinese government that can serve as a guide for all the other countries around the globe.

Scientists initially estimated that each infected person is likely to infect 2.5 other people. Also, according to several epidemiological studies, the number of people with coronavirus infection doubles every 6 days. Number of new cases in China after January 21, 2020 showed an extremely fast rise. However, the enormous increase in the new cases cannot be attributed to the spread of disease by each infected person to more than the scientists’ estimates as the confirmed new cases merely represented those who were infected already and the disease was spreading quickly due to lack of information in the initial days. Scientists' initial estimations sent chills down the spine of authorities around the globe. It meant that without effective measures, China and the rest of the world should be ready to brace for a huge impact. With an average incubation period of 7 days, number of patients only in China could have reached millions by the end of first quarter of 2020. However, what we saw was a remarkable control of disease due to different steps taken by the Chinese government.

View attachment 613614

The situation also gave way to a learning curve, which the Chinese government fully utilized. As of today, there are very few cases being reported in China and the efforts of the Chinese government and its authorities are being appreciated by the health authorities and scientists across the world.

View attachment 613603

The number that could have reached well above 2.5 million confirmed cases was limited to a little above 100 K. The number of new infections started reducing significantly just after one and a half month of initial outbreak of this highly contagious virus. A number of measures were taken by the Chinese government that included locking down entire cities, effective travel bans to and from other provinces, school breaks, work from home policies, raising awareness among general public on personal hygiene and how to control the spread, constructing thousands of beds hospitals and isolation spaces, producing N-95 standard face masks and other gear for people who were responsible for providing primary care to the isolated patients. China has done what many developed nations could only dream of.

While China has already passed the peak (that was also very much kept under control), rest of the world still hasn't reached that point where the learning and awareness could be fully utilized to bring the disease under control. The trend is still moving in upward direction and the situation could get extremely disastrous as many of the developing nations are in the initial phase of this disease.

View attachment 613615

We can safely assume (due to Chinese population as compared to the rest of the world) that today, the rest of the world is standing at the same position where China was at the end of January 2020. Also, at this moment, most of the confirmed cases are being reported in developed countries in Europe, North America and Far East. They have all the means to apply the knowledge and procedures (similar or better than those) of China, and control the disease in their respective countries after reaching a similar peak as that of China. However, the rest of the developing world (other than China) that consists of 5.3 billion people and where literacy and healthcare services are below standard, a peak could mean hundreds of millions of infected patients and mortality in hundreds of thousands before the people in these countries start applying effective measures to control the disease. In developing countries, it can be assumed that people will not apply effective measures to curb the spread of disease until they start seeing the devastating effects by themselves and therefore, the peak can only be achieved until a significant percentage of population is infected.

Simple mathematics tells us that that till March 11, 2020, the rate of rise in confirmed cases was 206% outside of China.

View attachment 613721

Without applying appropriate similar measures as applied by China, the rest of the world (and Pakistan) are heading to a worst disaster in the history:

View attachment 613724

Of course, this is a kind of doomsday scenario, without taking into consideration measures that the respective governments including Pakistan are most likely planning to apply. However, in the developing world (including Pakistan), due to unavailability of appropriate healthcare system, the peak could mean a disaster.

As the health care system becomes saturated with cases, it will become increasingly difficult to detect, track, and contain new transmission chains. In the absence of extreme interventions like those implemented in China, this trend likely won’t slow significantly until hitting at least 1% of the population, or about 3.3 million Americans.

The U.S. has about 2.8 hospital beds per 1,000 people (South Korea and Japan, two countries that have seemingly thwarted the exponential case growth trajectory, have more than 12 hospital beds per 1,000 people; even China has 4.3 per 1,000). With a population of 330 million, this is about 1 million hospital beds. At any given time, about 68% of them are occupied. That leaves about 300,000 beds available nationwide.

What does Coronavirus spread mean for Pakistan
So what about Pakistan, where the hospital beds are (according to WB's 2014 estimates) are 0.6 per 1000 people, if a developed country like the US is expecting unavailability of the healthcare to coronavirus affected patients ? We can only imagine the chaos we are heading to if drastic measures like those by China are not taken. With these numbers, only preventive measures to stop the spread (or even delaying it) could give a good breathing space for Pakistani healthcare system.

If WBs estimates are correct as of today, Pakistan has 120,000 hospital beds overall. Most of the hospitals are already full of patients and do not carry extra capacity to cater for disasters or natural calamities. In addition, on average the hospitals have 5% ICU beds of the total beds.

According to different experts who monitored the situation in China, approximately 15% patients require hospitalization and 5% end up in critical care. Without effective measures (assuming all the hospitals are dedicated to coronavirus infected patients), the healthcare facilities will become unavailable for new patients requiring hospitalizations/ ICUs by mid of May 2020.

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So what should Pakistan do quickly to halt the spread of disease?

1 - Now that China is getting freed up from management of this disaster like situation, as a first step, we can request help of Chinese experts on how to manage the situation in Pakistan considering the limited healthcare facilities in the country.

2 - Start preparing isolation spaces/ ICUs in all four provinces in Pakistan.

3 - Send notifications to hotels and guest houses to get ready to provide enough space for patients if necessary.

4 - Start procuring minimum stock of all the required medicine and other important stuff.

5 - Accurately report the hospitalizations and number of deaths. Hiding the truth will mean that the population will not take the threat seriously.

6 - Start an aggressive print and electronic media campaign on how to maintain personal hygiene to prevent spread of bacteria.

7 - Encourage (or make compulsory) the work from home environment.

8 - Instruct all Masajid Imams to finish the prayers (including Jumma) as soon as possible, and close the mosques right after fardh prayers so that people complete Sunnah and Nawafils at home.

9 - Prepare to lock down the cities where the cases start rising quickly. Call Pakistan Army for help to effectively lock the cities/ towns where the risk is high.

10 - Ban all non essential travel to top ten countries affected by coronavirus.

With the kind of healthcare system that we have, the only thing our government can do is to raise awareness and take preventive measures. If we do not take the steps now, it will be extremely difficult for Pakistan to stop this disease before it kills hundreds of thousands of people.


@Mangus Ortus Novem @Dubious @SIPRA @The Eagle @Slav Defence @StormBreaker @Ace of Spades @Starlord @Areesh @Path-Finder @Signalian @waz @Horus @WebMaster

Very nicely written. Good job and brilliant thread!

constructing thousands of beds hospitals and isolation spaces

The success Chinese got is because of precisely this reason, isolating the sick and suspected ones from healthy. Majority of the initial spread happened in between family members and they managed it very well later by isolation protocols.

These are the most important point you have raised and rightly so, i have been saying this that this will be the real test of the government. So far i haven't seen any measures that are being taken to increase the beds or to create makeshift hospitals for serious/critical patients which can increase exponentially with in few weeks after the start of local transmission. There is no orders of additional ventilators, neither their is enough trained staff to operate them. Today i saw in a program by Malick that there are 1500 beds that are allocated for critical patients in whole Pakistan and the number of operational ventilators in PIMS islamabad is 2. These numbers are nothing but showing criminal negligence at the part of government and policy makers. Italy is having the same problem, though a better equipped country; even then they have the shortages. And now they deciding who to treat and who not to, too old, with less at stake will not be treated. I am afraid it can come down to that. In sha Allah not, nauzu Billah, but this won't be less than a deliberate mass murder.
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It all began on December 31, 2019, when WHO’s country office in China received information about pneumonia cases caused by unknown virus in Hubei province. National authorities in China reported 44 similar cases in the next 3 days.

On January 07, 2020, Chinese authorities identified a new type of coronavirus (Novel Coronavirus - 2019-nCoV) and they were able to share the genetic sequence of this new virus by January 12, 2020.

By January 21, 2020, 282 confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV were identified worldwide of which 278 were tested positive only in China. By that time, the exposure of this virus in Chinese Hubei province was widespread due to lack of information in the initial days of this outbreak. Other countries however received ample information from Chinese authorities which were in continuous contact with WHO and keeping them informed about the progress. From that point onward, a remarkable journey of containing the virus and controlling its spread started by Chinese government that can serve as a guide for all the other countries around the globe.

Scientists initially estimated that each infected person is likely to infect 2.5 other people. Also, according to several epidemiological studies, the number of people with coronavirus infection doubles every 6 days. Number of new cases in China after January 21, 2020 showed an extremely fast rise. However, the enormous increase in the new cases cannot be attributed to the spread of disease by each infected person to more than the scientists’ estimates as the confirmed new cases merely represented those who were infected already and the disease was spreading quickly due to lack of information in the initial days. Scientists' initial estimations sent chills down the spine of authorities around the globe. It meant that without effective measures, China and the rest of the world should be ready to brace for a huge impact. With an average incubation period of 7 days, number of patients only in China could have reached millions by the end of first quarter of 2020. However, what we saw was a remarkable control of disease due to different steps taken by the Chinese government.

View attachment 613614

The situation also gave way to a learning curve, which the Chinese government fully utilized. As of today, there are very few cases being reported in China and the efforts of the Chinese government and its authorities are being appreciated by the health authorities and scientists across the world.

View attachment 613603

The number that could have reached well above 2.5 million confirmed cases was limited to a little above 100 K. The number of new infections started reducing significantly just after one and a half month of initial outbreak of this highly contagious virus. A number of measures were taken by the Chinese government that included locking down entire cities, effective travel bans to and from other provinces, school breaks, work from home policies, raising awareness among general public on personal hygiene and how to control the spread, constructing thousands of beds hospitals and isolation spaces, producing N-95 standard face masks and other gear for people who were responsible for providing primary care to the isolated patients. China has done what many developed nations could only dream of.

While China has already passed the peak (that was also very much kept under control), rest of the world still hasn't reached that point where the learning and awareness could be fully utilized to bring the disease under control. The trend is still moving in upward direction and the situation could get extremely disastrous as many of the developing nations are in the initial phase of this disease.

View attachment 613615

We can safely assume (due to Chinese population as compared to the rest of the world) that today, the rest of the world is standing at the same position where China was at the end of January 2020. Also, at this moment, most of the confirmed cases are being reported in developed countries in Europe, North America and Far East. They have all the means to apply the knowledge and procedures (similar or better than those) of China, and control the disease in their respective countries after reaching a similar peak as that of China. However, the rest of the developing world (other than China) that consists of 5.3 billion people and where literacy and healthcare services are below standard, a peak could mean hundreds of millions of infected patients and mortality in hundreds of thousands before the people in these countries start applying effective measures to control the disease. In developing countries, it can be assumed that people will not apply effective measures to curb the spread of disease until they start seeing the devastating effects by themselves and therefore, the peak can only be achieved until a significant percentage of population is infected.

Simple mathematics tells us that that till March 11, 2020, the rate of rise in confirmed cases was 206% outside of China.

View attachment 613721

Without applying appropriate similar measures as applied by China, the rest of the world (and Pakistan) are heading to a worst disaster in the history:

View attachment 613724

Of course, this is a kind of doomsday scenario, without taking into consideration measures that the respective governments including Pakistan are most likely planning to apply. However, in the developing world (including Pakistan), due to unavailability of appropriate healthcare system, the peak could mean a disaster.

As the health care system becomes saturated with cases, it will become increasingly difficult to detect, track, and contain new transmission chains. In the absence of extreme interventions like those implemented in China, this trend likely won’t slow significantly until hitting at least 1% of the population, or about 3.3 million Americans.

The U.S. has about 2.8 hospital beds per 1,000 people (South Korea and Japan, two countries that have seemingly thwarted the exponential case growth trajectory, have more than 12 hospital beds per 1,000 people; even China has 4.3 per 1,000). With a population of 330 million, this is about 1 million hospital beds. At any given time, about 68% of them are occupied. That leaves about 300,000 beds available nationwide.

What does Coronavirus spread mean for Pakistan
So what about Pakistan, where the hospital beds are (according to WB's 2014 estimates) are 0.6 per 1000 people, if a developed country like the US is expecting unavailability of the healthcare to coronavirus affected patients ? We can only imagine the chaos we are heading to if drastic measures like those by China are not taken. With these numbers, only preventive measures to stop the spread (or even delaying it) could give a good breathing space for Pakistani healthcare system.

If WBs estimates are correct as of today, Pakistan has 120,000 hospital beds overall. Most of the hospitals are already full of patients and do not carry extra capacity to cater for disasters or natural calamities. In addition, on average the hospitals have 5% ICU beds of the total beds.

According to different experts who monitored the situation in China, approximately 15% patients require hospitalization and 5% end up in critical care. Without effective measures (assuming all the hospitals are dedicated to coronavirus infected patients), the healthcare facilities will become unavailable for new patients requiring hospitalizations/ ICUs by mid of May 2020.

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So what should Pakistan do quickly to halt the spread of disease?

1 - Now that China is getting freed up from management of this disaster like situation, as a first step, we can request help of Chinese experts on how to manage the situation in Pakistan considering the limited healthcare facilities in the country.

2 - Start preparing isolation spaces/ ICUs in all four provinces in Pakistan.

3 - Send notifications to hotels and guest houses to get ready to provide enough space for patients if necessary.

4 - Start procuring minimum stock of all the required medicine and other important stuff.

5 - Accurately report the hospitalizations and number of deaths. Hiding the truth will mean that the population will not take the threat seriously.

6 - Start an aggressive print and electronic media campaign on how to maintain personal hygiene to prevent spread of bacteria.

7 - Encourage (or make compulsory) the work from home environment.

8 - Instruct all Masajid Imams to finish the prayers (including Jumma) as soon as possible, and close the mosques right after fardh prayers so that people complete Sunnah and Nawafils at home.

9 - Prepare to lock down the cities where the cases start rising quickly. Call Pakistan Army for help to effectively lock the cities/ towns where the risk is high.

10 - Ban all non essential travel to top ten countries affected by coronavirus.

With the kind of healthcare system that we have, the only thing our government can do is to raise awareness and take preventive measures. If we do not take the steps now, it will be extremely difficult for Pakistan to stop this disease before it kills hundreds of thousands of people.


@Mangus Ortus Novem @Dubious @SIPRA @The Eagle @Slav Defence @StormBreaker @Ace of Spades @Starlord @Areesh @Path-Finder @Signalian @waz @Horus @WebMaster
Excellent, well done!
Thread set as featured :)
It all began on December 31, 2019, when WHO’s country office in China received information about pneumonia cases caused by unknown virus in Hubei province. National authorities in China reported 44 similar cases in the next 3 days.

On January 07, 2020, Chinese authorities identified a new type of coronavirus (Novel Coronavirus - 2019-nCoV) and they were able to share the genetic sequence of this new virus by January 12, 2020.

By January 21, 2020, 282 confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV were identified worldwide of which 278 were tested positive only in China. By that time, the exposure of this virus in Chinese Hubei province was widespread due to lack of information in the initial days of this outbreak. Other countries however received ample information from Chinese authorities which were in continuous contact with WHO and keeping them informed about the progress. From that point onward, a remarkable journey of containing the virus and controlling its spread started by Chinese government that can serve as a guide for all the other countries around the globe.

Scientists initially estimated that each infected person is likely to infect 2.5 other people. Also, according to several epidemiological studies, the number of people with coronavirus infection doubles every 6 days. Number of new cases in China after January 21, 2020 showed an extremely fast rise. However, the enormous increase in the new cases cannot be attributed to the spread of disease by each infected person to more than the scientists’ estimates as the confirmed new cases merely represented those who were infected already and the disease was spreading quickly due to lack of information in the initial days. Scientists' initial estimations sent chills down the spine of authorities around the globe. It meant that without effective measures, China and the rest of the world should be ready to brace for a huge impact. With an average incubation period of 7 days, number of patients only in China could have reached millions by the end of first quarter of 2020. However, what we saw was a remarkable control of disease due to different steps taken by the Chinese government.

View attachment 613614

The situation also gave way to a learning curve, which the Chinese government fully utilized. As of today, there are very few cases being reported in China and the efforts of the Chinese government and its authorities are being appreciated by the health authorities and scientists across the world.

View attachment 613603

The number that could have reached well above 2.5 million confirmed cases was limited to a little above 100 K. The number of new infections started reducing significantly just after one and a half month of the initial outbreak of this highly contagious virus. A number of measures were taken by the Chinese government that included locking down entire cities, effective travel bans to and from other provinces, school breaks, work from home policies, raising awareness among the general public on personal hygiene and how to control the spread, constructing thousands of beds hospitals and isolation spaces, producing N-95 standard face masks and other gear for people who were responsible for providing primary care to the isolated patients. China has done what many developed nations could only dream of.

While China has already passed the peak (that was also very much kept under control), rest of the world still hasn't reached that point where the learning and awareness could be fully utilized to bring the disease under control. The trend is still moving in an upward direction and the situation could get extremely disastrous as many of the developing nations are in the initial phase of this disease.

View attachment 613615

We can safely assume (due to Chinese population as compared to the rest of the world) that today, the rest of the world is standing at the same position where China was at the end of January 2020. Also, at this moment, most of the confirmed cases are being reported in developed countries in Europe, North America and the Far East. They have all the means to apply the knowledge and procedures (similar or better than those) of China and control the disease in their respective countries after reaching a similar peak as that of China. However, the rest of the developing world (other than China) that consists of 5.3 billion people and where literacy and healthcare services are below standard, a peak could mean hundreds of millions of infected patients and mortality in hundreds of thousands before the people in these countries start applying effective measures to control the disease. In developing countries, it can be assumed that people will not apply effective measures to curb the spread of disease until they start seeing the devastating effects by themselves and therefore, the peak can only be achieved until a significant percentage of the population is infected.

Simple mathematics tells us that until March 11, 2020, the rate of rising in confirmed cases was 206% outside of China.

View attachment 613721

Without applying appropriate similar measures as applied by China, the rest of the world (and Pakistan) are heading to a worst disaster in the history:

View attachment 613724

Of course, this is a kind of doomsday scenario, without taking into consideration measures that the respective governments including Pakistan are most likely planning to apply. However, in the developing world (including Pakistan), due to unavailability of the appropriate healthcare system, the peak could mean a disaster.

As the health care system becomes saturated with cases, it will become increasingly difficult to detect, track, and contain new transmission chains. In the absence of extreme interventions like those implemented in China, this trend likely won’t slow significantly until hitting at least 1% of the population, or about 3.3 million Americans.

The U.S. has about 2.8 hospital beds per 1,000 people (South Korea and Japan, two countries that have seemingly thwarted the exponential case growth trajectory, have more than 12 hospital beds per 1,000 people; even China has 4.3 per 1,000). With a population of 330 million, this is about 1 million hospital beds. At any given time, about 68% of them are occupied. That leaves about 300,000 beds available nationwide.

What does Coronavirus spread mean for Pakistan
So what about Pakistan, where the hospital beds are (according to WB's 2014 estimates) are 0.6 per 1000 people, if a developed country like the US is expecting unavailability of the healthcare to coronavirus affected patients ? We can only imagine the chaos we are heading to if drastic measures like those by China are not taken. With these numbers, only preventive measures to stop the spread (or even delaying it) could give a good breathing space for Pakistani healthcare system.

If WBs estimates are correct as of today, Pakistan has 120,000 hospital beds overall. Most of the hospitals are already full of patients and do not carry extra capacity to cater for disasters or natural calamities. In addition, on average the hospitals have 5% ICU beds of the total beds.

According to different experts who monitored the situation in China, approximately 15% patients require hospitalization and 5% end up in critical care. Without effective measures (assuming all the hospitals are dedicated to coronavirus infected patients), the healthcare facilities will become unavailable for new patients requiring hospitalizations/ ICUs by mid of May 2020.

View attachment 613909

View attachment 613910

View attachment 613911

So what should Pakistan do quickly to halt the spread of disease?

1 - Now that China is getting freed up from management of this disaster like situation, as a first step, we can request the help of Chinese experts on how to manage the situation in Pakistan considering the limited healthcare facilities in the country.

2 - Start preparing isolation spaces/ ICUs in all four provinces in Pakistan.

3 - Send notifications to hotels and guest houses to get ready to provide enough space for patients if necessary.

4 - Start procuring minimum stock of all the required medicine and other important stuff.

5 - Accurately report the hospitalizations and number of deaths. Hiding the truth will mean that the population will not take the threat seriously.

6 - Start an aggressive print and electronic media campaign on how to maintain personal hygiene to prevent the spread of bacteria.

7 - Encourage (or make compulsory) the work from home environment.

8 - Instruct all Masajid Imams to finish the prayers (including Jumma) as soon as possible, and close the mosques right after fardh prayers so that people complete Sunnah and Nawafils at home.

9 - Prepare to lock down the cities where the cases start rising quickly. Call Pakistan Army for help to effectively lock the cities/ towns where the risk is high.

10 - Ban all non-essential travel to top ten countries affected by coronavirus.

With the kind of healthcare system that we have, the only thing our government can do is to raise awareness and take preventive measures. If we do not take the steps now, it will be extremely difficult for Pakistan to stop this disease before it kills hundreds of thousands of people.


Great work on the article. Hoping that common sense will prevail among the common people on its own is useless. The civilian govt needs to instil it by hook or by crook for the very survival of the nation.
These are the most important point you have raised and rightly so, i have been saying this that this will be the real test of the government. So far i haven't seen any measures that are being taken to increase the beds or to create makeshift hospitals for serious/critical patients which can increase exponentially with in few weeks after the start of local transmission. There is no orders of additional ventilators, neither their is enough trained staff to operate them. Today i saw in a program by Malick that there are 1500 beds that are allocated for critical patients in whole Pakistan and the number of operational ventilators in PIMS islamabad is 2. These numbers are nothing but showing criminal negligence at the part of government and policy makers. Italy is having the same problem, though a better equipped country; even then they have the shortages. And now they deciding who to treat and who not to, too old, with less at stake will not be treated. I am afraid it can come down to that. In sha Allah not, nauzu Billah, but this won't be less than a deliberate mass murder.
I haven't seen any major awareness campaign going on as well. When government starts saying that nothing to worry we have everything under control, people take the threat casually.

I don't know what is government doing, because if hospitals of developed countries can be overloaded, what would be the fate of patients here in Pakistan when the hospitals are already full of other patients.
I haven't seen any major awareness campaign going on as well. When government starts saying that nothing to worry we have everything under control, people take the threat casually.

I don't know what is government doing, because if hospitals of developed countries can be overloaded, what would be the fate of patients here in Pakistan when the hospitals are already full of other patients.

People really need to know the reality; only way to protect yourself after local transmission starts is via self protection and self measurements. On government part; it's criminal negligence. They may are doing well at entry points and all that but local spread is inevitable if only one person at entry point is not detected and spreads it locally. May Allah protect this country but we need a massive awareness campaign on television, social media and print media.
there is no safety nor cleanness in Pakistan, just today i saw Rickshaw wale , pan wale , namazi , and many more spitting pan , gukta , and mucus right outside where people trying to shop groceries . No offense but maybe Corona will have no effect on Pakistani's cause we are already so filthy and disgusting ..

Corona seeing Pakistani's and their Hygiene ..
Saudi banned everything but we can't ban these "zaerins"

zaerins should stay in iran why cant people use their fking brains!

These are the kinds events where the army with guns need to tell people to stay back and get screened or they could get shot. Borders guards who let them in should be punished.

It all began on December 31, 2019, when WHO’s country office in China received information about pneumonia cases caused by unknown virus in Hubei province. National authorities in China reported 44 similar cases in the next 3 days.

On January 07, 2020, Chinese authorities identified a new type of coronavirus (Novel Coronavirus - 2019-nCoV) and they were able to share the genetic sequence of this new virus by January 12, 2020.

By January 21, 2020, 282 confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV were identified worldwide of which 278 were tested positive only in China. By that time, the exposure of this virus in Chinese Hubei province was widespread due to lack of information in the initial days of this outbreak. Other countries however received ample information from Chinese authorities which were in continuous contact with WHO and keeping them informed about the progress. From that point onward, a remarkable journey of containing the virus and controlling its spread started by Chinese government that can serve as a guide for all the other countries around the globe.

Scientists initially estimated that each infected person is likely to infect 2.5 other people. Also, according to several epidemiological studies, the number of people with coronavirus infection doubles every 6 days. Number of new cases in China after January 21, 2020 showed an extremely fast rise. However, the enormous increase in the new cases cannot be attributed to the spread of disease by each infected person to more than the scientists’ estimates as the confirmed new cases merely represented those who were infected already and the disease was spreading quickly due to lack of information in the initial days. Scientists' initial estimations sent chills down the spine of authorities around the globe. It meant that without effective measures, China and the rest of the world should be ready to brace for a huge impact. With an average incubation period of 7 days, number of patients only in China could have reached millions by the end of first quarter of 2020. However, what we saw was a remarkable control of disease due to different steps taken by the Chinese government.

View attachment 613614

The situation also gave way to a learning curve, which the Chinese government fully utilized. As of today, there are very few cases being reported in China and the efforts of the Chinese government and its authorities are being appreciated by the health authorities and scientists across the world.

View attachment 613603

The number that could have reached well above 2.5 million confirmed cases was limited to a little above 100 K. The number of new infections started reducing significantly just after one and a half month of initial outbreak of this highly contagious virus. A number of measures were taken by the Chinese government that included locking down entire cities, effective travel bans to and from other provinces, school breaks, work from home policies, raising awareness among general public on personal hygiene and how to control the spread, constructing thousands of beds hospitals and isolation spaces, producing N-95 standard face masks and other gear for people who were responsible for providing primary care to the isolated patients. China has done what many developed nations could only dream of.

While China has already passed the peak (that was also very much kept under control), rest of the world still hasn't reached that point where the learning and awareness could be fully utilized to bring the disease under control. The trend is still moving in upward direction and the situation could get extremely disastrous as many of the developing nations are in the initial phase of this disease.

View attachment 613615

We can safely assume (due to Chinese population as compared to the rest of the world) that today, the rest of the world is standing at the same position where China was at the end of January 2020. Also, at this moment, most of the confirmed cases are being reported in developed countries in Europe, North America and Far East. They have all the means to apply the knowledge and procedures (similar or better than those) of China, and control the disease in their respective countries after reaching a similar peak as that of China. However, the rest of the developing world (other than China) that consists of 5.3 billion people and where literacy and healthcare services are below standard, a peak could mean hundreds of millions of infected patients and mortality in hundreds of thousands before the people in these countries start applying effective measures to control the disease. In developing countries, it can be assumed that people will not apply effective measures to curb the spread of disease until they start seeing the devastating effects by themselves and therefore, the peak can only be achieved until a significant percentage of population is infected.

Simple mathematics tells us that that till March 11, 2020, the rate of rise in confirmed cases was 206% outside of China.

View attachment 613721

Without applying appropriate similar measures as applied by China, the rest of the world (and Pakistan) are heading to a worst disaster in the history:

View attachment 613724

Of course, this is a kind of doomsday scenario, without taking into consideration measures that the respective governments including Pakistan are most likely planning to apply. However, in the developing world (including Pakistan), due to unavailability of appropriate healthcare system, the peak could mean a disaster.

As the health care system becomes saturated with cases, it will become increasingly difficult to detect, track, and contain new transmission chains. In the absence of extreme interventions like those implemented in China, this trend likely won’t slow significantly until hitting at least 1% of the population, or about 3.3 million Americans.

The U.S. has about 2.8 hospital beds per 1,000 people (South Korea and Japan, two countries that have seemingly thwarted the exponential case growth trajectory, have more than 12 hospital beds per 1,000 people; even China has 4.3 per 1,000). With a population of 330 million, this is about 1 million hospital beds. At any given time, about 68% of them are occupied. That leaves about 300,000 beds available nationwide.

What does Coronavirus spread mean for Pakistan
So what about Pakistan, where the hospital beds are (according to WB's 2014 estimates) are 0.6 per 1000 people, if a developed country like the US is expecting unavailability of the healthcare to coronavirus affected patients ? We can only imagine the chaos we are heading to if drastic measures like those by China are not taken. With these numbers, only preventive measures to stop the spread (or even delaying it) could give a good breathing space for Pakistani healthcare system.

If WBs estimates are correct as of today, Pakistan has 120,000 hospital beds overall. Most of the hospitals are already full of patients and do not carry extra capacity to cater for disasters or natural calamities. In addition, on average the hospitals have 5% ICU beds of the total beds.

According to different experts who monitored the situation in China, approximately 15% patients require hospitalization and 5% end up in critical care. Without effective measures (assuming all the hospitals are dedicated to coronavirus infected patients), the healthcare facilities will become unavailable for new patients requiring hospitalizations/ ICUs by mid of May 2020.

View attachment 613909

View attachment 613910

View attachment 613911

So what should Pakistan do quickly to halt the spread of disease?

1 - Now that China is getting freed up from management of this disaster like situation, as a first step, we can request help of Chinese experts on how to manage the situation in Pakistan considering the limited healthcare facilities in the country.

2 - Start preparing isolation spaces/ ICUs in all four provinces in Pakistan.

3 - Send notifications to hotels and guest houses to get ready to provide enough space for patients if necessary.

4 - Start procuring minimum stock of all the required medicine and other important stuff.

5 - Accurately report the hospitalizations and number of deaths. Hiding the truth will mean that the population will not take the threat seriously.

6 - Start an aggressive print and electronic media campaign on how to maintain personal hygiene to prevent spread of bacteria.

7 - Encourage (or make compulsory) the work from home environment.

8 - Instruct all Masajid Imams to finish the prayers (including Jumma) as soon as possible, and close the mosques right after fardh prayers so that people complete Sunnah and Nawafils at home.

9 - Prepare to lock down the cities where the cases start rising quickly. Call Pakistan Army for help to effectively lock the cities/ towns where the risk is high.

10 - Ban all non essential travel to top ten countries affected by coronavirus.

With the kind of healthcare system that we have, the only thing our government can do is to raise awareness and take preventive measures. If we do not take the steps now, it will be extremely difficult for Pakistan to stop this disease before it kills hundreds of thousands of people.


@Mangus Ortus Novem @Dubious @SIPRA @The Eagle @Slav Defence @StormBreaker @Ace of Spades @Starlord @Areesh @Path-Finder @Signalian @waz @Horus @WebMaster

I agree 1000% percent with these outlined recommendations. But you know Pakistani quom better than me! there MUST be punishment for those who don't follow Health & Safety protocols. Quom is very difficult to get something across to it.

Very nicely written. Good job and brilliant thread!

The success Chinese got is because of precisely this reason, isolating the sick and suspected ones from healthy. Majority of the initial spread happened in between family members and they managed it very well later by isolation protocols.

These are the most important point you have raised and rightly so, i have been saying this that this will be the real test of the government. So far i haven't seen any measures that are being taken to increase the beds or to create makeshift hospitals for serious/critical patients which can increase exponentially with in few weeks after the start of local transmission. There is no orders of additional ventilators, neither their is enough trained staff to operate them. Today i saw in a program by Malick that there are 1500 beds that are allocated for critical patients in whole Pakistan and the number of operational ventilators in PIMS islamabad is 2. These numbers are nothing but showing criminal negligence at the part of government and policy makers. Italy is having the same problem, though a better equipped country; even then they have the shortages. And now they deciding who to treat and who not to, too old, with less at stake will not be treated. I am afraid it can come down to that. In sha Allah not, nauzu Billah, but this won't be less than a deliberate mass murder.

Everything MUST be enforced under threat of being State-sanctioned violence and prosecution.

We CANNOT expect anyone --- from the elites jaahils to the poor jaahils --- to follow any of this.

We MUST stop incoming flights IMMEDIATELY. What good are domestic measures when we are allowing in thousands of potential disease carriers daily?! Travelers from Iran, the US and the UK/Europe have made up the core of our confirmed cases --- and we're allowing multiple flights from exactly these destinations to our three major airports?! Airport screening is only for fever (i.e. thermal/temp reading), which is a late symptom; people are infected by the virus and infecting others many days/weeks before that!
It all began on December 31, 2019, when WHO’s country office in China received information about pneumonia cases caused by unknown virus in Hubei province. National authorities in China reported 44 similar cases in the next 3 days.

On January 07, 2020, Chinese authorities identified a new type of coronavirus (Novel Coronavirus - 2019-nCoV) and they were able to share the genetic sequence of this new virus by January 12, 2020.

By January 21, 2020, 282 confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV were identified worldwide of which 278 were tested positive only in China. By that time, the exposure of this virus in Chinese Hubei province was widespread due to lack of information in the initial days of this outbreak. Other countries however received ample information from Chinese authorities which were in continuous contact with WHO and keeping them informed about the progress. From that point onward, a remarkable journey of containing the virus and controlling its spread started by Chinese government that can serve as a guide for all the other countries around the globe.

Scientists initially estimated that each infected person is likely to infect 2.5 other people. Also, according to several epidemiological studies, the number of people with coronavirus infection doubles every 6 days. Number of new cases in China after January 21, 2020 showed an extremely fast rise. However, the enormous increase in the new cases cannot be attributed to the spread of disease by each infected person to more than the scientists’ estimates as the confirmed new cases merely represented those who were infected already and the disease was spreading quickly due to lack of information in the initial days. Scientists' initial estimations sent chills down the spine of authorities around the globe. It meant that without effective measures, China and the rest of the world should be ready to brace for a huge impact. With an average incubation period of 7 days, number of patients only in China could have reached millions by the end of first quarter of 2020. However, what we saw was a remarkable control of disease due to different steps taken by the Chinese government.

View attachment 613614

The situation also gave way to a learning curve, which the Chinese government fully utilized. As of today, there are very few cases being reported in China and the efforts of the Chinese government and its authorities are being appreciated by the health authorities and scientists across the world.

View attachment 613603

The number that could have reached well above 2.5 million confirmed cases was limited to a little above 100 K. The number of new infections started reducing significantly just after one and a half month of initial outbreak of this highly contagious virus. A number of measures were taken by the Chinese government that included locking down entire cities, effective travel bans to and from other provinces, school breaks, work from home policies, raising awareness among general public on personal hygiene and how to control the spread, constructing thousands of beds hospitals and isolation spaces, producing N-95 standard face masks and other gear for people who were responsible for providing primary care to the isolated patients. China has done what many developed nations could only dream of.

While China has already passed the peak (that was also very much kept under control), rest of the world still hasn't reached that point where the learning and awareness could be fully utilized to bring the disease under control. The trend is still moving in upward direction and the situation could get extremely disastrous as many of the developing nations are in the initial phase of this disease.

View attachment 613615

We can safely assume (due to Chinese population as compared to the rest of the world) that today, the rest of the world is standing at the same position where China was at the end of January 2020. Also, at this moment, most of the confirmed cases are being reported in developed countries in Europe, North America and Far East. They have all the means to apply the knowledge and procedures (similar or better than those) of China, and control the disease in their respective countries after reaching a similar peak as that of China. However, the rest of the developing world (other than China) that consists of 5.3 billion people and where literacy and healthcare services are below standard, a peak could mean hundreds of millions of infected patients and mortality in hundreds of thousands before the people in these countries start applying effective measures to control the disease. In developing countries, it can be assumed that people will not apply effective measures to curb the spread of disease until they start seeing the devastating effects by themselves and therefore, the peak can only be achieved until a significant percentage of population is infected.

Simple mathematics tells us that that till March 11, 2020, the rate of rise in confirmed cases was 206% outside of China.

View attachment 613721

Without applying appropriate similar measures as applied by China, the rest of the world (and Pakistan) are heading to a worst disaster in the history:

View attachment 613724

Of course, this is a kind of doomsday scenario, without taking into consideration measures that the respective governments including Pakistan are most likely planning to apply. However, in the developing world (including Pakistan), due to unavailability of appropriate healthcare system, the peak could mean a disaster.

As the health care system becomes saturated with cases, it will become increasingly difficult to detect, track, and contain new transmission chains. In the absence of extreme interventions like those implemented in China, this trend likely won’t slow significantly until hitting at least 1% of the population, or about 3.3 million Americans.

The U.S. has about 2.8 hospital beds per 1,000 people (South Korea and Japan, two countries that have seemingly thwarted the exponential case growth trajectory, have more than 12 hospital beds per 1,000 people; even China has 4.3 per 1,000). With a population of 330 million, this is about 1 million hospital beds. At any given time, about 68% of them are occupied. That leaves about 300,000 beds available nationwide.

What does Coronavirus spread mean for Pakistan
So what about Pakistan, where the hospital beds are (according to WB's 2014 estimates) are 0.6 per 1000 people, if a developed country like the US is expecting unavailability of the healthcare to coronavirus affected patients ? We can only imagine the chaos we are heading to if drastic measures like those by China are not taken. With these numbers, only preventive measures to stop the spread (or even delaying it) could give a good breathing space for Pakistani healthcare system.

If WBs estimates are correct as of today, Pakistan has 120,000 hospital beds overall. Most of the hospitals are already full of patients and do not carry extra capacity to cater for disasters or natural calamities. In addition, on average the hospitals have 5% ICU beds of the total beds.

According to different experts who monitored the situation in China, approximately 15% patients require hospitalization and 5% end up in critical care. Without effective measures (assuming all the hospitals are dedicated to coronavirus infected patients), the healthcare facilities will become unavailable for new patients requiring hospitalizations/ ICUs by mid of May 2020.

View attachment 613909

View attachment 613910

View attachment 613911

So what should Pakistan do quickly to halt the spread of disease?

1 - Now that China is getting freed up from management of this disaster like situation, as a first step, we can request help of Chinese experts on how to manage the situation in Pakistan considering the limited healthcare facilities in the country.

2 - Start preparing isolation spaces/ ICUs in all four provinces in Pakistan.

3 - Send notifications to hotels and guest houses to get ready to provide enough space for patients if necessary.

4 - Start procuring minimum stock of all the required medicine and other important stuff.

5 - Accurately report the hospitalizations and number of deaths. Hiding the truth will mean that the population will not take the threat seriously.

6 - Start an aggressive print and electronic media campaign on how to maintain personal hygiene to prevent spread of bacteria.

7 - Encourage (or make compulsory) the work from home environment.

8 - Instruct all Masajid Imams to finish the prayers (including Jumma) as soon as possible, and close the mosques right after fardh prayers so that people complete Sunnah and Nawafils at home.

9 - Prepare to lock down the cities where the cases start rising quickly. Call Pakistan Army for help to effectively lock the cities/ towns where the risk is high.

10 - Ban all non essential travel to top ten countries affected by coronavirus.

With the kind of healthcare system that we have, the only thing our government can do is to raise awareness and take preventive measures. If we do not take the steps now, it will be extremely difficult for Pakistan to stop this disease before it kills hundreds of thousands of people.


@Mangus Ortus Novem @Dubious @SIPRA @The Eagle @Slav Defence @StormBreaker @Ace of Spades @Starlord @Areesh @Path-Finder @Signalian @waz @Horus @WebMaster

Exceptional write up!
People are not taking this seriously. Religious gatherings, weddings in private lawns and picnics at beaches are still on.
Army and Police will have to intervene here. Put people back in their houses. Just what Saudia is doing. Patrolling areas and shutting down any activity.
yeh qoum bohot jahil hai. They are “enjoying “ holidays from kids school. Some are running away from tests refusing to quarantine.
Inko sirf danday smaj ate hai.
There is a reason why its called "Coronavirus Pandemic".

In western countries people are urge to stay isolated and only go to work (unless you can work remotely), get groceries & medicine etc, which means completed "social distancing" and desert outdoor actives, simply because prevention is better than cure. Better not to eat outside, dont go to gym and avoid the crowd etc. Social distancing will also ensure that effected people wouldn't spread to others.

However, in Pakistan people are taking downtime as "paid holidays", which is insane. They fail to understand the seriousness of this this virus. Infact, today WHO has released a statement, according to which, COVID-19 can survive in the air


Thats why its vital to void the crowd and stay home.
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