@Irfan Baloch @AgNoStiC MuSliM Doesn't this sentence comes under sectarianism considering JUIF follows Deoband Sect.
not really to be honest. they are a religious political party and Molana Sahib never presents himself as a Deoband party.
being a registered political party that contests elections blocks roads and criticises other political parties it is only fair that it gets criticised for its words and actions.
I have Deobandi family and friends and they never seen Fazl Rehman as representing their faith.
I understand but he didnt call them.out for their faith but instead called out the so called secular parties PPP and MQM.
Fazl sahib once justified Al qaeda and TT no? was not very thrilled with idea of merging tribal areas with settled Pakistan
it was a political stand.
the terrorist ideology is that of TTP and Al Qaeda..... NOT JUI F and its members.
Please read again brother. I get it that poster must have written clearly but I read his post many times and decided
the criticsm is on PPP and MQM despite being secular
the terrorist ideology is that of Al Qaeda and its pakistani versions that took arms against state of Pakistan
JUI F only took a political view of opposing our support of American war on terror and in early 2000s sided with a radical sentiment in the society specially to oppose Musharraf.
I see JUI F chief as a shrewd and skilled politician who knows what stance to take. it has nothing to do with our respected Deobandi brothers in faith.
if still not happy I can take it in private conversation.